Add A New Field in VA01 Header (2024)

Hi, I had a requirement to add a new field in the VA01 header. In SD, an User Exit can be used to provide any enhancement. I have added a new field as below steps. Below are the screen numbers in the program SAPMV45A and their following uses.

8309 in the “Header data – Additional Data B” tab.

8310 in the “Overview – Sales” tab. Dynpro 8310 is displayed as a subscreen, between the standard header fields and item’s table control on that tab (dynpro 4440).

8459 in the “Item data – Additional Data B” tab.

8460 in the bottom of “Overview – Item detail” tab.

Step1: Append a new field where the data has to be stored. In my case, i have appended a new field in VBAK table to store and retrieve the records for the particular field.

Add A New Field in VA01 Header (1)

Step2: If we want to add any fields, we can use the screen number 8309 in program name SAPMV45A for header.

Add A New Field in VA01 Header (2)

Step3: In the layout, you can design the screen how it has to be displayed.

Add A New Field in VA01 Header (3)

Step4: The logic which has to be incorporated for the process can be given as below.

Add A New Field in VA01 Header (4)

Add A New Field in VA01 Header (5)

Step 6: The output as follows.

Add A New Field in VA01 Header (6)

Add A New Field in VA01 Header (2024)
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