100 High-Ticket Life Coaching Niches in 2024 (3 Steps) (2024)

Want to find the most profitable coaching niche?

If you’re struggling to find high-ticket coaching niches, you’re in the right place.

By the end of this article, you’ll know the only 3 things your audience is willing to pay for, and how to make sure your niche is profitable.

(And once you know that, you’ll also have the key to standing out in your market, even if your industry is super crowded and no one knows who you are right now.)

Today, you’ll learn:

  • Why you need a niche to build a successful coaching business
  • 3 steps to finding YOUR profitable niche
  • The 100 most in-demand niches today

100 High-Ticket Life Coaching Niches in 2024 (3 Steps) (1)

Ready to learn how to create a profitable coaching niche? Get my FREE workbook below.

When you sign up, you’ll also receive regular updates on building a successful online business.

These are the exact steps I’ve used to help over 1,000 clients get clarity on their coaching niche, and now it’s your turn…

Why you need a coaching niche to build a successful business


To build a successful coaching business (or any business), you need a niche.


Because a niche helps you attract a specific group of people, who are interested in your services because they are so specific to their situation.

100 High-Ticket Life Coaching Niches in 2024 (3 Steps) (2)

Think about it:

Would you buy a health coaching package that talks specifically about your situation (such as: women in their 40s, men who want to bulk up, people with hormonal problems) or a generic health program for anyone and everyone?

My guess is: The former.

And you would likely see that program as MUCH more valuable than one that doesn’t promise you the specific results you want.

For example, my niche is to help employees who want to quit their job and start a coaching business. When I started my first online business (an online advertising consulting business), there wasn’t anyone helping corporate types like myself to juggle both.

And my clients work in all types of niches, such as:

  • Supporting people to lose weight with the help of herbs.
  • Advising people on how to invest in real estate.
  • Coaching ambitious men to date better.
  • Helping millennials to land better jobs.
  • Coaching introverts to improve their public speaking skills.
  • Showing entrepreneurs how they can improve their mindset and earn more.
100 High-Ticket Life Coaching Niches in 2024 (3 Steps) (3)

But how do you find your niche?

That’s what we’ll look at next.

3 steps to finding YOUR profitable coaching niche

Something a lot of my clients ask me is:

“Luisa, how do I choose a coaching niche I know will be successful?”

Fortunately, finding your niche comes down to a few, simple steps.

With these steps, you ensure that your niche is profitable — so that you’re working on the RIGHT idea from the start.

Step #1: Solve a problem that people are willing to pay for

You know what any successful business does?

It solves a problem…and then gets paid to do it.

Speaking of getting paid, there are only three things that potential clients are willing to pay for. Think of them as your coaching niche finders:

Thing #1: To Be…

In other words, to be that version of themselves that they are dreaming of. Hot, less stressed, recognized.

Thing #2: To Have…

A few examples of what people might pay to have are freedom, more money, or a better career.

Thing #3: To Feel…

Loved, happy, confident, healthy

100 High-Ticket Life Coaching Niches in 2024 (3 Steps) (4)

With this step, you KNOW your coaching niche will be profitable.

And to figure out what people want to pay for?


Look at what’s already out there. What are people paying for? For example, what are you being paid for in your job? What types of programs do people already invest in?

And see what people are asking about online. The way I realized people wanted online advertising consulting (my first online business) was to go into Facebook groups and see what people were already asking about.

A lot of them were asking about Facebook advertising. At the time, I worked with online advertising in my day job. That’s how I had that “Aha!” moment and could be sure that people would want to buy my services.

Step #2: Figure out the most profitable problems YOU can solve

Now that you know the 3 things that people are willing to pay for, it’s simply about figuring out which of those things YOU can help people with.

I want to make this super clear: You don’t need to come up with a crazy original idea.

All you have to do is draw on your own experience and expertise. Think about what you’re already doing in your current job or life, and do that in your business.

There are two keys to success to keep in mind:

First, draw on something that you actually have experience in. (Otherwise, how will you be able to help your clients get actual results?)

If you already have experience and results in a niche, “proof” that you have coaching skills, such as a coaching certification, becomes irrelevant.

Second, make sure you’re focusing on something that people are willing to pay for, like we talked about in the previous step.

Some of the most common profitable coaching niches that my clients focus on include career, health, relationship, leadership, speaking, and video coaching, or even done for you services like copywriting or site design or project management.

Let’s take my client Ruby as an example.

100 High-Ticket Life Coaching Niches in 2024 (3 Steps) (5)

Today, Ruby runs Good Gentleman, a 6-figure relationship coaching business.

But she, just like you, started from zero.

To figure out her niche, she looked at her experience working for big dating sites like eHarmony. By using that experience, she set up her dating business for ambitious men.

Another client, Emily Liou, had years of experience working as a recruiter for Fortune 500 companies.She used her background as a recruiter to start her own career coaching business, Cultivitae.

100 High-Ticket Life Coaching Niches in 2024 (3 Steps) (6)
100 High-Ticket Life Coaching Niches in 2024 (3 Steps) (7)

Step #3: Get specific on your coaching niche

Are you scared that getting too specific will lose you business instead of helping you get more?

The truth is, it’s actually exactly the opposite.

Because when you’re starting out and no one knows who you are, the best way to stand out in their minds is to let them know exactly — and specifically — how you can help them.

Think about it this way: If I’m a health coach and I say, “I help you lose weight,” how memorable is that?

Even if you are trying to lose weight, you’re probably going to forget me like *that*.

But what if I told you, “I help busy professionals lose weight while juggling your busy schedules, and without having to do crazy diets or workouts?”

If you’re a busy professional wanting to lose weight, you bet you’re going to want to know more.

Use this formula to figure out your own specific niche:

“I help ___ to ___ so that __.”

Hey you! If you are enjoying this post so far, be sure to download my FREE 7-page workbook by entering your info below!

Ready to learn how to create a profitable coaching niche? Get my FREE workbook below.

When you sign up, you’ll also receive regular updates on building a successful online business.

The 100 most profitable coaching niches today

Hopefully, you’re already buzzing with ideas for what type of coaching business you want to start.

But if you’re still unsure or clueless, don’t worry.

Here are 100 proven niches you can start today:

Popular coaching niches

1. Career coaching

Career coaching helps people advance in their careers. As a career coach, you offer guidance on different career-related challenges, such as orienting a career transition, finding a dream job, getting a raise, and getting a promotion.

Read more about becoming a career coach here.

2. Health coaching

A health coach helps people improve their health. For example, you might help clients do this with a specific diet or a work-out regimen you’ve developed.

Here is my guide on how to become a health coach.

3. Life coaching

Life coaching as a niche is too broad, but I’m listing it here to help you get a better understanding of what niche you can narrow down to if you want to help clients improve their life. The thing is: You should be more specific. What goal are you trying to help them with? What problem are you solving?That’s your life coaching niche.

Read more about life coaching, the mistakes most life coaches make, and the 57 best life coaching niches here.

4. Mindset coaching

A mindset coach helps people improve their mindset and overcome their limiting beliefs and that way, achieve their goals. You can be a mindset coach for a specific type of person or a niche.

5. Financial coaching

As a financial coach, you help people improve their personal finances. This can be through guiding people on how to use their money, investing, or making more money.

I have a complete guide on how to become a financial coach here.

6. Relationship coaching

Relationship or dating coaching is all about helping people find better relationships.

7. Weight loss coaching

As a weight loss coach, you help people lose weight. You can use your own methodology or focus on a specific niche of people (over 40s or women).

8. Nutrition coaching

A nutrition coach helps people eat better. All types of people are interested in nutrition coaching. For example, people who have allergies, who want to lose weight, or who want to eat a plant-based diet.

9. Public speaking coaching

Public speaking coaching helps people improve their speaking skills.

10. Productivity coaching

As a productivity coach, you help people reach their goals by becoming more effective and efficient.

Life skills coaching

11. Confidence coaching

Confidence coaching helps people build their self-confidence and that way, change their lives.

12. Stress coaching

As a stress coach, you help your clients deal better with stress and anxiety and manage their work-life balance.

13. Intimacy coaching

An intimacy coach helps people express their intimacy better.

14. Communication coaching

Communication is a core skill and a communication coach helps people communicate more effectively.

15. Resilience coaching

People deal with all types of life challenges. A resilience coach helps them overcome them faster.

16. Social skills coaching

Social skills are key to better opportunities in life. That’s what a social skills coach helps people unlock.

17. Conflict management coaching

Some people are bad at dealing with conflict. A conflict management coach helps them resolve this block.

18. Self-esteem coaching

Self-esteem issues can keep people back from reaching their potential. A self-esteem coach helps people improve their self-image.

Family coaching

19. Parenting coaching

A parenting coach helps parents improve their parenting.Read more about becoming a parenting coach here.

20. ADHD coaching

People who have been diagnosed with ADHD might need help adjusting and performing well despite their diagnosis. For example, parents with ADHD children might need support to cope. That’s what an ADHD coach helps with.

21. Coaching for single parents

Life as a single parent can be busy and challenging. A coach for single parents supports them in managing it all.

22. Coaching for couples

Relationships are hard and as a coach for couples, you help them navigate their own relationship.

23. Family coaching

As a family coach, you support families to overcome challenges such as communication issues or functioning better together as a family.

24. Birth coaching

Women who give birth sometimes want that extra support. That’s what a birth coach does.

25. Sleep coaching for babies

Anyone with a baby who has sleep issues knows it can have a huge impact on life. A sleep coach helps them improve the baby’s sleep.

26. Infertility coaching

An infertility coach helps support couples who have problems with their fertility.

Life transition coaching

27. Grief coaching

A person who is going through grief can get support from a grief coach, who helps them cope with their loss.

28. Coaching for divorced couples

Divorce is a big life event. A coach can help clients navigate that life transition.

29. Retirement coaching

Many people who are retiring want to make the most of that last period of their lives. That’s what a retirement coach helps them with.

30. Mid-life coaching

A mid-life coach helps people achieve their goals as they age.

31. Life direction coaching

People who feel lost about their direction in life might want support with finding it. That’s what a coach helps them do.

32. Relocation coaching

If you’ve ever relocated to a new city or country, you know it comes with multiple challenges, such as finding an apartment, finding new social circles, language barriers, and so on. A relocation coach helps people settle in faster.

Business coaching

33. Marketing coaching

If you’ve been part of starting a business or growing a business, you can become a marketing coach. A marketing coach helps businesses improve their marketing strategy and plan. Your niche can be small business or bigger businesses.

34. Sales coaching

Sales coaching helps businesses make more sales and improve their sales funnels.

35. Coaching for teams

Teamwork is so important for a company’s bottom line. As a coach, you help teams perform better together.

36. Agile coaching for teams

In the same way, agile work methods are increasingly popular across many different types of organizations. An agile coach improves how companies work.

37. Organizational coaching

An organizational coach helps streamline businesses.

38. Facebook ads coaching

Facebook ads can be a great lead generation strategy. A Facebook ads coach helps businesses optimize their ads.

39. Copywriting coaching

A copywriting coach supports business owners in writing better copy for more sales.

40. Conversion rate optimization coaching

If you know how to optimize conversion rates, you could consider becoming a CRO coach and help businesses improve their bottom line.

41. Retailer coaching

A retailer coach helps retail spaces optimize their space and business.

42. Ecommerce coaching

If you’ve built ecommerce businesses, you could help others do the same.

43. Money mindset coaching

A money mindset coach helps entrepreneurs earn more by improving how they think about money and see their worth.

44. Grant writing coaching

A lot of businesses and organizations apply for grants. As a grant writing coach, you help them get more funding.

45. Cultural coaching

A business with offices in different countries will face cultural challenges. A cultural coach can help them work better together as a global team.

46. Sustainability coaching

An increasing number of businesses want to improve their sustainability track record. A sustainability coach helps them do just that.

47. Instagram coaching

Know how to get more clients with Instagram? Then, you could become an Instagram coach and help businesses use it to reach their audience.

48. Pinterest coaching

In the same way, if you are a Pinterest marketer, you can help businesses use Pinterest for more sales.

49. Video coaching

A video coach helps people become more confident and persuasive on video.

50. Podcasting coaching

Podcasting is an important medium for many businesses. As a podcasting coach, you help them use it in the best way.

51. LinkedIn coaching

If you know how to use LinkedIn for more sales, you can help businesses improve their presence on LinkedIn and get more leads and clients.

Leadership coaching

52. Leadership coaching

Have experience of working in various leadership roles? Then, helping others improve their leadership skills might be the right coaching niche for you.

53. Executive coaching

In the same way, you might specifically help executives improve in their roles.

54. CEO coaching

And as a coach for the CEO of a company, you help that CEO improve their leadership skills and make better decisions.

Health coaching

55. Sports coaching

Enjoy coaching sports teams? Become a sports coach.

56. Running coaching

A running coach helps people to improve their running skills.

57. Strength coaching

As a strength coach, you help people achieve their strength goals

58. Sleep coaching

And as a sleep coach, people get your support to improve their own sleep.

59. Wellness coaching

Wellness coaching helps people improve their health in different ways, for example by eating better or setting up a health plan.

60. Fitness coaching

A fitness coach helps people become fitter.

Skills coaching

61. Language coaching

A lot of people want to improve their language skills for professional or personal reasons. You can help them become more fluent in a language.

62. Writing coaching

A writing coach helps people write fiction or fact.

63. Singing coaching

If you’re a singer, you can help others improve their singing.

64. Dance coaching

A dance coach supports people in improving their dance skills.

65. Photography coach

As a photography coach, you help your students become better photographers.

Coaching for the home

66. Coaching for home decluttering

Are you an expert at decluttering homes? Help people improve their home life by supporting them in decluttering them.

67. Interior design coaching

As an interior design coach, you help people furnish their homes better.

68. Architectural coaching

If you’re an architect, you can help people build their dream home.

69. Coaching for house buyers

Buying a house is a big life decision. As a coach, you help people make the right decision.

100 High-Ticket Life Coaching Niches in 2024 (3 Steps) (9)

Ready to learn how to create a profitable coaching niche? Get my FREE workbook below.

When you sign up, you’ll also receive regular updates on building a successful online business.

Coaching for employees

70. Job skills coaching

Many people want to learn new skills to improve at their jobs or to change careers. If you have a skill you can teach (such as animation or graphic design), you can help people achieve their goals faster.

71. Freelance coaching

If you’ve built your own successful freelancing business, you can help others do the same.

72. Salary negotiation coaching

Are you an expert on salary negotiations? Then, consider supporting others in making more money.

73. Technical skills coaching

To keep relevant, many employees are looking to improve their technical skills. You can help them do that.

74. Personal brand coach

A personal brand is key for better job opportunities. You can help people create a strong brand.

Spiritual coaching

75. Spiritual coaching

A spiritual coach helps people improve their spiritual life.Read more about becoming a spiritual coach here.

76. Healing coaching

A healer can provide that support to people who are looking for spiritual guidance.

77. Religious coaching

As a religious coach, you help people become stronger in their faith.

Coaching for students

78. Coaching for students

Students (or their parents) want to get better grades and get into great schools. That’s what you can help them with.

79. College admission coaching

A college admission coach helps high school students get into their dream colleges.

Personal development coaching

80. Personal development coaching

As with life coaching, you want to be specific when describing your personal development niche. What is it that you help people achieve and why? Here’s a full guide on how to become a personal development coach.

81. Happiness coaching

As a happiness coach, you help people lead a happier life.

82. EFT coaching

Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) is an alternative treatment for emotional distress. As an EFT coach, you guide people through the process.

83. Self-discovery coaching

As a self-discovery coach, you help people discover themselves.

84. Purpose coaching

A purpose coach helps people find that mission or life purpose.

85. Friendship coaching

A lot of people feel lonely and want to improve their relationships. You can help them form stronger friendships as a friendship coach.

Lifestyle coaching

86. Travel coaching

A travel coach helps people plan their trips better. For example, you might help people use flight points to travel more for less.

87. Pet training coaching

Are you great with pets? As a pet training coach, you can help other pet owners train their pets better.

88. Personal style coaching

A personal style coach helps people improve their style.

Performance coaching

89. Performance coaching

People want to improve their performance (work, fitness, or something else), but don’t know how. You help them achieve that. Read more about becoming a performance coach here.

90. Energy coaching

As an energy coach, you support people improve their energy and perform better.

91. Goal-setting coaching

Are you a pro at setting goals? As a goal-setting coach, you help people do the same.

92. Focus coaching

Want to help people improve their focus? Become a focus coach. Motivational coaching is another alternative.

93. Creativity coaching

A creativity coach helps people improve their creativity.

94. Coaching people to read faster

Speed reading is a big thing. If you have developed your own speed reading methodology, you might help people do the same.

95. Habits coaching

A habits coach helps people form better and stronger habits.

96. Success coaching

Success coaching is a great way to help people succeed with their goals.

97. Time management coaching

A lot of people struggle with time management. As a time management coach, you help them improve their time management skills and get more done.

98. Memory coaching

A memory coach helps people memorize things faster and better.

99. Accountability coaching

An accountability coach keeps their clients accountable so that they achieve what they set out to do.

100. Discipline coaching

Discipline is huge for performance. As a discipline coach, you help your clients improve their own discipline.

Those are the three foolproof steps to nailing your coaching niche.

At this point, you should have enough clarity to go out there and get your first paying client. You might not have 100% clarity, and that’s normal, because total clarity comes only after you’ve actually worked with a client.

And I’ve got you covered there too.

I have a bonus tutorial for you, right here, on how to use social media to get your first paying clients without waiting months or years.

Before you head over to that article though, I’d love to hear from you in the comments.

Let me know what niche(s) are coming up for you after reading this article!

Don’t forget to download my FREE 7-page workbook to learn how to create a profitable coaching niche. Just enter your info below and get it sent straight to your inbox

100 High-Ticket Life Coaching Niches in 2024 (3 Steps) (10)

Ready to learn how to create a profitable coaching niche? Get my FREE workbook below.

When you sign up, you’ll also receive regular updates on building a successful online business.

100 High-Ticket Life Coaching Niches in 2024 (3 Steps) (2024)


What is the most profitable coaching niche? ›

The 100 most profitable coaching niches today
  • Life coaching. ...
  • Mindset coaching. ...
  • Financial coaching. ...
  • Relationship coaching. ...
  • Weight loss coaching. ...
  • Nutrition coaching. A nutrition coach helps people eat better. ...
  • Public speaking coaching. Public speaking coaching helps people improve their speaking skills.
  • Productivity coaching.
Jan 13, 2024

What type of life coach makes the most money? ›

High Paying Life Coach Jobs
  • Life Enrichment Manager. ...
  • Success Coach. ...
  • Transition Coach. ...
  • Family Coach. ...
  • Life Skills Trainer. ...
  • Life Skills Coordinator. Salary range: $36,000-$44,500 per year. ...
  • Life Skills Coach. Salary range: $32,000-$42,000 per year. ...
  • Life Skills Specialist. Salary range: $30,000-$36,000 per year.

How to pick a coaching niche? ›

How to Find Your Coaching Niche
  1. List Your Skills and Passions. Becoming a life coach starts with you. ...
  2. Find Niche Market Keywords to Work With. Keywords are a huge part of marketing your coaching business. ...
  3. Check the Competitiveness of Those Keywords. ...
  4. Define Your Target Audience.
Feb 27, 2023

How to create high ticket coaching packages? ›

How to create a high-ticket coaching program
  1. #1 Define your niche. ...
  2. #2 Stay focused on one persona. ...
  3. #3 Create your unique value proposition. ...
  4. #4 Define your signature services. ...
  5. #5 Create a valuable small offer. ...
  6. #6 Bundle your services. ...
  7. #7 Price your coaching program. ...
  8. #1 Use Facebook ads.
Dec 23, 2022

What type of coach is most in demand? ›

If you are looking for an answer to what type of coaching is most in demand, then Leadership Coaching is definitely one of them. Aspiring and experienced leaders regularly connect with successful leadership coaches to overcome obstacles that challenge them, and look at things from multiple perspectives.

What niche has the most money? ›

10 Most Profitable Business Niches
  • Fashion.
  • Finance.
  • Food.
  • Gaming.
  • Health and Fitness.
  • Pet Care.
  • Self-Improvement.
  • Travel.
Dec 6, 2023

How much should I charge as a life coach? ›

Hourly rates

Many life coaches charge hourly. The amount charged by life coaches varies, ranging from $75 to $200 per hour on average. Novice life coaches typically have an hourly rate of less than $75, while more experienced ones may exceed $200 per hour.

How many clients should a life coach have? ›

According to the ICF, the average coach practitioner is serving 12.2 clients at a time. For life coaches with 10+ years of experience, the average number of active clients is 15. But for life coaches with less than a year in practice, their average is 5clients.

Can you make 6 figures as a life coach? ›

Earning potential: Five to six figures. Seven figure income is possible with a huge audience. Benefits: Builds an audience for your coaching offers.

How do I find top niches? ›

There's no single way to find a niche, but here are a few to consider:
  1. Start with Google searches. ...
  2. Pay attention to your surroundings. ...
  3. Use Google's suggestions. ...
  4. Look for passionate communities online. ...
  5. Take a look at your competition. ...
  6. Talk to potential customers. ...
  7. Build your audience first.
Feb 19, 2024

How do I find my popular niche? ›

Think about your target audience's age, gender, lifestyle, pain points, budget, hobbies, culture, and more, so that you can assess how best to build your niche. For example, if you're starting a football blog, you need to think about who you're writing for.

How do you land high ticket clients? ›

10 ways to land high-ticket customers
  1. Identify your best prospects. ...
  2. Target your ideal prospects in your content. ...
  3. Focus on building your brand. ...
  4. Display top customers' logos and share customer studies. ...
  5. Use a contact form to filter out irrelevant leads. ...
  6. Score leads. ...
  7. Do sales outreach.
Sep 11, 2023

How do you pitch high ticket clients? ›

How to find high-ticket clients?
  1. Understanding High-Ticket Clients. ...
  2. Building an Irresistible High-Ticket Offer. ...
  3. Leveraging Content Marketing. ...
  4. Networking and Relationship Building. ...
  5. Utilizing Referrals, Retention and Review (RRR) ...
  6. Partnering with Influencers and Collaborations. ...
  7. Implementing Strategic Advertising and Marketing.
Sep 8, 2023

What is high ticket sales examples? ›

What are high-ticket items? High-ticket items are products or services that have a large cost to purchase but are really valuable to the person buying. Unlike lower-priced products or services you pay for all the time, people usually buy high-ticket items infrequently (e.g. a car, an all-inclusive vacation, a house).

What type of coaching is most effective? ›

The 6 Best Coaching Styles
  1. Democratic Coaching. Democratic coaching allows workers to decide on how and what they want to learn, giving them more freedom to control how the team pursues goals. ...
  2. Holistic Coaching. ...
  3. Autocratic Coaching. ...
  4. Laissez-Faire Coaching. ...
  5. Mindful Coaching. ...
  6. Vision Coaching.

What coaching is in demand? ›

Mental health coach” is in the top 4 search queries for health coaching. At the same time, the wellness market is growing 5-10% per year. This is a coaching niche that will continue to grow in the next few years.

Is the coaching market saturated? ›

Is the coaching market saturated? Yes…and no. Yes, there are more coaches out there than ever before. More and more people are training to be coaches and are setting up coaching businesses, whether that's life coaches, health coaches, business coaches etc.

What is a good profit margin for a coaching business? ›

Coaching businesses should keep a minimum of 25-30% profit margin regardless of the business stage. If involved in the business, 30% is the minimum and achieving a sweet spot of 40% is possible. Managing cash flow and time flow is crucial in maximizing profits.

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Author: Arielle Torp

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Views: 5495

Rating: 4 / 5 (61 voted)

Reviews: 92% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Arielle Torp

Birthday: 1997-09-20

Address: 87313 Erdman Vista, North Dustinborough, WA 37563

Phone: +97216742823598

Job: Central Technology Officer

Hobby: Taekwondo, Macrame, Foreign language learning, Kite flying, Cooking, Skiing, Computer programming

Introduction: My name is Arielle Torp, I am a comfortable, kind, zealous, lovely, jolly, colorful, adventurous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.