Casual Chic: Bedeutung und Stilguide (2024)

Den Begriff „Casual Chic“ hat wohl schon jeder einmal gehört. Im Grunde genommen verrät die direkte Übersetzung bereits das Wesentliche: Gemütlich und gleichzeitig schick soll das Outfit sein. Doch was heißt das ganz konkret?

Klassisch bedeutet „Casual Chic“ den modischen Spagat zwischen Blazer und Jeanshose zu schaffen. An oberster Stelle steht das Wohlgefühl der Trägerin, daher wird auf hautenge Schnitte verzichtet. Statt High Heels kommen Sneakers oder Flats zum Einsatz. Steife Hemden oder Blusen werden durch lässige Tops oder Polohemden ersetzt. Dasselbe gilt für Jacketts: An ihrer Stelle rücken sportlich, schicke Blazer oder Cardigans. Um den Look weiter aufzupeppen, kann das Outfit mit dezentem Schmuck wie etwa Ohrringen verfeinert werden.

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Summer Chic

Casual Chic muss aber nicht zwangsläufig den klassischen Jeans-plus-Blazer-Look bedeuten. Auch ein auffälliger Rock kombiniert mit einem neutralen Oberteil und Loafers, oder eine Jeans kombiniert mit einer hochwertigen Seidenbluse sind „Casual Chic“. Wichtig bei dem Look ist, dass bei aller Lässigkeit auch ein gewisses Maß an Seriosität mitschwingt.

Dass der „Casual Chic“-Look so angesagt ist liegt zum einen wohl daran, dass er individuell interpretiert werden kann - und zum anderen daran, dass sich die Grenzen zwischen Freizeit- und Office-Look immer weiter vermischen. War es früher etwa verpönt, in Sneakers und Bluejeans zur Arbeit zu erscheinen, ist dies in den meisten Branchen Standard.

Definiere deinen eigenen „Casual Chic“Look. Hier sind ein paar Inspirationen!

Casual Chic: Bedeutung und Stilguide (2024)


What is the definition of casual chic? ›

You've heard the term before, for sure. But what does it mean? Simply put, outfits that are casual chic combine some elements of casual wear and others of more elegant, formal wear. This eclectic mix-and-match approach to style combines the best of both worlds: comfort and style.

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Casual chic/dressy casual: Operative words here are chic and dressy. Dolls, leave the yoga pants at home. Instead opt for one of those little frocks by Kate Spade or palazzo pants by Phillip Lim. Nice slacks and a fancy top always work as well as sexy shorts ensemble.

Does casual chic include jeans? ›

Some key elements of a casual chic outfit may include: Simple, well-fitted clothing: Casual chic outfits often feature pieces that are simple in design but tailored to fit well. Examples include fitted t-shirts, jeans, and trousers.

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Casual chic actually means comfy, with a chic touch. The invited guests for a casual chic wedding are not required to wear black ties and tight suits, so you don't have to appear in glitter. Casual chic is the perfect combination between neat and accessible.

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What Is Casual Chic Style? Falling somewhere between your tailored business suits and flowy evening gowns, casual chic style is the act of taking your favorite basic, staple elements and pairing the informal with chic accents to elevate your everyday style.

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adjective. Something or someone that is chic is fashionable and sophisticated. Her gown was very French and very chic. Synonyms: stylish, smart, elegant, fashionable More Synonyms of chic. 2.

What is summer casual chic? ›

A typical Summer Chic outfit is often in light and pastel colours, and lightweight materials such as linen and cotton. Summery accessories like sunglasses, hat, linen scarf complete the outfit.

How do you wear casual chic? ›

The premise of Casual Chic is that the clothing is comfortable, but with an elegant touch. Think of a shirt, paired with tailored pants. With a Casual Chic outfit, you can easily combine everyday items with something that is dressier. But it's important that the clothes don't look old or worn out.

What does casual chic attire mean men? ›

The term casual chic comes from the combination of two fashion styles. There's the casual for the relaxed or sportswear side, and the chic that brings a touch of elegance. It's suitable for all ages and has been around for several years. You can wear it for various occasions (work, parties, nights out...).

What is chic attire dress code for ladies? ›

As the Chic Style Type, you prefer clothing in black, white, and neutrals, reserving color for a striking statement accessory like an alligator skin purse or bright red lipstick.

What is best casual dress code? ›

What is a casual dress code? Whether you're going out with your friends or you're heading to the office on a casual Friday, a laid-back style is the best way to go. The casual dress code typically consists of jeans, T-shirts, and cardigans. If you prefer skirts and sneakers, go for them!

How do you dress simple and chic? ›

Building a wardrobe of timeless and high-quality basics is essential for simple but stylish dressing. Invest in well-made pieces like a classic white button-down shirt, a pair of well-fitting jeans, a tailored blazer, and a little black dress. These versatile staples serve as the foundation for numerous chic outfits.

What does dressy casual attire look like? ›

Light colors and casual materials, like satin or linen, fit the code well. However, it's also worth pointing out that the time of day may also affect the code. For instance, dressy casual for an evening may mean a suit, perhaps with an open shirt button to dress it down a bit.

How do you look chic in casual clothes? ›

Then think about ways to dress them down: pairing a dressier blazer with jeans or a casual tee with a streamlined skirt. It's all about that juxtaposition. Sleek accessories—a leather shoulder bag, a chunky loafer—will also elevate any look and make it feel dressy (even if you're in jeans).

What is casual chic for a man summer? ›

For men, the choices are somewhat more limited, although you can create a very nice look when choosing the right colors and fabrics. Think neat chinos or trousers with a shirt or sweater. Sneakers underneath are allowed, provided the rest of your outfit is more elegant.

What is the meaning of chic dress code? ›

The style is characterized by elegant, refined pieces in neutral colors with simple, clean lines. For example, a chic black dress, button down shirt, or pencil skirt are all timeless pieces for a classic wardrobe. This is typically made up of high-quality, well-made clothes that won't look dated in a few years.

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Name: Nicola Considine CPA

Birthday: 1993-02-26

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Introduction: My name is Nicola Considine CPA, I am a determined, witty, powerful, brainy, open, smiling, proud person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.