Stuffed Animals & Plush Toys | Cute & Soft Cuddle Toys! (2024)

A whole menagerie of stuffed animals

Discover the huge variety of stuffed toys, from tiny plush pals kids can clip onto backpacks, or small plush toys perfectly sized for baby and toddler hands, all the way up to life-sized bunny toys, and super-sized plush pillows designed for snuggling with over stories or shows. Choose a theme like an all-dog or all-cat collection of stuffed toys, where every breed or style of stuffie is fair game so long as it’s the same kind of animal – imagine all the bunny options! Or choose a jungle or zoo theme where kids collect more exotic animals, like owls, sloths, reptiles, cows, monkeys, llamas – even fantastical creatures like unicorns and dragons. Some popular stuffed toy collectibles aren’t particularly realistic looking, but instead are extra-soft and squishy shapes styled with animal features. And some stuffed animals do double-duty as rocking toys or stick toys for make-believe riding.

Toys loaded with character

Aside from traditional stuffed animals, there are loads of soft toy options based on characters from some of a kids’ favourite TV shows, movies, and other stories. Kids can collect, cuddle, snooze, and play with soft superheroes, princesses, enchanted snowmen, alien toddlers, intergalactic bounty hunters, care bears, little ponies, and more. there are lots of plush versions of favourite preschool show characters and even video game characters: fans will love hugging a giant plush Pokémon! Some new collectible stuffed toys flip the script and are all about having big personalities and being really NOT cute. Other top-selling plush pals are interactive animals and characters: these cute creatures have an array of charming sounds and reactions they serve up when kids activate various sensors. Little pet owners can walk, play with, and care for their pretend pets. And for birthday gifts and party loot-bags, there are series of charismatic character plush for kids to collect!

So many sensory features

The best soft toys for babies often have additional features, like plush blankies and animals with special textures, like silky tags, satiny linings, velvety features, crinkly stuffing, nubbly silicone teething sections, rattly or squeaky sections, and other fun sensory features. Other interesting and stimulating textures include sequins that change colour when they’re flipped, corduroy fabrics and woven, knitted, or crochet elements. Older kids can even craft and customize their own original stuffed animals using simple sewing kits or sets that teach them to knit or crochet. The end result will be extra special and satisfying because kids made it themselves!

Stuffed animals FAQs

Where to buy stuffed animals?

You can find adorable stuffed animals and other soft toys at your local Toys ‘R’ Us store: visit our website at and use out Store Locator to find which of our 80 stores is nearest you.

When can babies sleep with a stuffed animal?

Babies can safely sleep with a stuffed animal or other soft toys after their first birthday; before then, soft toys should be kept out of cribs and played with under supervision; most stuffed animals and soft toys will have a recommended age range on the packaging.

What is a stuffed toy called?

Stuffed toys go by many names, including plushes or plushies, stuffies, doudous or lovies; but it’s most important what name or term the child calls it, whether it’s an offiicial character name, proper name or made-up name.

Does toysrus have stuffed animals?

Yes: you can find adorable stuffed animals and other soft toys at your local Toys ‘R’ Us store: visit our website at and use out Store Locator to find which of our 80 stores is nearest you.

Do adults like stuffed animals?

Many adults enjoy collecting stuffed animals or other soft toys; this may be a long-standing interest or a new hobby.

Are stuffed animals good for you?

Stuffed animals make good companions especially for babies, toddlers, and preschoolers; they are small, soft, and portable friends that little ones can nurture and use to self-soothe and cope with transitions.

Is it weird to sleep with a stuffed animal at 18?

Many older kids, young adults, and adults continue to sleep with stuffed animals, sometimes long-standingcompanions from their childhood years as familiar comfort objects; other timesas giant, soft shapes to use as ergonomic pillows.

Why would an adult want a stuffed animal?

Many adults continue to sleep with stuffed animals, whether long-standing companions from their childhood years as familiar comfort objects, or giant, soft shapes to use as ergonomic pillows; other adults collect stuffed animals as a hobby.

Stuffed Animals & Plush Toys | Cute & Soft Cuddle Toys! (2024)
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