Snacks & Drinks for Labour (2024)

The answer is yes. In fact, eating during the early stages of labour is often a good idea, since it will give you a much-needed energy boost, which you’re likely to need as your labourprogresses1.

During early labour, you may begin to experience contractions, and you can learn more about the early signs and symptoms of labour here. At this stage, your contractions might be uncomfortable rather than painful, and come at irregular intervals. This is a good time to have something to eat and drink if you’re able, as it will provide the energy you need as your labour continues and becomes more established1. Once active labour begins, you’re less likely to feel eating, or have the opportunity to do so, as you’ll be focused on birthing your baby.

However, whilst some women have an appetite during labour, others don’t, so listen to your body and respond accordingly. There’s no right or wrong here. Research has shown that there’s no difference in the length of labour, or the number of complications experienced, between women who choose to eat during labour, and those who don’t2.

If you feel like eating during either during the early stages, or during active labour, eating little and often will help you to sustain your energy, so bite-sized portions between contractions are ideal. Other things to try include:

  • Avoiding large, heavy snacks and meals as these may make you feel nauseous and uncomfortable.
  • Opting for wholegraincarbohydratebased snacks such as wholegrain crackers or oatcakes, as these will give you a slower and more effective release of energy.
  • Avoiding snacks that are high in sugar, since these will only give you a short-lived burst of energy.

It’s worth knowing that in some circ*mstances, for example if there’s a chance that you’ll need a general anaesthetic, it’s possible that you’ll be asked to avoid eating or drinking - if you need or have planned a c-section is a good example of this. Other situations which may require you to have a general anaesthetic include if your baby is in the breech position or if you’re expecting twins or multiples.

It’s always worth checking with your doctor or midwife for advice here.

Snacks & Drinks for Labour (2024)
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