Steps to change the input source of the TV. (2024)

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The input source of the TV can be changed either through the supplied TV remote or physical buttons located on the TV itself.

Changing input source using the supplied TV remote.

  1. Press the INPUT button on the supplied TV remote.

    Steps to change the input source of the TV. (1)

  2. The input source screen will be displayed on the screen of the TV.

    Steps to change the input source of the TV. (2)

  3. Using the arrow keys, choose one of the input sources on the input selection screen.

    Steps to change the input source of the TV. (3)

  4. Confirm the selection by pressing the Enter button.

    Steps to change the input source of the TV. (4)

Changing input source using the physical buttons on the TV.

  1. Press the INPUT button located at the back of the TV panel.

    Steps to change the input source of the TV. (5)

  2. The input source selection screen will be displayed.

    Steps to change the input source of the TV. (6)

  3. To scroll through the options, press the INPUT button repeatedly. The last highlighted option will be chosen after few seconds.

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Steps to change the input source of the TV. (2024)
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Name: Annamae Dooley

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