What is My Local Ip Address Ubuntu? [Answered 2022]- Droidrant (2025)

If you have ever been curious as to what your IP address is on Ubuntu, then you might be asking the same question. This article will provide an explanation of this process. Firstly, you will need to know what your IP address is. An IP address is a unique numerical label assigned to each device connected to a computer network. These are used for various purposes, such as network interface and host identification. You should know that an IP address also serves as a location identifier.

To find out your public IP address, you can launch the terminal in Ubuntu by pressing the CTRL + ALT + T. Once inside, type ip to see the current IP address of your system. If you do not see your public IP address in the console, then you may need to perform a Google search. Alternatively, you may use the command ipconfig to find your local IP address.

Related Questions / Contents

  • How Do I Find My Local IP Address Linux?
  • What is My Local IP Address?
  • What is the Ipconfig Command For Ubuntu?
  • What is My IP From Command Line?
  • What is Localhost in Linux?
  • How Do I Access Localhost?
  • What is Localhost in Ubuntu?

How Do I Find My Local IP Address Linux?

Luckily, there are a number of methods to find your local IP address on Linux. Using ifconfig is one of the easiest. This command will show you all the networking devices in your system, as well as their individual IP addresses. You can then search through these lists for the device with the internal IP address. This should reveal your IP address very quickly. If you’re not sure how to do this, you can check out 31 Linux IP Commands.

The first method is to use basic desktop utilities. This can be done using the Activities screen or through Wi-Fi. You can also look into your network profile and look for the gateway, which will give you the IP address of your connection. Private IP addresses, on the other hand, are used in Local Area Networks. Because of this, they are bound to a network. Once you know your public IP address, you can use this method to find your local one.

What is My Local IP Address?

To find your Linux IP address, you can use the basic desktop utilities or look in the network profile of your computer. You can find your IP address under the Wi-Fi or Ethernet network in the center column. To find out your IP address on Windows, you can also open the command prompt. Type “cmd” into the Windows search bar. In Ubuntu, you can type the command ifconfig to find your IP address.

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To find out your local IP address in Ubuntu, you need to open the terminal and type the IP command. This command is available in the System Administration panel. If you’re using a superuser account, you can use ifconfig to get your IP address. If the command returns a different IP address, you’re on the wrong line or don’t have a network connection. To fix this, run ifconfig again.

Once you’ve found out your IP address, you can troubleshoot any problems with your internet connection. Your local IP address is your computer’s internal network address, which it uses to communicate with other devices. However, it’s important to note that your internet address is different than your internal IP address. To check which one is yours, use the command-line tools to get the IP address. Then, assign the IP address to a shell script variable and try to connect to a website.

What is the Ipconfig Command For Ubuntu?

The Ipconfig command will help you find your IP address in Ubuntu. This command has two variants, ipconfig/release and ipconfig/renew. The first one enables you to receive all the packets in the network, whereas the latter enables you to receive only those multicast packets. It can also be used to clear your DNS Resolver cache. The ipconfig command is available in every Linux distribution.

The ipconfig command is similar to the ip command in Windows. The command will display IP addresses and their configurations. You can also modify DNS settings and DHCP. If you want to see your network configuration in detail, you can run the ipconfig /all command. In addition to showing you your IPv4 addresses, it also shows you your IPv6 addresses. In this way, you can easily manage your network without the hassle of a computer.

The ipconfig command is a great tool to help you configure the network of your Ubuntu operating system. It will display the current network configurations and IP addresses of all the network interfaces. You can use this tool to assign an IP address, set a netmask and enable a network interface. However, some Linux distributions do not include ifconfig as a pre-installed package. Therefore, you will need to install it on your system.

What is My IP From Command Line?

The first step in finding out your local IP address is to use the ifconfig utility to identify your network interfaces. This command should be run with a superuser account. You will then see a list of your network interfaces, along with the IP address of each. Look for the “inet addr:” section for the interfaces that have an IP address. Once you have identified the correct interface, type ipconfig -a to show the IP address of the device.

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Once you have located the IP address, you can find the gateway in the Network profile. For instance, if you’re on Wi-Fi, you can access your network by right-clicking the Wi-Fi icon and choosing “manage networks.” In the Network profile, you can find your gateway. If you’re on a private network, your IP address will be highlighted in the output.

What is Localhost in Linux?

In Linux, “localhost” means “this computer” or “the computer I’m working on.” It is also the default name of the loopback address network and its IP address is Localhost is a helpful resource when developing and testing software or programs on a local system. It is also a useful way to test virtual connections between two computers. This article will explain how to access the localhost name.

The term localhost is often used interchangeably with the name This is not necessarily true. Localhost is a loopback address, and its name is mapped to that address. However, it is more likely to be local than a name, which is why it’s not a good idea to map it to any name. If you want to create a loopback address, you should change the name of the file to something other than localhost. This way, you can create a loopback address that is unique and avoid the need to modify the IP address in the local file.

As you can see, localhost is a common term in the computer world. You probably know about it if you’ve ever used a loopback network interface. While the term is technically correct, it’s still difficult for the average person to comprehend. A network administrator or help desk professional should have an understanding of this term and how it works. When a computer runs Linux, localhost is the default name.

How Do I Access Localhost?

If you want to connect to a web server using your Ubuntu system, you will first need to know how to access localhost. Localhost is a network of computers that use loopback addresses. Using this network reduces the chance of breaking a live site. There are many ways to connect to localhost. To get started, you can install BrowserStack, which offers browser extensions and automated screenshots. Depending on your needs, you may also want to use Tor or another secure connection to access localhost.

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You can use localhost to block websites that you do not want to open. Loopback and host files prevent your browser from accessing malicious sites. A computer connects to a website or remote computer when it receives a request for that website. Loopback prevents this from happening, and it also helps you test your Internet connection. The command line in Windows can also be used to test your connection. However, if you are unsure about how to use localhost, you should consult an IT professional before proceeding with this process.

What is Localhost in Ubuntu?

In order to access your network services, you need to know what is Localhost in Ubuntu. This is a file on your computer that maps IP addresses to hostnames. It takes precedence over DNS. In other words, when you try to access a website on your computer, it will connect to the localhost server. It should return the correct IP address as shown below. If you’re unsure about what localhost is, use the lsof command to find out.

The localhost file is stored in /etc/hosts, and is typically referred to as the localhost address. It is a loopback address, so it will be different depending on your operating system. The file will usually be located in /etc/hosts on most Linux distributions. By default, the localhost name refers to the computer making the request. However, software may use either or for the same purpose.

What is My Local Ip Address Ubuntu? [Answered 2022]- Droidrant (2025)


What is the IP address of Ubuntu com? ›

The loopback interface is identified by the system as lo and has a default IP address of 127.0. 0.1.

What is my local IP address Linux? ›

You can determine the IP address or addresses of your Linux system by using the hostname , ifconfig , or ip commands. To display the IP addresses using the hostname command, use the -I option. In this example the IP address is 192.168. 122.236.

What is my local IP address? ›

To check IP address of the local network on the Android device: Go to Settings → Network & internet on the tablet and select Wi-Fi. Tap the name of active network and expand the Advanced section. Find the Network details field with the local IP address.

What is my IP from command line? ›

From the desktop, navigate through; Start > Run> type "cmd.exe". A command prompt window will appear. At the prompt, type "ipconfig /all". All IP information for all network adapters in use by Windows will be displayed.

How do I find my public IP Ubuntu server? ›

How to Get Public IP from Terminal on Ubuntu 22.04
  1. Use Dig command to get public IP address. Dig is an excellent utility that allows Linux users to get public IP from a terminal. ...
  2. Use host command to get public IP address. ...
  3. Use wget command to get IP address. ...
  4. Use curl command to get IP address.

How do I find network settings in Ubuntu? ›

Method #2: Network configuration using the GUI

From the desktop, click on the start menu and search for Settings. From the Settings window, click on the Network tab. Then from the right pane, select the interface and click on the gear icon to open settings for that interface.

How assign IP address in Ubuntu using command line? ›

Step 1: First of all, open Terminal. Enter “ip addr show” command to see the available network adapter whom you want to change the IP address and press execute. Step 2: Use “sudo ifconfig eth0 X.X.X.X netmask 255.255. 255.0” command to change the IP address.

How do I set a static IP in Ubuntu Server? ›

Depending on the interface you want to modify, click either on the Network or Wi-Fi tab. To open the interface settings, click on the cog icon next to the interface name. In “IPV4” Method" tab, select “Manual” and enter your static IP address, Netmask and Gateway. Once done, click on the “Apply” button.

Where is IP address in ifconfig? ›

Typically, ifconfig can only be used under a superuser account in your terminal. A list of all your network interfaces will appear. Following the heading of the interface whose IP address you're searching for, you will see a "inet addr:" section containing your IP address.

What is a 192.168 IP address? ›

The IP address 192.168. 0.1 is the most common address to access and configure wireless routers from a web browser. It's a default address because specific IP address ranges are reserved for different types of networks, and 192.168. 0.1 is reserved for networks such as your home LAN.

What does a local IP address look like? ›

IP addresses are typically in the same format as a 32-bit number, shown as four decimal numbers each with a range of 0 to 255, separated by dots—each set of three numbers is called an octet. This format is used by IP version 4 (or IPv4). With it, you could—in theory—have 0.0. 0.0 to 255.255.

What is my public IP Linux command line? ›

Type the following dig (domain information groper) command on a Linux, OS X, or Unix-like operating systems to see your own public IP address assigned by the ISP: $ dig +short myip.opendns.com @resolver1.opendns.com.

How do I run ipconfig in Linux? ›

The ipconfig /all command on Windows can be translated to ip address or simply ip a for short on Linux systems. To display default gateway IP address, which is usually shown with ipconfig /all on Windows, run the ip r command on Linux.

How do I find my public server IP? ›

Here's a list of several websites that can find your public IP address:
  1. Google.
  2. icanhazip.com.
  3. IP Chicken.
  4. What Is My IP Address.
  5. IP-Lookup.net.
  6. WhatIsMyIP.com.
  7. IP Location Finder.
16 Mar 2019

How do you find the IP address of a server? ›

Ping the IP Address

Open the command prompt and type ping. Then, press the spacebar. Next, type the domain or server host and press enter to complete the process. It retrieves and displays the IP address quickly.

What is my localhost port number Ubuntu? ›

“how to check localhost port in ubuntu” Code Answer's
  1. sudo lsof -i -P -n | grep LISTEN.
  2. sudo netstat -tulpn | grep LISTEN.
  3. sudo lsof -i:22 # see a specific port such as 22.
  4. sudo nmap -sTU -O IP-address-Here.

How do I connect to a network on Ubuntu? ›

Connect to a wireless network
  1. Open the system menu from the right side of the top bar.
  2. Select Wi-Fi Not Connected. ...
  3. Click Select Network.
  4. Click the name of the network you want, then click Connect. ...
  5. If the network is protected by a password (encryption key), enter the password when prompted and click Connect.

How do I open NetworkManager in Ubuntu? ›

Ubuntu / Debian
  1. Use the following command to restart the server networking service. # sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart or # sudo /etc/init.d/networking stop # sudo /etc/init.d/networking start else # sudo systemctl restart networking.
  2. Once this is done, use the following command to check the server network status.
26 May 2022

What is NetworkManager in Ubuntu? ›

NetworkManager is a system network service that manages your network devices and connections and attempts to keep network connectivity active when available. It manages Ethernet, WiFi, mobile broadband (WWAN) and PPPoE devices while also providing VPN integration with a variety of different VPN services.

How do I get ifconfig on Ubuntu? ›

How to install ifconfig in Ubuntu 20.04/18.04 or older versions
  1. Just click on the arrow icon given on the right side in the Ubuntu Taskbar.
  2. Select the Settings option.
  3. Click on the Gear icon given in front of an active connection.
  4. And you will see the IP address of the system.
1 Jan 2021

How do I setup a static IP address? ›

How to Set a Static IP Address
  1. Access the Control Panel. In the Windows search bar, type in “ncpa. ...
  2. Select the Network Adapter. ...
  3. Select Properties. ...
  4. Select Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) ...
  5. Manually enter IP address and subnet mask. ...
  6. Save Settings. ...
  7. Revert Back to DHCP.

How do I change my eth0 IP address in Linux? ›

To assign an IP address to a specific interface, use the following command with an interface name (eth0) and ip address that you want to set. For example, “ifconfig eth0 172.16. 25.125” will set the IP address to interface eth0.

How do I know if my IP is static or dynamic Ubuntu? ›

Just disconnect the machine from network. If you can see the ip address in the ifconfig output for that interface then it is statically assigned otherwise dynamically.

How do I set a static IP address in Linux? ›

How to add a static IP Address to a Linux computer
  1. Setting your system's hostname. You should first set your system's hostname to the Fully Qualified Domain Name assigned to it. ...
  2. Edit your /etc/hosts file. ...
  3. Setting the actual IP address. ...
  4. Configure your DNS servers if necessary.
20 Jul 2015

What is my IP subnet mask? ›

On Windows

Go to Control Panel > Network and Sharing Centre. Click on your network name and then click Details. You will find the subnet mask along with other network details.

What is ifconfig in Ubuntu? ›

Ifconfig is used to configure the kernel-resident network interfaces. It is used at boot time to set up interfaces as necessary. After that, it is usually only needed when debugging or when system tuning is needed. If no arguments are given, ifconfig displays the status of the currently active interfaces.

How do I check my IP configuration? ›

Find your IP Address on Windows 10: Using the Command Prompt
  1. Open the Command Prompt. a. Click the Start icon, type command prompt into the search bar and press click the Command Prompt icon.
  2. Type ipconfig/all and press Enter.
  3. The IP Address will display along with other LAN details.
2 Nov 2021

How do I find the eth0 IP address in Linux? ›

You can use the ifconfig command or ip command with grep command and other filters to find out an IP address assigned to eth0 and display it on screen.

Is 192.168 0.1 IPv4 or IPv6? ›

192.168. 0.1 is an IPv4 Address - converted to IPv6 address ::ffff:c0a8:1.

How do I log into my 192.168 1.1 IP address? ›

How to Login 192.168. 1.1?
  1. Turn on your router and connect it to your computer with an Ethernet cable. ...
  2. Open your favorite web browser and type “” into the address bar. ...
  3. Enter the correct router login/password combination.

How do I log into my 192.168 0.1 IP address? ›

In the address bar, type or A login page of your router/modem will appear. Enter the default username and password for your router's configuration page. Once you enter the login credentials, you will be logged in into the config page and will be able to make the desired changes.

How do I find my internal and external IP address? ›

Click on the start menu. Type cmd and press enter. In this new windows type ipconfig and press enter. You will see a bit more information than you may want what your looking for is IPv4 Address.

What is the difference between IP address and local IP address? ›

An external or public IP address is used across the entire Internet to locate computer systems and devices. A local or internal IP address is used inside a private network to locate the computers and devices connected to it.

Is 192.168 private or public? ›

192.168 is usually a private IP address. The range of numbers between 192.168. 0.0 and 192.168. 255.255 is reserved for private IP addresses.

Why is ifconfig command not found? ›

If you tried to install the ifconfig utility and failed, it's because ifconfig cannot be individually installed. It is included with the net-tools package. To be able to use the ifconfig command, you have to install the net-tools package first.

How do I change my IP address in Ubuntu? ›

Ubuntu Desktop
  1. Click on the top right network icon and select settings of the network interface you wish to configure to use a static IP address on Ubuntu. ...
  2. Click on the settings icon to start IP address configuration. ...
  3. Select IPv4 tab. ...
  4. Select manual and enter your desired IP address, netmask, gateway and DNS settings.
4 Sept 2022

What is my localhost port number Ubuntu? ›

“how to check localhost port in ubuntu” Code Answer's
  1. sudo lsof -i -P -n | grep LISTEN.
  2. sudo netstat -tulpn | grep LISTEN.
  3. sudo lsof -i:22 # see a specific port such as 22.
  4. sudo nmap -sTU -O IP-address-Here.

How do I download ifconfig on Ubuntu? ›

How to install ifconfig in Ubuntu 20.04/18.04 or older versions
  1. Just click on the arrow icon given on the right side in the Ubuntu Taskbar.
  2. Select the Settings option.
  3. Click on the Gear icon given in front of an active connection.
  4. And you will see the IP address of the system.
1 Jan 2021

What replaced ifconfig? ›

Following some improvements in the kernel and the gradual move to driving network things via netlink; ifconfig has been largely replaced by the ip command. This is the main command that would be used in place of ifconfig. It will just display the IP addresses assigned to all interfaces.

How do I show ifconfig? ›

View All Network Interface Settings

The “ifconfig” command with no arguments will display all the active interfaces details. The ifconfig command is also used to check the assigned IP address of a server.

How do I run ipconfig in Linux? ›

The ipconfig /all command on Windows can be translated to ip address or simply ip a for short on Linux systems. To display default gateway IP address, which is usually shown with ipconfig /all on Windows, run the ip r command on Linux.

How do I change my IP address in Linux terminal? ›

To change your IP address on Linux, use the “ifconfig” command followed by the name of your network interface and the new IP address to be changed on your computer. To assign the subnet mask, you can either add a “netmask” clause followed by the subnet mask or use the CIDR notation directly.

How do I find network settings in Ubuntu? ›

Method #2: Network configuration using the GUI

From the desktop, click on the start menu and search for Settings. From the Settings window, click on the Network tab. Then from the right pane, select the interface and click on the gear icon to open settings for that interface.

How do you configure an IP address? ›

To enable DHCP or change other TCP/IP settings
  1. Select Start, then type settings. Select Settings > Network & internet.
  2. Do one of the following: ...
  3. Next to IP assignment, select Edit.
  4. Under Edit network IP settings or Edit IP settings, select Automatic (DHCP) or Manual. ...
  5. When you're done, select Save.

How do I check if port 22 is open Ubuntu? ›

How to check if port 22 is open in Linux
  1. Run the ss command and it will display output if port 22 opened: sudo ss -tulpn | grep :22.
  2. Another option is to use the netstat: sudo netstat -tulpn | grep :22.
  3. We can also use the lsof command to see if ssh port 22 status: sudo lsof -i:22.
21 Sept 2020

How do I access localhost on Linux? ›

To access the server from itself, use http://localhost/ or . To access the server from a separate computer on the same network, use http://192.168.X.X where X.X is your server's local IP address. You can find the sever's local IP address (assuming it's Linux) by running hostname -I . 127.0.

How do I check if port 3306 is open Ubuntu? ›

The correct way is using: sudo lsof -i :3306 .

Where is ifconfig located? ›

ifconfig is normally located in the /sbin/ directory, but the program can be run by nonroot users. However, only configuration changes can be carried out by root.

Which Ubuntu package has ifconfig? ›

The net-tools package will install ifconfig on Ubuntu 20.04 (Focal Fossa). After installation, you can try invoke ifconfig in the terminal.

Where is IP address in ifconfig? ›

Typically, ifconfig can only be used under a superuser account in your terminal. A list of all your network interfaces will appear. Following the heading of the interface whose IP address you're searching for, you will see a "inet addr:" section containing your IP address.

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Introduction: My name is Terrell Hackett, I am a gleaming, brainy, courageous, helpful, healthy, cooperative, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.