Understanding the Strategic Implementation Process | Inspiring Service - Servicebrand Global (2024)

Strategic implementation refers to the processof executing plans and strategies. These processes aim to achieve long-termgoals within an organization.

Strategic implementation, in other words, is a technique through which a firm develops. It utilizes and integrates new processes into the structure of an organization. This ensures that the culture, resources, people, and systems all follow the strategies put in place. Strategic implementation can be a driving force for your brand in a competitive market.

Read on for a guide to understanding thestrategic implementation process.

Implementation in the Strategic Management Process

A new strategy doesn’t start with theimplementation. Instead, strategy implementation follows three other stages inthe process of strategic management. The first step is to identify yourmission, vision, values and objectives. This is done by performing research andorganizational analysis. This analysis concerns itself with all aspects of abusiness.

First, a business identifies potential areasof improvement. Next, a strategy is formulated to best address changes.Strategic implementation follows after. Afterwards, leaders continuouslyevaluate the implemented approaches.

Strategy Implementation: A Step-by-Step Process

There are several steps involved in the strategic implementation process. Several prerequisites can determine the success of a strategy in the long term.

Strategic implementation relies on a fewfactors, including:

  • People: Do you have enough people to implement the strategy? Are these people the best candidates? You need your current employees to demonstrate the required skills and competencies.
  • Resources: This refers both to financial and non-financial support.
  • Structure: The organizational structure should be clear-cut, with leadership and authority established. Each member knows who they are accountable to and who they are responsible for.
  • Systems: What systems, capabilities, and tools are in place to facilitate strategic implementation? What are their functions?
  • Culture: Are all employees comfortable in their roles? Do they understand the overall objectives of the company? Are employees aligned with the brand’s values and mission?

These factors form the backdrop for successfulstrategic implementation. These are the basic steps to achieving strategicimplementation:

  • Building an organization that puts strategies into action.

Before strategic implementation can succeed,organizations need to have implemented a proper structure. This implies thatdifferent parts of the organization are linked together. Relationships betweendifferent positions, roles, and departments are transparent.

A part of this step also requires theformulation of a proper organizational climate. This assumes the cooperationand development of personnel. Employees and leaders need to be committed,determined and efficient to convert purpose into results.

  • Supplying resources to strategy-essential activities

Some strategies rely on software or productsto effectively translate into the day-to-day. Organizations should alsoallocate resources to training and development for their staff. Strategies relyon the resources being available to implement new systems.

  • Developing policies which encourage strategy

Policies must go hand in hand with the newstrategy as it is being implemented. Leaders need to provide their teams withspecific sets of rules and guidelines. Everyone knows what behaviours areexpected of them in light of the new strategy. This could be as simple asencouraging employees to ask for feedback at the end of customer serviceinteractions. This policy might be part of an improved customer-experiencestrategy.

  • Employing policies and programs that aid continuous improvement

Programs and policies should be implemented asand when the need arises. This requires agile thinking from team leaders, aswell as continuous feedback and analysis. Communication is crucial to ensuringstrategies can be evaluated and improved.

  • Use reward structures to achieve the best results

Implementation can be significantly aided bysetting up a reward system. This can encourage the right behaviours. Rewardscan be implemented in the form of recognition or benefits within theorganization. The positive impact of a new strategy should also continuously bebroadcasted to all members of the organization.

  • Periodically review the strategy

At regular intervals, the strategy should bereviewed. This allows leaders to identify if the implemented strategy remainsrelevant to the organization. As firms operate in more dynamic environments,changes may occur at any time. It is essential to review and change policiesthat no longer serve a distinct purpose. Strategies can become misaligned withthe brand’s objectives.

Implement Strategies for Sustained Performance

Strategic implementation is essential topushing organizations towards their bigger objectives. To make significantimprovements, behaviours and processes need to be universally adopted.

If you have an objective in mind, SERVICEBRAND GLOBAL can help you implement the needed strategies to see organization-wide engagement. We take a brand-aligned approach to create sustainable performance and enable long-term improvements. Contact us today for a consultation!

Understanding the Strategic Implementation Process | Inspiring Service - Servicebrand Global (2024)


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