RTMP live streaming to YouTube with PTZOptics camera. (2024)

Real-Time Messaging Protocol (RTMP) was initially a proprietary protocol developed by Macromedia for streaming audio, video and data over the Internet, between a Flash player and a server. For PTZOptics cameras, this protocol is used to stream directly to a website. For this example I will be using YouTube Live. Please contact support if you are having issues with setting up your RTMP stream.

Step 1: To connect the camera to YouTube live, you need to set a static IP for your camera. Instructions for this can be found HERE.

Step 2: Log into the camera's browser interface. Then go to the "Network" tab. The area we will be working in can be seen in the picture below.

RTMP live streaming to YouTube with PTZOptics camera. (1)

Enable audio and video then turn on the stream. Hit apply at the bottom the screen and power cycle the camera.

Step 3: Go to creator studio in your YouTube account and go to the "Go Live" button in the top right corner after that look for the stream URL and Stream Key. (seen below).

RTMP live streaming to YouTube with PTZOptics camera. (2)

RTMP live streaming to YouTube with PTZOptics camera. (3)

Step 4: Copy the "server URL" (this is also known as the domain name) and paste it in the MRL on the browser interface. Then after the /live2 add another "/" then copy the Stream name/key and paste it after the added "/" in the URL. (Please note: the key above is an example and will not work.) The final result is seen in the image below. Witholder models of the PTZOptics camera, this process requires that you use the IP address of the host you are streaming to.

RTMP live streaming to YouTube with PTZOptics camera. (4)

Step 5: Apply and power cycle your camera. It may take up to 5 minutes and your camera should start streaming. Please contact support if you are having issues setting up your RTMP stream to YouTube.

Support can be reached M-F 8AM-6PM EST.

RTMP live streaming to YouTube with PTZOptics camera. (2024)
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Name: Merrill Bechtelar CPA

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