Business Casual – diese Outfits und Farben passen zum Dresscode (2024)

Brooklyn Beckham in einem grobgestrickten Cardigan zur schwarzen Anzughose.

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Kann man bei Business Casual Jeans tragen?

Hier scheiden sich die Geister! Grundsätzlich sprechen sich die meisten Firmen mit einer Business Casual Kleiderordnung gegen Jeans aus, jedoch gibt es auch hier Ausnahmen. Während helle Waschungen weiterhin lediglich in Ihrer Freizeit getragen werden sollten, können schwarze Jeans teils auch als Business Casual Outfit getragen werden. Hierbei empfiehlt es sich dann jedoch, diese mit einem eleganten Sakko und Hemd zu kombinieren, um die dunkle Jeans ein wenig aufzuwerten.

Was ist der Unterschied zwischen Business Casual und Smart Casual?

Business Casual deckt, wie bereits erwähnt, den Büroalltag ab, während Smart Casual eine Bezeichnung für schickere Freizeit-Looks ist. Der Smart Casual Look kommt häufig bei Festen oder Dates zum Einsatz, kann aber zum Beispiel auch für Abendessen mit Kunden oder Kollegen außerhalb der offiziellen Arbeitszeiten getragen werden.

Achtung! Diesen Fehler sollten Sie bei Business Casual vermeiden

Generell sollten Sie auch bei einem Business Casual Outfit niemals vergessen, dass es sich immer noch um ein Geschäftsoutfit handelt, auch wenn dieses ein wenig aufgelockert ist. Tank-Tops oder kurze Hosen, sowie auffällige, eventuell sogar abgetragene Sneaker haben weiterhin in den meisten Büros dieser Welt nichts zu suchen.

Außerdem sollten Sie Business Casual auf keinen Fall mit den sogenannten Casual Fridays verwechselt werden. Einige Firmen lockern am Freitag, oder zu bestimmten Anlässen ihren ansonsten geltenden Dresscode, das heißt aber keineswegs, dass Business Casual und Casual Fridays austauschbar sind. Wie bereits erwähnt, handelt es sich bei Business Casual um einen legeren aber dennoch eleganten professionellen Look. Casual Fridays wiederum heben größtenteils jegliche Regeln auf und erlauben es Ihnen zum Beispiel auch in Ihrem Lieblings-Hoodie oder der Blue Jeans ins Office zu kommen.

7 Business Casual Essentials zum Nachshoppen

Business Casual – diese Outfits und Farben passen zum Dresscode (2024)


What is the dress code for business casual? ›

Business casual is basically a dress code that involves wearing traditional business attire with a couple of relaxed tweaks here and there. For example, wearing khaki pants or slacks with a blouse/polo, but without a tie would be considered typically business casual.

What not to wear for business casual? ›

So, let's delve into some fashion do's and don'ts to help you create a winning business casual wardrobe.
  • Ripped or Distressed Jeans. ...
  • Athletic Wear. ...
  • Flip Flops and Sneakers. ...
  • Graphic or Oversized T-Shirts. ...
  • Short Shorts and Mini Skirts. ...
  • Excessive Accessories. ...
  • Ill-fitting or Wrinkled Clothing.
Feb 19, 2024

What's the difference between business casual and formal? ›

So if "business professional" means a suit for both men and women at one organization, then "business casual" may be dress pants or skirts without the jacket or tie (for men).

Can you wear jeans if dress code is business casual? ›

Jeans are usually considered business casual, with some exceptions. Business casual jeans should be clean and in good condition, free of any tears, fading or fraying.

What is a business casual dress code for a woman? ›

Business casual attire for women typically involves a blend of professional and relaxed elements. Key items include tailored pants or skirts, blazers, structured tops, modest dresses, and smart-casual footwear like flats or low heels.

Do and don'ts business casual? ›

Generally, business casual is not jeans, T-shirts, overly tight or revealing clothing, athletic wear, beach-type clothing, flip flops, hoodies, hats, crop tops, visible undergarments, and torn clothing.

Do I need to tuck in my shirt for business casual? ›

Smart Casual: If you are wearing a casual shirt by itself leave it untucked, however, if you are wearing a shirt paired with a casual jacket or coat, tuck it in for smart casual occasions. Business Casual: Whether you are sporting a blazer, sweater or just a shirt, always have your shirt tucked in.

How strict is business casual? ›

No strict need for a suit jacket. Neutral colors but with some room for patterns and brighter hues. Ties are optional.

Can you wear sneakers with business casual? ›

To put it simply, business casual involves combining traditional business attire with casual components, and this can also involve sneakers. Now, this doesn't mean that all kinds of sneakers belong to that category. Overall, it's best to stick to minimalistic and clean sneakers, the less detail the better.

What does business casual look like? ›

Business casual is all about dressing down a more formal business attire, while business professional is the midway point between business casual and formal. Both styles might include similar items: dress shirts and dress pants, blazers, trousers, or loafers.

Is business casual considered professional? ›

*Tip: Business casual = business professional, with ONE of the articles substituted. (Ex: Full suit with a shell top for women or a full suit minus the jacket or the tie for men.) Business Casual Examples Note: Each organization determines dress code conduct.

Can you wear bright colors for business casual? ›

Bright Colors. The second difference is that business dress consists of more neutral colors, such as navy, white, gray and black, while business casual includes more bright colors, pastels and patterns. A trend in dressing now is wearing a combination of electric neon shades so as to achieve the “dopamine look”.

What is business casual dress code for men? ›

A dress shirt and a blazer (ideally fitted) are always safe bets. Ties are optional, but you should make up for your lack of neckwear with your sense of style. Even while some businesses allow business casual attire, make sure the pair of jeans you wear is very great.

Can you wear sneakers for business casual? ›

To put it simply, business casual involves combining traditional business attire with casual components, and this can also involve sneakers. Now, this doesn't mean that all kinds of sneakers belong to that category. Overall, it's best to stick to minimalistic and clean sneakers, the less detail the better.

Is a jean jacket business casual? ›

A denim jacket is another great option as a replacement for a blazer. Denim jackets can be casual, but with a button up shirt, nice pants, and nice shoes, it is great for business casual dress codes.

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Name: Errol Quitzon

Birthday: 1993-04-02

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Introduction: My name is Errol Quitzon, I am a fair, cute, fancy, clean, attractive, sparkling, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.