Finger Tattoos: A Comprehensive Guide — Joby Dorr (2024)

Have you ever admired your friends' finger tattoo, wondering how it would look on your own hand? Whether ornate or plain, the choice is yours, and there are a plethora of reasons to get a finger tattoo – and limitless designs to choose from.

Finger tattoos are small ink drawings, either punctured under or placed on top of the skin. The tattoo can be of various designs and can be permanent or temporary. They are a fun way to express yourself and be creative.

Before you get a finger tattoo, there are certain things you need to know. First, you should sensibly weigh the pros and cons before you make your decision. Finger tattoos are not for everyone, but this article can help you decide if you are thinking about it.

Consider These Things When Getting a Finger Tattoo

There are some important considerations when getting a finger tattoo. First, you probably want an idea of what type of design you are looking for. Are you looking for something symbolic, decorative, or both? Also, think about:

  • Placement: Which hand, finger, and where on the finger.

  • Budget: How much money have you allotted to spend up-front and on maintenance?

  • Artist: Choose a reputable and licensed tattoo artist.

Once you have got a good idea of your design, budget, and placement, searching for a tattoo artist is an essential step. If you do not have other tattoos, now is the time to do some research: ask your tattooed friends and dig into online reviews of shops.

You must consider all of these things to get the right outcome and be happy with your finger tattoo.

Don't let fear of the pain stop you from getting your finger tattoo. Click the image below to shop for an excellent tattoo numbing gel!

Then continue reading!

The finger may not be the place for putting your design of choice. A finger tattoo comes off easily over time or right away in some cases. The black ink does not appear very dark. The colors lack the vibrancy needed to make the design. Tattoos on the fingers do not last as long as body tattoos put elsewhere on the body. It may be worth it to someone who decides to get a finger tattoo if it is meaningful to the person. The finger tattoo might not be worth it unless you have the money for touch-ups.

Are Finger Tattoos a Bad Idea?

Finger tattoos have many disadvantages, such as "blowouts" The skin on your fingers is fragile, unlike a leg or bicep. Therefore, it is easy for the needle to go under the skin too deeply. The result is a blowout which is ink going under the tattoo and making the finger appear bruised.

Finger tattoos fade quickly, sometimes even in six to eight weeks. You wash your hands, and the cells sluff off and regenerate quickly. When the tattoo is on the finger, there is a higher risk of infection. You use your hands constantly, and they are exposed to more germs.

The pros and cons of finger tattoos are seen below.

Perhaps these pros and cons will assist you in deciding if a finger tattoo is for you. Carefully examine the difference between the two, then make your decision.

Do Finger Tattoos Affect Jobs?

There used to be a significant stigma concerning tattoos in the workplace; however, that is changing. Forty out of one hundred people born after 1980 are likely to have a tattoo of some kind.1 People were wary of others who had tattoos before 1970 because they were typically bikers and criminals.

After the year 2000, tattoos became acceptable, and the wearer does not have the same stigma regarding their tattoo.

A survey of 327 employers revealed that 77% would not hire or less likely hire someone with tattoos.2 If an employer has a particular preference against tattoos, it would not be wise to show up to work with a new finger tattoo, especially since finger tattoos are not easy to hide.

While there are mixed feelings about tattoos, there are places where potential employers will not discriminate against people who have tattoos.

Do Finger/Inside Finger Tattoos Last?

No, they do not last for many years, like tattoos on other parts of the body. The cells on your hands and fingers regenerate about ten times faster than other body parts.3 Most of the time, finger tattoos will fade within six to eight months, depending on the quality of the ink and the tattoo artist.

With the advancement of ink quality, it is more likely that the tattoo will look good for about two years. After that, if you want to keep your tattoo's crisp appearance, you will have to go for a touch-up.

Do Finger/Inner Finger Tattoos Hurt?

Which Finger is Best for a Tattoo?

The best finger for a tattoo is the ring or middle finger. This ring is one of the most popular finger tattoos. It is perfect for creating a picture-perfect circle on the finger, which symbolizes a commitment to a romantic partner.

Unfortunately, some people think that if a ring tattoo fades, it spells trouble for a relationship or marriage. Fortunately, you can always get your tattoo touched up to keep those superstitions away!

The middle finger is ideal for big designs, such as the complete floral design. The middle finger tattoo is generally a bold choice since the finger is long enough to display an elaborate design.

Some people will get a special word that means something to them on their middle finger because it is the longest of all the fingers. Middle finger tattoos are quite noticeable.

How Much Does a Finger Tattoo Cost?

The cost of a finger tattoo depends on the design, placement, and quality of the tattoo. The price also depends on the amount of ink they use. On average, it could be anywhere from $50.00 to $100.00. However, it could also vary from $50.00 for a small tattoo to $250.00 for something a bit more elaborate in detail

Where you get your tattoo done also plays a significant role in the cost. Tattoo shops in rural or smaller cities tend to cost less. However, it could cost significantly more if the shop is in a highly-populated metropolitan area. In addition, tattoo shops need to pay for rent and other expenses, so it is feasible that places such as this would cost more.

Do Inner Finger Tattoos Fade?

Inner finger tattoos can significantly fade in as little as 6 weeks but may take up to 8 months. In any case these tattoos are virtually guaranteed to fade in some noticeable way. This fading is because the finger area does not take to the ink like all other body areas. See the list below to learn some things that affect the life of your finger tattoo.

  • Wearing jewelry can fade the tattoo from rubbing against the skin

  • You use your hands a lot, and they get dirty

  • Hand washing, when you scrub the cells, shed

  • Your hands sweat during exercise, in the heat, or when you are nervous

  • The sun can damage your tattoo, but sunscreen helps

Inner finger tattoos fade for all the reasons above. It is your decision if you want to take a chance to get one.

How to Keep Your Tattoo from Fading too Fast

To preserve the integrity of your finger tattoo there are certain things you can do. The list below includes some ideas on how to keep your finger tattoo from fading too fast:

  • Stay clean – gently wash your hands

  • Be kind to your hands – Use a gentle soap

  • Protect your digits – Apply sunscreen to your fingers when exposed to the sun

  • Moisturize – Rub a fragrance-free moisturizer into your hands for the best results

  • Retouch – You can get touch-ups to refresh your fading tattoo

Finger tattoos need more attention than any other part of the body. Therefore, you must treat your finger tattoo with extra care.

Can I Wash my Hands After a Finger Tattoo?

Yes, you should wash your hands after a finger tattoo. When you get a finger tattoo, the tattoo artist will clean the area with antibacterial soap and wrap it in a plastic surgical wrap. After two hours, remove the wrap; you will have to clean it daily. Open-air is best but keep it clean.

It is essential to clean the area thoroughly and make sure it is free of bacteria. The site needs to be dry, and you must be diligent with your cleaning routine; to see to it that your tattoo and skin remain in good condition.

How Long do Finger Tattoos Take to Heal?

For your finger tattoo to heal, be patient because it can take up to six weeks or more for total healing. Your skin may return to its normal condition after two to four weeks. However, in some cases, it could take up to six months to heal. In addition, finger tattoos need the correct aftercare to heal correctly.

You need to follow the advice of the tattoo artist concerning aftercare. They will provide you with instructions regarding when to remove the bandage, what to use to wash, and the steps required for aftercare.

You need to keep your hands clean while your tattoo is healing. Your main priority is to make sure that your hands are clean and dry. Try not to touch anything unclean that could compromise the integrity of the tattoo. In addition, any moisturizer you use should be fragrance-free.

What Does a Faded Finger Tattoo Look Like?

When a finger tattoo fades, it can look like you got the tattoo twenty years ago instead of a week ago. In addition, the ink can come off in certain places and diminish the quality of the tattoo. Especially if the tattoo has a special meaning, such as a specific word or phrase, like believe, love, hope, or faith.

If one or a few letters come off, it does not look fresh and devalues the tattoo altogether. In addition, if the finger tattoo design is elaborate, such as an animal or heart, parts of the tattoo or color will be missing, thus once again devaluing the tattoo.

The ink will also be much lighter than when the tattoo was created, making it difficult to tell what the design was supposed to be. As a result, it will often have the appearance of an unfinished drawing or a stamp when it fades.

How Long Will it Take for My Finger Tattoo to Fade?

Most of the time, a finger tattoo will fade within six to eight months. Some may say that money is wasted on a tattoo inside of your finger. It fades significantly in just a couple of months. Simple designs tend to fare better than complicated ones.

Basic designs almost always outlast elaborate designs. Regardless of the intricacy of the design, the most you can get for the life of the tattoo is two years without re-inking if you are lucky.

What do Finger Tattoos Symbolize?

Many people like to go the unconventional route and get a ring tattoo on their ring or middle finger to signify their commitment to their partner. A circle can have many meanings. It goes around, and it never has an end. You could also get words or numbers tattooed on your fingers.

Tattoos can symbolize anything from a religious belief to a specific date of the year that is important to you. For example, when people get a finger tattoo, they usually look to make some statement because fingers can be apparent to the world.

Many different tattoos have special meanings. For example, a Unicorn could symbolize childhood magic, and a heart symbolizes love.

Side Finger Tattoos

Side finger tattoos are generally small, and certain ones are used frequently. Remember, side finger tattoos do not last as long, so the choice should be small and simple. See the following list:

  • Heart

  • Butterfly/butterflies

  • Flower

  • Bird

  • An angel wing on either side of your index fingers

  • Cat face

These are just a few examples of side-finger tattoos. There are too many to list, and it would be your preference as to what you choose. Since these tattoos are between your fingers, they do not last as long, so something simple is a good choice.

Small Finger Tattoos with Meaning

Fingers do not provide a vast canvas to work with, but you can make a statement by the design you choose. Even though the tattoo is small, it can have a unique and significant meaning.

  • The Eye of Horus is an ancient Egyptian religious symbol, magical in nature, believed in providing protection and health

  • The Evil Eye protection is a symbol of the eye. It is supposed to provide personal safety from a spell or a curse.

  • A tattoo of your astrological birth sign.

  • Infinity Symbol is an image that has been used throughout the ages and epitomizes endless love and connection.

There are a wide array of options when looking at small finger tattoos with meaning. Some tattoos have a universal meaning that everyone accepts, and some that mean something to you personally. So have fun in the process of determining which one is right for you.

Inside Finger Tattoo Ideas

There are so many ideas for inside finger tattoos but the important thing that you choose something right for you. The following list may help:

  • You could choose a word or small phrase

  • A religious symbol

  • A beating heart

  • An animal

  • The base of treble clef symbols

  • A star

Again, the choice is yours, and select something you will enjoy, which means something to you. It is important that you are happy with what you choose and make it your own.

Unique Finger Tattoos

There are several unique finger tattoos, and they include intricate design and color.

These little works of art can express your feelings about religion, marriage, work, hobbies, and your interests in general.

Try to Take a leap of faith and invite your soul mate to get ring tattoos. Make it a special date and choose your rings together. You never realize what fate has in store.

You could represent your religious beliefs with an intricate, traditional cross or the all-seeing eye for protection and good health.

If you are a musician, you could have your favorite instrument placed on the front of your middle finger.

There are many avenues to travel and ways to be creative, so have fun with your selection.

Simple Finger Tattoos

A simple finger tattoo would be a design, shape, or symbol. It would be one color only and would have an uncomplicated design. You could choose:

  • Hearts

  • Flowers

  • Snake

  • Star

  • Yin and Yang

  • Cross

The main idea of a simple finger tattoo is that it is suitable for your first attempt. The simple tattoos are not as expensive and can prepare you for your next more detailed tattoo. So when you get a simple finger tattoo, know that it will be dignified and basic.

Simple finger tattoos are popular because even if your job is cautious about tattoos, your simple tattoos will look low-key and fascinating.


Getting your finger tattoo is a learning experience. You learn the cost, maintenance, and meaning of the different tattoos. It is common for finger tattoos to fade. Thus, committing to touch-ups and aftercare is a must, if you want to keep the integrity of the tattoo. There are a lot of tattoos to choose from and make your own.

Thanks For Reading!

If you ever want to ask questions or discuss anything you read here please feel free to reach out through the contact page or visit my Twitch channel and ask me anything in real-time! I stream Wednesday-Friday 10 am-3 pm PST.

I also co-host a podcast for artists called Art Condition where we discuss the business and mindset for artists. Click here to see past episodes and subscribe on your favorite platform.

Finger Tattoos: A Comprehensive Guide — Joby Dorr (2024)


What are the cons of finger tattoos? ›

Finger Tattoos Can Be Painful

Since your fingers are on the sensitive side, you may find certain areas to be more tender than others. And because the skin on your fingers is thinner than most areas of the body, it's likely that this area will be more painful than other parts of your body.

What does a 3 dots tattoo on the finger mean? ›

Traditionally, three dot tattoos symbolize “Mi Vida Loca” or “my crazy life.” They are commonly used to represent struggle and appreciation of life. For example, three-dot tattoos can communicate an intention to move forward after unfortunate circ*mstances.

How detailed can a finger tattoo be? ›

Basic designs, like single letters, simple symbols or extremely basic outlines, tend to work much better on the skin around the fingers. Anything with small and intricate details is more likely to bleed or blow-out and require more frequent touch-ups.

What is the significance of finger tattoos? ›

Finger tattoos are a growing trend, capturing attention for their subtlety and elegance. Despite their small size, they carry immense symbolism. These tiny designs can hold sentimental value, representing love, friendship, or personal mottos.

Why don t tattoo artists do finger tattoos? ›

Most of the time with a finger tattoo you'll loose at least half, if not all, of the ink in the tattoo making it look unfinished, poorly done, or like you never had a tattoo there(see picture above for example).

Do finger tattoos age well? ›

Finger tattoos are more prone to fading due to the constant use of hands and exposure to the elements. Touch-ups may be necessary every few years to maintain the tattoo's appearance. Discuss touch-up options and pricing with your tattoo artist, as some may offer discounted or complimentary touch-ups for their work.

What does a 3% tattoo mean? ›

Named after the rather dubious idea that only 3% of colonists rose up against the British during the American Revolution, the "III%ers" are a paramilitary group that aims to resist intervention by the Federal government in local affairs.

What does 444 tattoo mean? ›

The number 444 is frequently interpreted as a sign of divine presence and support, making the 444 tattoo a potent symbol for those navigating their life paths. It also embodies luck, stability, and inner strength, closely aligning with personal beliefs and amplifying the wearer's narrative.

What does the number 777 mean in a tattoo? ›

But when you triple that magic number, you're stepping into a whole new realm of significance. In many traditions, including Judeo-Christian lore, the number 7 represents perfection, completeness. So, amplify that by three, and '777' becomes a symbol of amplified perfection or the ultimate completeness.

How to avoid finger tattoo blowout? ›

Once you're sure you've found a professional tattoo artist, the next best way to prevent blowout is to follow aftercare directions closely and pay attention to your ink during the healing process. Make sure you're cleaning your tattoo twice a day and keeping it moist until it's fully healed, at least two weeks.

How badly do finger tattoos hurt? ›

While trendy, know that hand and finger tattoos can be quite painful with the thin skin texture and bony nature of these areas. The outer finger or back of your hands will be the most painful regions to get tattooed. Across genders, hand and finger tattoos typically rate at an 8/10 on the pain scale.

How much do finger tattoos cost? ›

FingerSmall$50 - $150
HandSmall-Medium$100 - $250
WristSmall-Medium$50 - $200
ForearmSmall-Large$200 - $1,250
26 more rows
Jan 29, 2022

What does a straight black line tattoo mean? ›

For some, they may symbolize strength and resilience, while others may see them as a symbol of simplicity and elegance. Some people may choose a black line tattoo as a reminder of a loved one who has passed away, or as a symbol of their spiritual beliefs.

Which finger is best for a tattoo? ›

The best finger for a tattoo is the ring or middle finger. This ring is one of the most popular finger tattoos. It is perfect for creating a picture-perfect circle on the finger, which symbolizes a commitment to a romantic partner.

Are finger tattoos bad yes or no? ›

We can say that the majority of tattoo artists advise against finger tattoos. They also want their clients to know that the wonderful and cool-looking finger tattoos on the Internet are pictures of the tattoo right after it was done. No fully healed finger tattoo looks clean and detailed.

Do finger tattoos not heal well? ›

Because the skin on your fingers is different from the skin on your arm, leg, or back, finger tattoos tend to heal at a faster rate – usually no more than six weeks.

Are finger tattoos hard to keep? ›

Finger tattoos will fade faster than most other tattoos because of how rough we are on our hands. Our hands are built-in tools that we use to do almost everything. They're constantly in motion, and they're always exposed to the elements.

Are finger tattoos unprofessional? ›

Traditionally, hand and finger tattoos have been labeled as “job stoppers” because they have rendered plenty of qualified people unhirable, simply because of a visible tattoo. As mentioned before, hand tattoos have grown to become more acceptable and a more common sight in the professional sphere in recent times.

How bad does a finger tattoo feel? ›

While trendy, know that hand and finger tattoos can be quite painful with the thin skin texture and bony nature of these areas. The outer finger or back of your hands will be the most painful regions to get tattooed. Across genders, hand and finger tattoos typically rate at an 8/10 on the pain scale.

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