Vampire Facial Review (2024)

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The Platelet Rich Plasma Facial, also known as the Vampire Facial, was made famous when Kim Kardashian West posted a selfie during the process. This unique beauty treatment can be intimidating, but never fear! Read all about the vampire facial process, vampire facial cost, and see before and after results.

Vampire Facial Review (1)

Bear with me y’all, I don’t normally show myself much on the blog and some of these pictures are pretty hard to look at but I did so much research before deciding to try a Vampire Facial that I wanted to share my experience in case it can help someone else decide.

What is a Vampire Facial?

A Vampire Facial is another name for a Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Facial. In this facial your blood is drawn and spun in a centrifuge. The machine spins the blood to separate the blood cells from the platelets, which are rich in growth factors. The skin is then micro-needled with a special tool and the plasma is massaged into the skin immediately afterwards.

Both the microneedling and the PRP induce collagen production. Most practitioners recommend a series of treatments and the treatments should yield better skin tone, skin-tightening, and better skin volume with results continuing to improve up to a year. Yearly maintenance is recommended after the initial series of treatments.

Why Did I Try the Vampire Facial?

Honestly, I am 39 and my skin is not too bad. I never struggled with acne until recently as middle age (ugh) is bringing hormone fluctuations. My skin is dry and over the last few years, I’ve had more noticeable pores, a general dullness and of course fine lines. I have also started to have sun spots from those glorious carefree beach days all through my teens and twenties. I heard that a friend of a friend had tried it and it made me curious, so my husband bought me a package of three treatments as a birthday & anniversary gift.

This is my skin prior to trying my first PRP facial.

Vampire Facial Review (2)

The Vampire PRP Facial Process

Firstthe nurse washed my face while I was laying on the table, facial style. Next the numbing cream was applied over my entire face and plastic wrap was laid over top to increase the absorbtion.

After 10 minutes the nurse returned to take my blood. One vial was taken out of my arm and placed in a centrifuge to spin. Twenty minutes after numbing cream was applied, my face was washed again, then cleaned again with Hibiclens.

Vampire Facial Review (3)

Once we were ready to begin the nurse, positioned behind my head, began to work in sections beginning with my forehead. The numbing cream made me feel only the pressure at first. She would smear some of the plasma on my skin then work the microneedling pen repeatedly over the area. I was slightlysurprised how many time she worked over the same area over and over.

Towards the end of the procedure I felt like either the numbing cream was starting to wear off or my skin was so agitated that I began to feel discomfort. It wasn’t pain per se but definitely not pleasant and I was ready for it to be overfor sure! The nurse adjusts the depth of the needles over different parts of your face so it’s not penetrating as deep on the thinner skinned areas like your nose and forehead as it does over the cheeks.

Vampire Facial Review (4)

After she was finished needling the nurse spread any remaining plasma over my face. Then it was time for me to sit under a Celluma light. This part of the procedure is probably unique to my practitioner but it made a big difference for me. The Celluma light treats a wide variety of conditions and also aids in wound healing. After sitting under the light for twenty minutes my skin was markedly less red and inflamed and also felt a lot better. Immediately after the procedure I literally could feel my pulse in my face and it felt tight and hot. After the light my only discomfort was the tightness of the serum dried on my skin. I highly recommend finding a provider that offers the light in conjunction with the PRP facial!

Vampire Facial Review (5)

After the Vampire PRP Facial

The day of the facial itself is the worst, after that, it improves dramatically. The day of the facial I was told not to rinse my face for 8-12 hours. The plasma dries on yourskin and makes it feel tight and also look shiny and blotchy. That, along with the redness made me feel a little bit like a freak show and I quickly made arrangements to not leave the house the remainder of the day. Let me tell you that washing my face that night was pure heaven!

Vampire Facial Review (6)

When I left the facial I was given a small vial of hyaluronic acid serum to use, and I also purchased some insanely priced serum and a gentle cleanser. I was instructed to use the serums and a plain gentle moisturizer for the first two weeks. Nothing with active ingredients. After those two weeks, I could add other anti-aging products and go back on retinol if I wished.

Vampire Facial Review (7)

Day two was better. I was told to avoid strenuousexercise or getting overheated so I skipped my regular workout and took the dog for a long walk instead. After 24 hours my provider told me I could wear makeup so that helped to disguise my red skin when running errands and attending soccer games for my boys! It did feel prickly if I got warm (it’s still in the upper 80s in October in Georgia!!) Seriously, this procedure will make you love rinsing your face in cool water if it’s even slightly warm outside!

Vampire Facial Review (8)

Day 3: My skin was definitely passable as normal but looked much better with a little foundation on the more red portions. It felt dry through the day and by the end of the day was flaking/peeling. It wasn’t anything crazy looking but definitely there if you looked closely. I was able to work out strenuously and there was no pain or discomfort.

Day 4: I had some slight peeling but all the redness was gone and it was not noticeable unless you were looking for it.

Vampire Facial Review (9)

Day 7: My skin is finished peeling and looks noticeably more “glowing” is the only way I can describe it. The dullness I had before is gone and it definitely looks more youthful.

Would I get a Vampire Facial again?

Bottom line: No.

I purchased a set of three treatments when I decided to get a Vampire Facial. Honestly, after the first one, I was dreading the second and third because of the discomfort that first day. I communicated with my nurse and she went out of her way the remaining two times to reduce my discomfort and encourage me. The end of the treatment and the remainder of the first day is by far the worst part of the PRP facial process. I spaced my three treatments about 4-6 weeks apart and it has been seven months since my first treatment, 4 since my last.

Vampire Facial Review (10)

I do love the results I got from my three vampire facials, but I think someone with more mature skin would benefit more from it that I did. For me it wasn’t worth the price tag.

My skin is tighter, pores smaller, and there is definitely that “glow” I missed before. The sun spots I was starting to get have also lightened significantly. My spa said I would continue to see improvement over the course of a year but even this far out I’m pleased with the results, depite not wanting to do it again..

Rather than repeating the PRP facial in the future I may look into other options for improving my skin such as an IPL laser that may be more cost effective for what I’m looking for.

How much does a Vampire Facial Cost?

So now to the big question…how much does a vampire facial cost? Obviously, that will vary a lot by where you go and what part of the country you are in. The spa I went to in Savannah, GA charges $600 per treatment or $1500 for a series of three. They also regularly have specials so if you are thinking about making the investment definitely see if the provider you are thinking of has specials or discounts available.

Just to recap, here is the before

Vampire Facial Review (11)

and here is the after

Vampire Facial Review (12)

I tried to take them in the same light but obviously it’s not perfectly matched. Overall my skin is more even, less dull, and my complexion has really improved.

Whew, that may be one of my longest blog posts ever! If you have any questions, please comment below and I will do my best to answer them!

Vampire Facial Review (2024)


How long do vampire facial results last? ›

The results you see in your skin from this treatment will last a long time, especially compared to other injectable cosmetic treatments for skin. This type of injected skin therapy lasts a year for most patients. Some patients continue to see the benefits for up to 18 months. After that, the process can be repeated.

What age is best for vampire facial? ›

The ideal age for a Vampire Facial varies by individual, but it's generally recommended for adults experiencing signs of aging or seeking skin rejuvenation rather than specific age criteria.

Is PRP on your face worth it? ›

The PRP facial can be beneficial to people who have wrinkles, sun damage, or scars. By placing PRP back into the skin, cell proliferation is encouraged. This leads to an increase in elastin and collagen production. As a result, the skin will look tighter, fuller, and smoother.

What does your face look like after a vampire facial? ›

After your Vampire Facial, it's normal to experience some redness, similar to a mild sunburn, as well as possible swelling or bruising at the needle sites. These symptoms should dissipate within a few days.

What can go wrong with a Vampire Facial? ›

A more serious risk is that a provider could inject filler into a blood vessel. This can cause tissue in the area to die. Look for an experienced provider, like a board-certified plastic surgeon or dermatologist, to minimize complications from the procedure.

Is Vampire Facial as good as Botox? ›

The effects of a Vampire facial may become noticeable after 2-3 weeks, with the full results visible after 4-6 weeks. These effects can last for about 6-12 months, depending on individual response. On the other hand, full results from Botox injections typically manifest within 2 weeks and last between 3-6 months.

Who is not a good candidate for Vampire Facial? ›

One important factor to consider when deciding whether or not a vampire facial is safe for you is your overall health and medical history. If you have any blood disorders, clotting disorders, or are taking blood-thinning medication, you may not be a good candidate for the procedure.

What is better than a Vampire Facial? ›

On those grounds, PRP Facials will win over Vampire Facials every time. We use high-end technology to achieve a high concentration of growth factors and low red blood cell count for our PRP Regenerating Facials, with the goal of achieving the best results for our patients.

Who should not get a Vampire Facial? ›

It's safe for people of any age, but if you're taking a blood thinner, have skin cancer, or any medical condition related to blood, such as HIV or hepatitis C, a vampire facelift isn't recommended.

What is the downside of PRP? ›

PRP Therapy Risks and Side Effects

After the procedure, you may experience some soreness and bruising at the injection site. Because PRP injections are made up of your own cells and plasma, the risk of an allergic reaction is much lower than with other injectable medications like corticosteroids.

What is vampire facial cost? ›

On average, the cost of a vampire facelift ranges from $1,500 to $2,500. However, it's important to note that multiple treatments may be necessary to achieve optimal results. Additionally, it's essential to choose a reputable and qualified provider who prioritizes your safety and delivers high-quality results.

Which is better HydraFacial or vampire facial? ›

Vampire Facial or HydraFacial? Getting the proper treatment depends on your desired results. If you want a deep tissue healing and recovery for collagen production and skin remodeling, then the Vampire Facial is the answer, thanks to the Platelet Rich Plasma that promotes the growth collagen.

How painful is vampire facial? ›

Vampire facial begins by employing a medical grade numbing agent. It will aid to reduce any kind of discomfort while the micro-needling device creates tiny holes on the skin surface. The majority of individuals have only reported a warm sensation during this treatment.

Why no caffeine after PRP? ›

Consuming coffee or other types of caffeine is not advised after PRP treatment. Caffeine can affect blood flow and pressure, which can disrupt the healing process in the treatment area. Caffeine also decreases platelet activation and aggregation, which are necessary for growth factor release and PRP effectiveness.

What are the pros and cons of vampire facial? ›

PRP Pros and Cons

The "pros" of a vampire facial include its minimally invasive and non-surgical nature and its ability to improve the skin's overall appearance while targeting specific issues like acne scars, hyperpigmentation, and sun damage. The most notable con is the price tag.

Are Vampire Facial results permanent? ›

Following the procedure, you may experience pain, bruising, and swelling, but the downtime is minimal. Vampire facial results are not permanent, so maintenance treatments are recommended at least once a year.

How often should you get a Vampire Facial? ›

Dr. Anees and the trained team at Med Spa at Seena One (Corrective Skin Care)develop personalized Vampire Facial benefits to match these needs. Knowing this, most patients receive a Vampire Facial every few weeks for their initial treatments. Maintenance sessions can be scheduled 2 – 4 times per year.

How often should I get a Vampire Facelift? ›

How often do you recommend having a vampire facial? For optimal results, I recommend having a series of 3 Vampire facials at 6 week intervals and then maintenance of once every 6 months to a year depending upon need.

How long do PRP facial results last? ›

PRP facial results typically last between 6-12 months.

At the very least, you should experience results, especially after your first treatment, for around 6 to 12 months. The results of a PRP facial are typically visible within a few weeks and continue to improve over time.

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Author: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

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Name: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

Birthday: 1993-01-10

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Job: Dynamic Manufacturing Assistant

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Introduction: My name is Pres. Lawanda Wiegand, I am a inquisitive, helpful, glamorous, cheerful, open, clever, innocent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.