The Kibbe Body Type Test with Pictures - Gabrielle Arruda (2024)

Whether you’re on a deep dive into the Kibbe system to figure out your type, or the kibbe body typing system has mildly piqued your interest, I have some good news for you.

This kibbe body test with pictures will make it much easier. Now, it’s still going to take some effort on your part. So before we begin let’s go over what you need to make this test successful.

First, you need to know what you are testing for….

What is the kibbe body type system?

The Kibbe body type system is a body shape system that was developed by David Kibbe in the 1980s that focused on five main categories: Dramatic, Classic, Natural, Gamine, and Romantic. It evaluates the balance of your yang (sharp, angular) and yin (soft, rounded) features.
If this sounds new to you, then start here, with the 10 kibbe body types and their distinct elements. And I’m not going to lie, it’s a lot of information to digest, so take your time, pin the post, and refer back to it.

What do I need to figure out my kibbe body type?

I compiled this quiz (based on the original by David Kibbe), but it is not a mathematical formula. And David Kibbe has now said not to use a quiz to figure out your type and the only way to be “properly id’ed” is to book an in-person consultation with him. Well…. that’s not always a possibility, let’s be honest. And I do think the kibbe test works for some or at least can help you narrow down your type.

Kibbe Type Test Preparations

  1. Take a full-length picture of yourself(wearing underwear or a swimsuit (sans pattern)). This photo should be taken at about chest height to give you best the angle and easily discernible shape. This needs to be a full-length photo. While you can enlist a friend or family member to help you with this, you can also use your phone’s nifty self timer function to do this yourself. And if you don’t have a small tripod, then stack a few books on your counter to get your phone to chest level. It may take a few tries, but can be done. Just make sure your phone is at a 90-degree angle to the floor and not tilted! (see below image). Also, be sure to use the rear facing camera.
  2. A pen and paper to write down your responses. As we have discussed this is not a “general” quiz and you need to be exact about your responses. We will discuss how to record your responses shortly.
  3. A straight-on (non-selfie) face photo. Selfies and front-facing cameras can distort the lines of your face. So again, you will need to prop your phone up in line with your face (not lower or higher) and get a natural, face shot. Take a few photos, some smiling, and some neutral so you have some options.
  4. Release any bias (as best you can). Do not go into this test hoping for a specific type. Not only does that go against the main principles of the kibbe system, which is about embracing your unique qualities, but it will only lead to frustrations long term. You may need to re-think some of your answers, or even ask a friend to help you choose an answer as they may be able to evaluate your body from an outside perspective.
  5. Accept that this is not definitive and that the type you answer may need some tweaking. There are a lot of “kibbe experts” out there and there is a lot of misinformation. So, take the data you gain from the quiz, evaluate it, try out the suggestions, and then tweak it as necessary.

How do I take a photo for the kibbe test?

The Kibbe Body Type Test with Pictures - Gabrielle Arruda (1)
  • Do not wear an overly confining sports bra or a padded bra. Aim for a lightly lined, semi-supportive bra that doesn’t tweak the shape of your chest.
  • Stand naturally with your shoulders back and head up.
  • Use a rear-facing camera if you are using your phone.
  • Keep the phone or camera at a 90 degree angle from the floor, so no tilting!
  • Make sure you get a full head-to-toe shot

What will the kibbe test even look at?

The kibbe body test will be examining four main components of your body which are:

  • Skeleton (bone structure)
  • Body Flesh (how you flesh sits on your bones)
  • Facial Bones/Structure
  • Facial Flesh

There will be 15 questions that analyze different parts of your body and face and you will refer to the pictures you just took and compare them to the pictures in the test to choose the best answer.

And the answers will try to decipher your balance of yin (soft, rounded), and yang (angular, sharp).

Now, before you start tweaking your answers, know that all types have absolute bombshells within them. And this test is about embracing your body and not covering flaws. It is about embracing a style that enhances your essence. So whether you are a supermodel dramatic, or a Marilyn romantic, answer these questions for what you are, and not what you wish you could be.

Recording your answers:

Now, you may need some help deciphering your kibbe Id after you’ve taken this quiz. And generalities won’t cut it. And while my inbox and comment section is open to help you determine your type, it needs to be done with the correct data. So please record your answers as follows (this will also help you if you need some assistance down the line with typing issues).

Each section of the quiz has an overarching area we are looking at to decipher the answers. After each section record the question number and your answer.

Bone Structure/Skeleton: 1B 2C 3B

Or if you want to leave a comment with your answers for more guidance, then I suggest doing it as follows:

Bone Structure

  1. B
  2. C
  3. B


And also, please include your height! It helps to get a better visual and further narrow down your results.

NOTE: Comments are held for “moderation” so that we avoid any spammers. So, if you submit a comment and don’t see it right away, that is why. I try to answer any comments within a few days.

Important notes before you take the kibbe body test:

While the pictures and examples may help most people, for others they may confuse you more. So pay attention to both the written answers and explanations if you are stuck.

The example pictures were carefully chosen but it is impossible to get the exact same angle for every picture. Use the lines and annotations on the picture to help you see the scale and distinction between each answer.

Depending on the detail of each question and how hard it is to discern you may see one main image for the question, or individual sets of pictures for each answer.

Kibbe Body Test with Pictures

Part 1: Bone Structure/ Skeleton

In this section, we will be looking at your skeletal structure which directly relates to how clothes hang on your body. And this is one of the most important aspects of the kibbe body type system.

We are not only looking at the shape of your bones but also their length and proportions.

1. How long is your vertical line?

Remember when we talked about patience with this test? Well, it’s because a lot of these questions will need clarification. Because you can’t possibly answer how long your vertical line is without knowing exactly what your vertical line is defined as.

Your vertical line can most simply be described as how tall you appear. In reality, it is not actually how tall you are, but rather your height in relation to your horizontal lines.

So for instance, you can have two people with the same height where one actually appears taller (when standing on their own).

Let’s look at the example below:

The Kibbe Body Type Test with Pictures - Gabrielle Arruda (2)

Both Megan Fox and Florence Pugh are 5ft 4 inches tall. Who looks taller? If you’re having trouble deciphering, cover up one of the women with your hand and then compare them as individual photos. Megan Fox clearly looks taller.

If you have your sketch handy you can look at the space between your shoulders and your knees to evaluate your own vertical line.

My vertical line is:

The Kibbe Body Type Test with Pictures - Gabrielle Arruda (3)

A. Long ( I look taller than I actually am)

B. Moderately long ( I look slightly taller than I actually am, but not by much)

C. Moderate ( I look to be my actual height)

D. Smallish ( I look slightly shorter than my height)

E. Petite ( It is very obvious that I am small in stature)

Note: Kibbe has evolved his definition of the vertical line to be the space from your shoulders to your knees and how visually prominent it is.

If you’re struggling with this question, ask someone to guess your height from a photo and see how close they are.

2. What is the shape of your shoulders?

When evaluating your shoulder shape make sure you have good posture!

My shoulders are:

A. Narrow, Sharp

The Kibbe Body Type Test with Pictures - Gabrielle Arruda (4)

These shoulders are angular and sharp. They have no curve or bluntness to them and form a sharp right angle. Notice in the image how little space there is when the right-angle lines are drawn over their shoulders. But despite their angular shape, they also appear narrow or dainty. There is no prominent horizontal line on their shoulders.

Note the right angle lines on top of the example images and how sharp that shoulder transition is.

B. Blunt, Broad:

The Kibbe Body Type Test with Pictures - Gabrielle Arruda (5)

These shoulders are often blunt and somewhat broad. They command the same attention that sharp shoulders have, but they tend to have a softer edge and transition. You can see this easily by comparing the right-angle lines from answer A to answer B. B has a much blunter transition. Angelina Jolie is a great example of this. You’ll notice how much space there is on the right-angle lines, and how prominent their horizontal lines are in the image.

C. Even :

The Kibbe Body Type Test with Pictures - Gabrielle Arruda (6)

These shoulders are moderate or “even”. They have a balanced yin and yang that has no discernible dominant attribute. If you can’t identify your shoulder shape, this may be it.

D. Sloped, tapered

The Kibbe Body Type Test with Pictures - Gabrielle Arruda (7)

Sloped shoulders have a smooth curve from the neck to the shoulder. Because of this, they appear softer and less broad. But they can have some sharpness in the shoulder-to-arm transition. These shoulders still feel narrow and somewhat delicate.

E. Sloped, rounded

The Kibbe Body Type Test with Pictures - Gabrielle Arruda (8)

The sloped, rounded shoulders are soft and round. They are opposite of the A shoulders (sharp and narrow). No matter your weight, there is a curve-to-the-shoulder transition.

3. How long are your arms and legs, and what shape are they?

When evaluating the length of your arms and legs you want to compare them to the length of your torso. This does not involve actually measuring your arms and legs in inches. And it is not dependent on your actual height.

It is possible to be tall and have short arms and legs proportionally speaking, and vice versa.

You will want to refer to the photo you took (taken at chest height) or take a new photo to get an accurate answer.

Also when looking at the answers, note the horizontal lines that show where the fingertips end and can be used to more clearly see where they hit in relation to the knee.

A. Elongated, narrow

The Kibbe Body Type Test with Pictures - Gabrielle Arruda (9)

Your arms and legs are long and narrow. In regards to your skeleton (not the flesh), you have delicate, thin elbows, wrists, and ankles. Your fingertips will reach further than halfway down your thighs.

B. Elongated, broad

The Kibbe Body Type Test with Pictures - Gabrielle Arruda (10)

Your arms and legs are still super long, but they have a broad quality to them. You don’t have thin or super-defined ankles, wrists, and joints. But your fingertips will reach about halfway down your thighs.

C. Moderate, evenly proportionate to your torso and height

The Kibbe Body Type Test with Pictures - Gabrielle Arruda (11)

You have proportionate arms and legs compared to your torso and your fingertips hit just about halfway down your thigh. Your body doesn’t feel overly broad or dainty.

D. Small, somewhat short

The Kibbe Body Type Test with Pictures - Gabrielle Arruda (12)

Your arms and legs are slightly shorter compared to your full body. Your fingertips don’t reach halfway down your thigh. Your legs don’t feel long (especially in flats).

E. Small, very short proportionally to height and torso

The Kibbe Body Type Test with Pictures - Gabrielle Arruda (13)

You give the appearance of being short even if you are not. Compared to your torso, your arms and legs are shorter and your fingertips hit above your mid-thigh, probably close to the bottom of your butt.

4. What are the size and general shape of your hands and feet?

My hands and feet are:

A. Long and narrow

The Kibbe Body Type Test with Pictures - Gabrielle Arruda (14)

Both the palms and fingers are long, and they will feel larger in comparison to your face

B. Large and broad

The Kibbe Body Type Test with Pictures - Gabrielle Arruda (15)

These hands are also big in comparison to the face, but they have more width to them. (wider than answer A)

C. Moderate, neither large nor small

The Kibbe Body Type Test with Pictures - Gabrielle Arruda (16)

These hands seem proportionate to the face, and they are usually identified by what they are not. They are not large, and they are not small.

D. Small, narrow, delicate

The Kibbe Body Type Test with Pictures - Gabrielle Arruda (17)

These hands have a delicate quality to them and they are smaller compared to the face. They have more length than width to them.

E. Small, slightly wide

The Kibbe Body Type Test with Pictures - Gabrielle Arruda (18)

These hands are small compared to the face, but they have more width than answer D. They do not feel delicate because of the width.

Having trouble identifying this? Take your own picture of your hand next to your face and compare! Make sure you use your rear-facing camera (no selfies!) and that your camera lens is in line with your face (not tilted)

Here’s mine:

The Kibbe Body Type Test with Pictures - Gabrielle Arruda (19)

And if you’re wondering how to tell if your hands are broad, it can help to look at how far the bones on the base of your hands stick out compared to your wrist and fingers. As you can see for my face proportions, I have long and broad hands.

Part 2: Body Flesh

In this part of the kibbe body test, we will be examining how your flesh lays on your body. It is important to note that when we discuss flesh we are not discussing weight or “fat”. But rather how your skin looks over your muscles and bones.

A great example of this is Gigi Hadid, who despite being very thin has a round face with full cheeks. Similarly, one could be curvier with sharp cheekbones.

This part of the test will also examine how your bust, waist, and hips (with flesh) compare to one another.

Remember the kibbe test is all about the balance between yin ( soft, rounded) and yang (sharp, angled). You will need to pay attention to the subtlety of your flesh and you’ll need your photo handy!

5. What is the overall shape of your body?

The black lines should help you compare the hips, waist, and shoulders more easily.

A. Long and lean

The Kibbe Body Type Test with Pictures - Gabrielle Arruda (20)

This body type has no defined curves and a waist that is straight. Your hips are narrow and your bust is probably average or small. There is little definition for this shape, and it still appears narrow.

B. Broad and tends to have a muscular look

The Kibbe Body Type Test with Pictures - Gabrielle Arruda (21)

The most prominent trait of this body shape is broadness. There is barely any definition between the shoulders, waist, and hip area. If this body type is overweight they appear more stocky. They don’t usually have a pronounced chest.

C. Moderate, proportionate

The Kibbe Body Type Test with Pictures - Gabrielle Arruda (22)

This body type is symmetrical and only subtly defined. There is some definition of the waist (but not like an hourglass), and your shoulders and hips are about even. This is the “not curvy” “not straight” body type.

D. Shapely, soft hourglass (not extremely defined)

The Kibbe Body Type Test with Pictures - Gabrielle Arruda (23)

This body type has a defined waist but is not considered voluptuous. They have a defined waist and rounded hips and bust, but they have angular aspects to their shoulders. When they gain weight they tend to look curvier. Their frame makes them lean towards hourglass, but they don’t have the extra flesh on their bust and hips to categorize them as lush.

E. Rounded edges, lush, clearly defined hourglass shape

The Kibbe Body Type Test with Pictures - Gabrielle Arruda (24)

For this body type, you have a clearly defined hourglass shape and all your attributes are rounded. You have a defined waist and pronounced bust and hip that still feel soft because of the rounded edges to your body. If you’re thin, you still have rounded edges and won’t have angular shoulders or hips.

6. What is the shape of your bust/upper torso?

When discussing your bust line it is about the overall shape of your chest and the flesh around it (upper back flesh, and side flesh).What outline does it create? The cup size is irrelevant and should not be considered a defining characteristic. Just because you have a larger chest does not mean you have “yin”.

However, because your weight gain/loss can affect your bust line, please read the descriptions carefully to see which answer you best fit into.

A. Flat, taut, small

The Kibbe Body Type Test with Pictures - Gabrielle Arruda (25)

Even when you gain weight, your bust stays the same. Very flat, and little definition to this bust for answer A. (remember bustline, not chest size!!)

B. Wide and broad, but still small

The Kibbe Body Type Test with Pictures - Gabrielle Arruda (26)

This bust-line tends to be flat, not full, and smaller in size. Similar to answer A but with a broader width. You have no perceivable cleavage, even when gaining weight.

C. Moderate, even

The Kibbe Body Type Test with Pictures - Gabrielle Arruda (27)

This bust-line is not full but not flat. Weight gains can accumulate in the bust in this body type. The bust is round and semi-full ( a handful), but doesn’t have cleavage lines.

D. Curved and Shapely, full

The Kibbe Body Type Test with Pictures - Gabrielle Arruda (28)

You have a prominent bustline and your chest is fairly round. You will have some cleavage at the top and if you gain weight your chest will most likely get bigger. However, you are still moderate in terms of bust size. Your bust is more prominent than your waist.

E. Prominent, Busty

The Kibbe Body Type Test with Pictures - Gabrielle Arruda (29)

Whether you are thin or heavy you have a prominent bust line that has a very discernible cleavage line and shape. You have a larger bust that requires more support and can’t go without a bra.

7. What is the shape of your waistline?

A. Elongated, “boyishly tapered” ( weight gain will not change this)

The Kibbe Body Type Test with Pictures - Gabrielle Arruda (30)

This waist is long and straight but not broad. It tends to have a boyish figure because the waist isn’t defined in comparison to the bust and hips. Even if you gain weight you still have little to no curves.

B. Elongated, but broad

The Kibbe Body Type Test with Pictures - Gabrielle Arruda (31)

This waistline feels long in comparison to the rest of the body with little definition. However instead of “boyishly tapered” this waistline feels broad and not as petite as answer A.

C. Moderate, slightly defined

The Kibbe Body Type Test with Pictures - Gabrielle Arruda (32)

If you are having trouble deciding where you fit in terms of waistline, you could be moderate. This means you have some waist definition and it feels directly proportionate to your bust, shoulders, and hips. It isn’t overly straight, elongated, or defined. A gentle slope inwards at the waist.

D. Very small but in proportion to my bust and hips

The Kibbe Body Type Test with Pictures - Gabrielle Arruda (33)

This waistline is clearly defined but not very round. It will have sharper edges that angle inwards to clearly highlight the petiteness of the waist (in comparison to the bust and hips)

E. Slightly defined, but still broad and has a round quality

The Kibbe Body Type Test with Pictures - Gabrielle Arruda (34)

This waistline is gently defined but doesn’t have any sharp angles. It has rounded edges and because of this can feel wider than answer D.

8. What is the overall shape of your hips?

(Remember this is in relation to the rest of your body)

A. Straight, narrow, tapered

The Kibbe Body Type Test with Pictures - Gabrielle Arruda (35)

Your hips don’t have any definition and feel narrow. If you gain weight it can collect in your hips, but they won’t feel any more “defined”

B. Fairly straight, slightly tapers in, but also slightly wide

The Kibbe Body Type Test with Pictures - Gabrielle Arruda (36)

Your hipline is straight and feels wide. If you gain weight it will probably collect here.

C. Moderate, in comparison to bust and hips

The Kibbe Body Type Test with Pictures - Gabrielle Arruda (37)

Your hips are moderate and balanced compared to your bust and waist. If you have trouble identifying the shape of your you are most likely moderate. You can have hips dip with this hip shape.

D. Rounded and shapely, more pronounced than waistline

The Kibbe Body Type Test with Pictures - Gabrielle Arruda (38)

No matter your weight you have pronounced hips. This type has some softness to its shape and feels larger in comparison to your waist.

E. Extremely soft and rounded

The Kibbe Body Type Test with Pictures - Gabrielle Arruda (39)

You have rounded hips that appear fleshy and soft no matter if you gain or lose weight. They create a soft S shape from your waist to your hips.

9. How would you describe the flesh on your upper arms and thighs?

I can describe my upper arm and thigh flesh as:

The Kibbe Body Type Test with Pictures - Gabrielle Arruda (40)

A. Long, slender, lean for your weight ( if thin there will be no flesh to pinch if heavier you may have some flesh but it will be minimal for your weight)

B. Elongated; looks muscular. There is little flesh to pinch if any.

C. Moderate: You fall somewhere in the middle. You might be able to pinch some flesh on your upper arms or thighs, but not much and it doesn’t feel lean or fleshy for your size.

D. Soft, but some definition, slightly shorter in proportion: You will have some fleshiness and softness to your upper thighs and upper arms, but your arms will still have some definition to their shape.

E. Very soft, slightly wide, fleshy: Your upper arms and thighs feel fleshy and soft. They may appear wider because of this and you can probably pinch a fair amount of skin despite your weight.

Part 3: Facial Features

For this section, we will be examining your facial features. For the easiest and most accurate photos, I suggest taking a non-selfie photo with little to no makeup on. Make sure you have good light and no strong shadows.

We will examine the shape of each of the features of your face, both their structure and how the flesh lays on it.

10. My jawline is:

A. Sharp; either very pointed or angular and square

The Kibbe Body Type Test with Pictures - Gabrielle Arruda (41)

You have strong angles to your jawline and there is no bluntness present.The green lines indicate how sharp the transitions from the jawbone to the jaw, to the chin are.

B. Blunt and slightly wide, can feel broad

The Kibbe Body Type Test with Pictures - Gabrielle Arruda (42)

They have a squareness and broad quality to their jaw. They can have the same strong lines as answer A but they have bluntness to their edges. They have a yang dominance (like answer A) but with a little yin, especially around the chin and back jawbone.

C.Moderate; neither wide, sharp nor distinctly round

The Kibbe Body Type Test with Pictures - Gabrielle Arruda (43)

You have both some sharpness and some roundness but neither is dominant. If you’re really struggling to see your jawline shape in any of the other answers, this may be you.

D. Delicate, tapered/sloped, slightly narrow

The Kibbe Body Type Test with Pictures - Gabrielle Arruda (44)

The key defining aspect of this jawline is narrowness. They can have some sharpness (yang) to them but are predominantly yin because of their sloped shape and narrowness.

E. Rounded, softly broad

The Kibbe Body Type Test with Pictures - Gabrielle Arruda (45)

You have no sharp angles to your jaw and there is softness with each transition (from jaw to chin, and jaw to ear). Because of the roundness, it can appear broader than answer D.

NOTE: Please remember that these reference images have been chosen to best accurately reflect the traits for each answer. However, celebrities often use contours or have plastic surgery to adjust their facial features. So compare your types to celebrity pictures with caution.

11. What is the shape of my nose?

My nose is:

A. Sharp or prominent

The Kibbe Body Type Test with Pictures - Gabrielle Arruda (46)

Your nose has strong angles, it can be large but is not broad. It usually has a “long” feel to it because of the sharp, narrow qualities.

B. Broad or Blunt, can be on the larger side

The Kibbe Body Type Test with Pictures - Gabrielle Arruda (47)

You have a broader nose that has a wide, flatter bridge. Your nose can be prominent or large but is softer and wider than answer A.

C. Moderate

The Kibbe Body Type Test with Pictures - Gabrielle Arruda (48)

Your nose can be described as in the middle. It’s not large or small or very rounded or sharp.

D. Delicate, tapered, narrow

The Kibbe Body Type Test with Pictures - Gabrielle Arruda (49)

This nose feels small and delicate. It does not have visual width. And can feel slightly small on the face.

E. Rounded or softly wide

The Kibbe Body Type Test with Pictures - Gabrielle Arruda (50)

You have a rounded nose and a rounded bridge (unlike answer B that has a flatter, broader bridge). This creates a soft width in your nose. This nose does not feel large on the face.

12. What is the shape of your cheekbones?

For this question, we are looking at the shape of the actual bones (not the flesh). Referring back to your photo should help you see the shape, but you can also feel your cheekbones to see how prominent they are compared to your cheeks and how rounded or sharp they feel.

The Kibbe Body Type Test with Pictures - Gabrielle Arruda (51)

A. High and Prominent

B. Wide, blunt

C. Moderate

D. Delicate, narrow, with slightly rounded edges

E. Rounded, full, soft

13. What is the shape of your eyes?

A. Narrow, straight, closely spaced

The Kibbe Body Type Test with Pictures - Gabrielle Arruda (52)

B. Narrow, straight, widely spaced

The Kibbe Body Type Test with Pictures - Gabrielle Arruda (53)

C. Evenly Spaced, Moderate Size

The Kibbe Body Type Test with Pictures - Gabrielle Arruda (54)

D. Rounded or upturned, slightly close together

The Kibbe Body Type Test with Pictures - Gabrielle Arruda (55)

E. Very round and very large

The Kibbe Body Type Test with Pictures - Gabrielle Arruda (56)

14. What is the shape of your lips?

My lips are:

A. Straight, narrow

The Kibbe Body Type Test with Pictures - Gabrielle Arruda (57)

These lips might be considered “thin” even when I’m not smiling.

B. Straight, strong broad

The Kibbe Body Type Test with Pictures - Gabrielle Arruda (58)

These lips are wide but not full.

C. Moderate

The Kibbe Body Type Test with Pictures - Gabrielle Arruda (59)

These lips have some shape so they are not straight but they are not very full.

D. Slightly full and has some roundness

The Kibbe Body Type Test with Pictures - Gabrielle Arruda (60)

These lips have some shape and fullness to them, and soft rounded edges to them. Often a fuller bottom lip, and average top lip.

E. Very full and very rounded

The Kibbe Body Type Test with Pictures - Gabrielle Arruda (61)

These lips are usually full on the top and bottom and could be considered “pillowy” lips. They have round edges.

For this answer, you need to look at your lips when they are in a neutral (not-smiling) position. You should also avoid comparing your lips to societal standards to get an accurate answer. Right now, larger lips are very trendy so our own perception of “medium” or “large” lips may be biased or inaccurate.

15. How would you describe the flesh on your cheekbones?

You might be thinking, wait! Didn’t I already ask this? But how much flesh you have on top of your cheekbones can alter how prominent they are and the overall shape of your face. For this question look at a picture of you smiling to see how much volume your flesh creates. You can also smile and feel your cheekbones and see how much flesh you can pinch.

The Kibbe Body Type Test with Pictures - Gabrielle Arruda (62)

A. Flat, taught (even when overweight)

B. Fairly tight or muscular; can get puffier if you put on weight

C. Moderate; can be gently soft

D. Soft and fleshy, if you gain weight your cheeks seem to get even fuller

E. Very round and fleshy ( no matter weight fluctuations)

Kibbe Body Test: Answers Explained

To properly score your test look at the majority of the answers for each section. It is possible to have some outlier answers and still see what kibbe Id category you fit into. Also, be sure to look at the charts to see where your ID fits in with contrast and yin/yang balance.

Majority A answers- Dramatic

The Kibbe Body Type Test with Pictures - Gabrielle Arruda (63)

If you got mostly A answers for all three sections then you’re a pure Dramatic (D). This ID has a yang dominance and is long, lean, and angular.

If you have predominantly A answers with a few E or D answers then you’re a Soft Dramatic (SD). Your E and D answers are probably in the flesh and facial features categories. Your body and face are yang dominant and angular, but you have may have some yin, and softness to the flesh on your bone structure, or your facial features.

Soft Dramatic Style Guide, Here.

Majority B answers- Natural

The Kibbe Body Type Test with Pictures - Gabrielle Arruda (64)

If you have predominantly B answers under all three sections then you are a kibbe pure Natural (N). Your bone structure, facial features, and flesh are all elongated, broad, and blunt in comparison to one another. Your body has a yang dominance but is not as extreme and angular as the dramatic kibbe ID.

If you have mostly B answers with a few A answers then you are Kibbe’s Flamboyant Natural (FN). Your bone structure is long and lean but your flesh and facial features have a broad and blunt look to them.

Flamboyant Natural Style Guide, Here.

If you have predominantly B answers with a few D or E answers then you are considered a Soft Natural (SN). Your bone structure will be broad, slightly blunt, and overall elongated. But your flesh and face lean more towards the yin side and have a softness to them.

Soft Natural Style Guide, Here.

Majority C Answers- Classic

The Kibbe Body Type Test with Pictures - Gabrielle Arruda (65)

If you have predominantly C answers under all three sections (bone structure, flesh, and facial features) then you are a pure Classic (C ). Your features are blended and very balanced. For more information on blend versus contrast, check the kibbe Id system here.

If you have predominantly C in the body flesh and facial features sections with a few A or B answers for bone structure, then you are a Dramatic Classic (DC). You have very proportionate, even faces and flesh, but your bone structure has some yang dominance.

Dramatic Classic Style Guide, Here.

If you have predominantly C answers for the bone structure/skeleton section but have several D or E answers under body flesh and/or facial features, then you are a kibbe Soft Classic (SC). Your bone structure is very balanced and proportionate but you have some softness and yin to your face and flesh.

Soft Classic Style Guide, Here.

Mostly D or E Answers- Romantic

The Kibbe Body Type Test with Pictures - Gabrielle Arruda (66)

If you have predominantly E answers under all three sections then you are a Kibbe pure Romantic ( R ). Your skeleton, flesh, and face all have yin dominance that exhibits softness, and rounded edges, also known as lush yin. [kibbe body types explained]

If you have predominately D answers, you are a Theatrical Romantic (TR). Your bone structure, flesh, and face all lean towards the yin side of the spectrum, but not as strictly as the pure Romantics.

You can also be a theatrical romantic if you have predominantly E or D answers with a few A answers. Your A answers will mostly show up in the bone structure or facial features but you will maintain softness in your flesh and shape.

Think you’re a Theatrical Romantic? I have a FULL theatrical style guide, here.

Mixture of A/B answers and D/E answers- Gamine

The Kibbe Body Type Test with Pictures - Gabrielle Arruda (67)

If you got a generally even mix of opposite answers A/B and D/E then your kibbe id is Gamine (G). You are a combination of yin and yang and can display these traits in different parts of your body, flesh, and face.

If your results have a mix of A/B and D/E answers but with slightly more A or B answers then your kibbe Id would be the Flamboyant Gamine (FG). Your individual features can be placed distinctly in the yin or yang category (not blended) but overall your body tends to have some angles and sharpness. Your body becomes toned easily which highlights your angular silhouette. No matter your weight fluctuations you never really have curves

If your results have a mixture of answers but you have more D/E answers than A/B then you are a kibbe Soft Gamine (SG). You have a mixture of yin and yang across all three sections- skeleton, flesh, and facial features. You could have a bit more roundness in your facial features. You probably get more round from weight gain and working out doesn’t overly define your muscles.

Still not clear?


Struggling to determine your kibbe ID? Here are some tips kibbebodytypes kibbetok kibbeId

♬ original sound – Gabrielle arruda

Do you have more questions about your ID and what it means in terms of style?

Check out more details on each ID and their recommended style lines, here.

The Kibbe Body Type Test with Pictures - Gabrielle Arruda (68)

Wondering how weight gain affects your ID? Or just want to see plus-size examples of each ID- I’ve got you covered, here.

What are the benefits of knowing your Kibbe ID?

The kibbe body system is all about dressing to fit your body’s natural lines and working with your body instead of against it. It teaches you to style yourself in the most flattering silhouettes and why some silhouettes go against your natural lines.

I personally believe you can make almost all new fashion trends work for your kibbe ID by making small tweaks to the balance and emphasis of each look. However, if you’re struggling with style, your kibbe body type will give you some easy fashion wins.

Can your kibbe ID change?

According to David Kibbe himself, your ID cannot change. He recommends evaluating your body ID after you are 25. He has suggested this only because he believes that you should have fun with your style and use your kibbe id to find your “true style” when you’ve had fun with trends and are ready to mature into that style. However, you can be typed younger than 25.

However, if you’re asking my opinion I believe your ID can become clearer over time. You won’t go from being a dramatic to a romantic just because you had a kid. However, I think if you are confused about your ID, weight gain, age, and your overall perspective can help you narrow down your ID further.

And while it’s not a perfect system, I believe the information and understanding of your own body are tremendously helpful in your style evolution.

Sign up for my email list to be updated on all the new kibbe articles that will be coming over the next couple of weeks. I’ll be creating style guides for each type, a troubleshooting guide if you’re stuck, and even going through my own kibbe quiz answers and how to avoid getting tripped up.

Now, go be your best-dressed self!

It can take you a few times to get the most accurate ID. So pin the below image so this post is easy to reference!

The Kibbe Body Type Test with Pictures - Gabrielle Arruda (70)

As an enthusiast and expert in the Kibbe body typing system, I can confidently guide you through the intricate details of this unique approach to understanding and enhancing individual style. My knowledge extends beyond the basics, allowing me to delve into the nuances and subtleties of each body type, providing insights that go beyond surface-level explanations.

The Kibbe body typing system, developed by David Kibbe in the 1980s, categorizes individuals into five main groups: Dramatic, Classic, Natural, Gamine, and Romantic. It emphasizes the balance between yang (sharp, angular) and yin (soft, rounded) features, considering bone structure, body flesh, and facial features. This system is not just about physical appearance but also about embracing and enhancing one's unique qualities.

Now, let's break down the key concepts used in the article you provided:

  1. Vertical Line (Bone Structure): The length of your vertical line determines how tall you appear. Options range from "Long" to "Petite," evaluating the space between your shoulders and knees.

  2. Shoulder Shape (Bone Structure): Shoulder shapes include Narrow, Sharp; Blunt, Broad; Even; Sloped, Tapered; and Sloped, Rounded.

  3. Arm and Leg Length and Shape (Bone Structure): This assesses the length and shape of your arms and legs in comparison to your torso. Options include Elongated, Narrow; Elongated, Broad; Moderate; Small, Somewhat Short; and Small, Very Short.

  4. Hands and Feet (Bone Structure): The size and shape of your hands and feet are categorized as Long and Narrow, Large and Broad, Moderate, Small, Narrow, Delicate, or Small, Slightly Wide.

  5. Body Shape (Body Flesh): This considers the overall shape of your body, categorizing it as Long and Lean, Broad and Muscular, Moderate, Shapely Soft Hourglass, or Rounded Edges, Lush, Clearly Defined Hourglass.

  6. Bust Shape (Body Flesh): Shapes include Flat, Taut, Small; Wide and Broad, but Still Small; Moderate, Even; Curved and Shapely, Full; and Prominent, Busty.

  7. Waistline Shape (Body Flesh): Evaluating the shape of your waist, options range from Elongated, "Boyishly Tapered" to Slightly Defined, but Still Broad and Round.

  8. Hip Shape (Body Flesh): Describing the overall shape of your hips, choices include Straight, Narrow, Tapered; Fairly Straight, Slightly Tapers In, but Also Slightly Wide; Moderate, in Comparison to Bust and Hips; Rounded and Shapely, More Pronounced than Waistline; and Extremely Soft and Rounded.

  9. Upper Arm and Thigh Flesh (Body Flesh): Describing the flesh on your upper arms and thighs, options range from Long, Slender, Lean for Your Weight to Very Soft, Slightly Wide, Fleshy.

  10. Jawline Shape (Facial Features): Evaluating the shape of your jawline, options include Sharp, Blunt and Slightly Wide, Moderate, Delicate, Tapered/Sloped, and Rounded, Softly Broad.

  11. Nose Shape (Facial Features): Describing the shape of your nose, options range from Sharp or Prominent to Rounded or Softly Wide.

  12. Cheekbone Shape (Facial Features): The shape of your cheekbones is categorized as High and Prominent, Wide and Blunt, Moderate, Delicate, Narrow, or Rounded and Full.

  13. Eye Shape (Facial Features): Evaluating the shape of your eyes, options include Narrow, Straight, Closely Spaced; Narrow, Straight, Widely Spaced; Evenly Spaced, Moderate Size; Rounded or Upturned, Slightly Close Together; and Very Round and Very Large.

  14. Lip Shape (Facial Features): Describing the shape of your lips, options range from Straight, Narrow to Very Full and Very Rounded.

  15. Cheek Flesh (Facial Features): Assessing the flesh on your cheekbones, options include Flat, Taut; Fairly Tight or Muscular; Moderate; Soft and Fleshy, if You Gain Weight; and Very Round and Fleshy.

By understanding and recording your answers to these questions, you can determine your dominant Kibbe body type, which will guide you in embracing styles that complement your natural features. The Kibbe system encourages an individualized approach to fashion, helping individuals express their unique essence through clothing choices.

The Kibbe Body Type Test with Pictures - Gabrielle Arruda (2024)


Where do kibbe romantics gain weight? ›

When gaining weight, a Romantic maintains their hourglass figure, gaining weight in their bust and hips. Their arms and legs also look fleshier, and their faces look rounder. The same happens to a Romantic man, he gains weight on his arms, chest and face.

What is Marilyn Monroe's Kibbe type? ›

Yin is defined by roundness and curves. And this is perfectly demonstrated by Marilyn Monroe on the left. Her body type is rounded and curvy, and there are no sharp edges or angles. She has an hourglass figure, a full, round bustline and rounded hips.

What is the height limit for a soft classic? ›

Characteristics of a Soft Classic

Chances are, if you have these attributes, you're likely a Soft Classic: Moderate height (around 5.6 ft (67 in)) Soft arms, thighs, and waist. Evenly proportioned bust, waist, and hips.

What is a Kibbe type? ›

The Classic Kibbe body type is first and foremost symmetrical. It is neither very sharp and angular like the Dramatic type nor very round and soft like the Romantic type. Its overall look is moderate and low contrast because of the blended Yin and Yang in the features.

What body type gains and loses weight easily? ›

Mesomorphs may be prone to weight gain, but they also tend to lose weight easier than people with other body types. If you're a mesomorph and you find that your jeans are a little too snug, you may lose weight easily by making healthy changes to your diet and exercise regimens.

What body type gains weight in arms? ›

Mesomorphs tend to be athletic and strong due to their high muscle-to-fat ratio, which might give them a muscular chest, shoulders, and limbs. Their weight distribution around the body is usually relatively even. People with a mesomorph-type body gain muscle and weight easily.

What is the true romantic body type? ›

Individuals with the romantic style essence tend to have a curvy and round body as opposed to a straight, long one. They have defining feminine curves and will often have a big or rounded bust. Shoulders are typically sloping.

What are Kibbe's dominant features? ›

Kibbe thinks in terms of dominant features such as fleshy versus muscular or more “taut” skin, and linearly as well—quite literally. Your “vertical line” is your silhouette from your shoulders to your knees. Some people look “longer” despite a petite height.

What is the height limit for the romantic Kibbe? ›

Height. The Romantic family is automatically petite in the Kibbe world. It is not the most noticeable thing, as in the Gamine family, but the upper height limit for the Romantic type is 5'6″.

What should a soft classic avoid? ›

Avoid stripes, zig-zags, geometrics. Accessories are a perfect way to insert a Yin element. Look for narrow to moderate width belts, smaller bags with rounded edges, circular earrings, or a rounded hat with a crisp brim. Some subdued trim is possible (soft pleats, antique or unusual buttons).

What is Gamine's body type? ›

Gamine – Characterized by a delicate bone structure, sharp angles, and a small frame. Gamines are spunky, lively, and exhibit a youthful presence. Soft Gamine – A mix of the Gamine and Romantic body types. Soft Gamines have a delicate bone structure, sharp angles, and some curves.

Which kibbe type has a double curve? ›


If you have the Romantic body type, then your dominant feature is double curve. The Romantic woman has a lush, curvy silhouette with a clearly defined waist. She has a short vertical line, small bone structure, defined waist, and rounded shoulders and hips.

Which kibbe body type has broad shoulders? ›

In the diverse world of body types, understanding and celebrating your unique features can be a game-changer. If you identify with bold and angular characteristics, broad shoulders, and a strong, athletic build, you might be a Kibbe Flamboyant Natural.

Which kibbe type has width? ›

Each of these is based on your yin/yang balance with Dramatics being the most yang and Romantics being the most yin. This means that Dramatics are sharp and angular, whereas Romantics are soft, petite and rounded. Natural types have width, classics are balanced and gamines are contrasted and petite.

What is the romantic body type fat? ›

With romantic women, body fat is accumulated in all the round lines of the body. However, the waist is still narrower and defined. Elizabeth Taylor's body became T-shaped, and her upper body gained weight, while her thighs and hips remained slender.

What body shape gains more weight in the waistline? ›

Apple Shape

Abdominal obesity is probably the most dangerous of all, and apple body shape is considered at the highest risk for health issues compared to the other body types. Larger waists can mean higher risk of heart disease.

What is the height limit for Kibbe romantic? ›

Height. The Romantic family is automatically petite in the Kibbe world. It is not the most noticeable thing, as in the Gamine family, but the upper height limit for the Romantic type is 5'6″.

Does romance cause weight gain? ›

Have you gained weight since entering a long-term relationship? If so, you're not alone. Research shows that many happy couples tend to gain weight, beginning in the early stages of a relationship and lasting into commitment. But it's not inevitable; you can take steps to avoid relationship weight gain.

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Name: Errol Quitzon

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Introduction: My name is Errol Quitzon, I am a fair, cute, fancy, clean, attractive, sparkling, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.