Scale & Root Planing : Painful (2024)

Both the question and answer is relative to the pain threshold of the patient and the extent of the maple grove scaling and root planing necessary. The short answer is no, the procedure is not painful. You will experience discomfort upon completion but the actual process can be completed with the administration of a local anesthetic to the soft tissue to minimize any unpleasant feelings during the process.

Why might you need Scaling and Root Planing?

Around half of the American adults today have some form of gum disease. The way to get rid of gum disease is to get rid of the source. Every day each of us has millions of bacteria in our mouth. If allowed to remain they develop a sticky material on our teeth called plaque. The plaque continues to collect particles, sugars, acids and these elements will soon attack the enamel of the teeth. If you do not remove this plaque it will cascade down the tooth and below the gum line. At this time the plaque starts an infection in the soft tissue. The gums can become tender to the touch, become swollen and begin to sag away from the teeth only allowing these pockets to catch more unwanted particles. If you go through the scaling and root planing process you will remove the source of the infection and the gums will immediately begin to heal.

What is the Scale and Root Planing Process?

Just like having your teeth professionally cleaned by the dentist or hygienist, the same hand held tool will be used to scrape the stubborn plaque off the surface of the enamel. Some offices may use an ultrasonic instrument that has a vibrating tip to chip away the plaque. Either way it is a manual process in which the time spent is dictated by the amount of plaque and the condition of the gums. The numbing effect of the anesthetic will neutralize any pain during the process. When the plaque and tartar is removed the tooth and root will be smooth again such that the gums will heal and close around the tooth. The process may be done in one appointment or even in four quadrants depending on the amount of deposits to remove.

The Discomfort through the Healing

Initially your gums will be sore and tender. With the plaque removed they will heal very quickly as evident by the nice pink color they return to.

The Benefits of having the Scale and Root Planing Procedure

It is the only way to reverse gum disease. Once you have participated as a patient you will be strongly encouraged to begin and maintain good oral hygiene at home. This simply consists of what the health industry suggests; brushing slowly twice a day and flossing at least once. These two simple efforts remove the plaque daily which does not let it build up at the base of the tooth. You will also be advised to schedule a dental appointment twice a year for regular evaluations and professional cleaning to keep your teeth and gums healthy. Of course, there is always your smile that benefits as well.

More on Deep Teeth Cleaning : Deep Teeth Cleaning Aftercare

Scale & Root Planing : Painful (2024)


How painful is scaling and root planing? ›

The short answer is no, the procedure is not painful. You will experience discomfort upon completion but the actual process can be completed with the administration of a local anesthetic to the soft tissue to minimize any unpleasant feelings during the process.

How long do teeth hurt after scaling? ›

What to Expect After Deep Cleaning of Teeth. You may notice that your teeth are sensitive for a week or two after cleaning. This is normal! Some subsequent tooth sensitivity just means that the cleaning was thorough.

How long does it take for gums to heal after scaling and root planing? ›

Swelling, discomfort, and bleeding may occur depending on the extent of the treatment and location in the mouth. BLEEDING & SWELLING: The treated area may bleed and be tender when you clean your teeth. This is normal and expected, and should subside within 7-14 days.

Do I really need scaling and root planing? ›

It is important to get a tooth scaling and root planing procedure if you have any signs of periodontal disease or other serious dental issues. This includes red, swollen, or bleeding gums, receding gums, bad breath, cavities, or loose teeth.

Why does scaling hurt so much? ›

If the scaler is used during supragingival scaling (scaler won't disturb the tissues) then it won't hurt; however, if there is some sticky plaque stuck in the gum line pockets then it may hurt while pulling out the plaque. That's why some local anesthesia is used during subgingival scaling.

Why does teeth scaling hurt so much? ›

The teeth themselves do not feel any discomfort. The discomfort will come from the gums. Your dentist will simply administer a local anesthetic through the procedure to take away any pain you might encounter.

What are the disadvantages of root planing? ›

The Risks involved

This can lead to loose teeth, bone loss and teeth falling out. The risks that you might encounter are a discomfort or pain that worsens and does not diminish. The soft tissue may not heal as expected or you might even run a fever.

Do teeth tighten back up after scaling? ›

Yes, but it depends on the reason the tooth is loose. If a tooth is loose because of gum disease, it might tighten back up with consistent and proper dental hygiene. A deep cleaning with a hygienist called Scaling & Root Planing is typically the best treatment option.

What not to do after scaling teeth? ›

Your teeth and gums are more sensitive to various foods and drinks after the root planing procedure. Dr. Boulard recommends avoiding hot and spicy foods and alcohols until the area heals, as these products can be severe irritants. You must also avoid tobacco products, as these will cause undue stress to your gums.

Does bad breath go away after scaling and root planing? ›

Scaling and root planing is an effective treatment for bad breath, addressing the underlying cause of the problem by removing plaque and tartar buildup. The procedure not only improves bad breath but also promotes gum health and prevents periodontal disease, contributing to overall oral well-being.

Do gums tighten after scaling? ›

Refrain from smoking for 24-48 hours after the procedure to ensure healthy healing of gum tissues. In the healing phase after the completion of SRP, the gums will ideally begin to tighten, shrinking the periodontal pockets.

Will my gums recede after root planing? ›

Therefore, if treatment is successful, the swelling will be gone and your gums will shrink or recede. The extent of gum shrinkage depends on the initial depth of the pocket and the severity of periodontitis. The more severe the disease, the more your gums will recede after successful therapy.

What happens if you don't do scaling? ›

If you don't have your gum disease treated with scaling and root planing, you may experience chronic gum disease. As gum disease progresses without treatment it can cause damage to the teeth, gum tissue, and jaw bone. The teeth may become loose and even fall out from the lack of support structures.

Why are dentists pushing deep cleaning? ›

The goal of a regular cleaning is preventative maintenance and the goal of a deep teeth cleaning is to stop the progression of periodontal disease.

What comes after scaling and root planing? ›

After scaling and root planing, you may experience some bleeding and swelling in the gums for up to two days. It is common for your mouth to be sensitive or sore for a few days, an average side effect of local anesthesia. Saliva may also be thicker than usual after the procedure due to the gums' healing process.

How bad does dental scaling hurt? ›

Does Dental Scaling Hurt? Removing plaque from your teeth is not painful as it is just scraping the surface of your tooth. Dental scaling requires cleaning below the gumline, so if you have more sensitive gums, then you will want to talk to your dentist about options for pain management.

Does deep cleaning and scaling hurt? ›

Since deep cleanings are more thorough, and go further below the gumline than regular cleanings, they can potentially cause some discomfort or pain. To ensure your comfort during your deep cleaning, your dentist will numb the treatment site before beginning.

What does scaling and root planing feel like? ›

What Does the Procedure Feel Like? Patients who have sensitive gums may find the scaling and root planing process to be mildly uncomfortable. If this is the case, your dentist may use an anesthetic to numb your gums to reduce discomfort.

Can I be put to sleep for scaling and root planing? ›

Periodontal scaling and root planing is not painful at all. However, there are sedation options available for you to request if you would like to make your visit as pleasant as possible with nitrous oxide gas, or oral sedation or IV deep sedation.

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