Copycat Outback Steakhouse Clam Chowder Recipe | (2024)

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Even if you live in the heart of New England, this might be a chowder to rival your favorite. Bacon, potatoes, and clams in a creamy base make up a bowl that'll knock your socks off.

Copycat Outback Steakhouse Clam Chowder Recipe | (1)

Copycat Outback Steakhouse Clam Chowder Recipe | (2)


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12 reviews


8 ounces chopped onions
8 ounces chopped carrots
1/2 ounce diced fresh parsley
4 ounces bacon, chopped
4 pounds potatoes, peeled and cubed
5 pounds canned chopped clams, drained
1/2 tablespoon cayenne pepper
1/2 tablespoon ground white pepper
1/2 tablespoon finely-ground black pepper
1/8 cup salt
36 ounces heavy whipping cream
1 gallon milk
1 tablespoon shrimp base
12 ounces butter
12 ounces flour


You will probably want to reduce the amount of each ingredient proportionately for a smaller finished product.

Over a medium heat, cook down onions, carrots, parsley and bacon for about 20 minutes. Meantime, steam potatoes for about 20 minutes, or until slightly tender. Drain clams and reserve 1 quart clam juice. Set aside.

Add cayenne pepper, white pepper, black pepper and salt to the onion-veggie mixture. Add heavy whipping cream, milk, reserved clam juice, and shrimp base and allow to come to boil.

In a smaller pot, melt butter and slowly add in flour to form roux. Once veggie mixture is boiling, add roux and thoroughly stir. Turn off heat and add clams. Add potatoes. Serve.

Recipe Source: Guest Chef: Alonzo Callens

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recipe tips

For a smokier flavor, use smoked bacon.

Chop the vegetables in uniform sizes for the best soup texture.

Be cautious with the seasoning, especially the cayenne, as it can overpower the delicate flavors.

Adding the roux gradually while stirring will help avoid lumps in your chowder.

Serve with crusty bread or oyster crackers for a complete meal.

common recipe questions

Can I substitute fresh clams for canned ones?

Yes, you can use fresh clams. Steam them until they open, chop them, and use the steaming liquid as part of the clam juice.

Is it possible to make a lighter version of this chowder?

Yes, you can use light cream or half-and-half instead of heavy cream, and reduce the amount of butter.

What can I use if I don't have shrimp base?

You can use fish stock or even chicken broth as a substitute, but the flavor will change slightly.

How can I thicken the soup if it's too thin?

If the chowder is too thin, you can make more roux and add it to the soup, or you can let the chowder simmer a bit longer to reduce and thicken.

How long can I store the leftover chowder?

The chowder can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 3 days. Reheat gently to avoid separating the cream.

Can I freeze this clam chowder?

Freezing is not recommended as dairy-based soups can separate and lose their creamy texture when thawed.

Is it okay to cook the clams with the chowder?

It's better to add the clams at the end as they can become tough and chewy if overcooked.

nutrition data for outback steakhouse clam chowder

953 calories, 56 grams fat, 60 grams carbohydrates, 53 grams protein per serving.

more recipes like outback steakhouse clam chowder






reviews & comments for outback steakhouse clam chowder

  1. Joss REVIEW:
    October 14, 2018

    Best clam chowder ever- BTW- I order my shrimp base (not paste) off Amazon-They also have clam base which I use in this recipe. It will make several pots.

  2. panacea REVIEW:
    December 13, 2013

    We tried this recipe changed to four servings. It was amazing! We are going to serve it at christmas so this was a test run. Will be making the full size recipe then! You can't go wrong with this recipe!

  3. ievelyn REVIEW:
    October 25, 2013

    I have to say that I'm impressed that a chain restaurant that doesn't necessarily specialize in New England style food can pull off a clam chowder recipe so well. This is one of the best recipes I've had - either homemade or in restaurants on the east coast. I cut the recipe in 1/4 because it would make a ton otherwise. You can freeze clam chowder but it's never quite as good as freshly made so I would just change the serving size to what you need instead of making the full batch unless you're having a party.

  4. aloha REVIEW:
    September 8, 2013

    best clam chowder ever

  5. Karen REVIEW:
    August 9, 2013

    I can't tell you how many people I have turned on to this clam chowder. I have eaten clam chowder all over the States..including Maine...where they claim to have the best. The Outback Clam Chowder is the BEST you will ever have. You must try this!

  6. new englander REVIEW:
    July 9, 2013

    I grew up with some of the best clam chowders in new england. this one is right up there. I get cravings for it all the time but I live in rural kansas now where, and no offence to kansas, it's hard to get a good clam chowder. we don't even have outback here. so I make this recipe whenever I get homesick.

  7. Guest Foodie REVIEW:
    July 3, 2013

    I cut down the recipe to serve four people and it turned out incredible. I'm not sure why people are asking about "shrimp paste" There is no shrimp paste in this it's shrimp BASE like for making stock or soup. I couldn't find specifically shrimp base but I did find seafood base so I used that.

  8. Jane REVIEW:
    November 13, 2011

    This was a great recipe for clam chowder! Very tasty, but word of caution!! Don't make the full recipe unless you plan on feeding a lot of people!! I'm not sure how much one serving is, but there are much more than 16 servings! BTW, shrimp paste is hard to find, and so I just skipped it...the end result was very very good, so don't worry if you can't find it!

  9. stef REVIEW:
    April 4, 2011

    I've made this twice now and it is The Best NE Clam Chowder recipe! The first time I pre-cooked the bacon before adding it and didn't get much flavor from it. The second time, I cooked it with the carrots, onion and parsley. I had to skim some bacon grease off the top. I would recommend TRIMMING the bacon of most of its fat before cooking. Easy to make, delicious. Great with raw milk.

  10. fiversa REVIEW:
    July 21, 2010

    Loved this recipe! After eating at Outback and having their clam chowder, ... This recipe is very close! fantastic!... I couldn't find the shrimp base without going out of town to get it, so I bought salad shrimp and processed it into a paste...seemed to work well. Family and friends now rave about the "new improved" chowder I now make. I am going to swap out the clams for oysters next time I try it!

  11. Guest Foodie REVIEW:
    April 5, 2010

    I just made this clam chowder yesterday as part of our Easter dinner. And it was just awesome! Everyone loved it! We had also prepared some smoked salmon as an entree and added a little of that into our bowls of chowder. wow... is there a "10" rating? And, because we had some non-seafood eaters, just before adding the seafood, I poured some into another pot and made that into corn chowder. There was soup for everyone... clam chowder, smoked salmon and clam chowder, and corn chowder. Note: This recipe has a "kick" to it. Must love "peppers"!

  12. Kristine REVIEW:
    November 13, 2008

    I tried this recipe a while ago--and I was pleasantly surprised at how closely it resembled the actual one at Outback! I had to divide all the ingredients by four (to serve 4 rather than 16) and there was still a bunch left over. Overall, I thought this was excellent--kudos to the person that came up with this!

Please note:
This is a copy cat recipe submitted to CDKitchen by a third-party. This recipe is not an original recipe unless specifically stated and is considered only to be an acceptable "clone" to the original for the home cook to attempt to duplicate. Please also note that many nationwide restaurant chains vary their menus and ingredients by region so the version provided may not be similar to what you may have tried before. All trademarks referenced are property of their respective owners.


Copycat Outback Steakhouse Clam Chowder Recipe | (2024)
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