Legally Scrape CoinMarketCap Data to Excel & CSV via API (2024)

If you’re interested in scraping cryptocurrency exchange data, historical pricing & market cap statistics, Coinmarketcap is the way to go! However, their core product is their data, and they will not allow anyone to simply scrape all of it for free. Any web scraper that promises to scrape this data from Coinmarketcap is not only unethical, but putting Coinmarketcap at risk. If its data is given away for free, then do you expect the service to be around much longer?

Instead of illegally web scraping Coinmarketcap, this page is dedicated to helping you legally extract data from the Official CoinMarketCap API into downloadable CSV files you can analyze in Excel or upload to your data analysis program of choice.

Our integrations simply require your Coinmarketcap API Key (you can get one for free), and we then query their API on your behalf and parse out the data into instantly downloadable CSV files. Our basic plan allows you to scrape individual requests, one at a time, and our plus plan offers automated workflows to scrape millions of historical data points from Coinmarketcap into large CSV files for easy analysis. Just check out the links on this page to get started, or reach out to our support team if you need help!

Legally Scrape CoinMarketCap Data to Excel & CSV via API (2024)


How do I extract data from CoinMarketCap to Excel? ›

From the data ribbon, select From Web which can be found in the Get and Transform group of commands. This will open a From Web setup box. In the HTTP request header parameters(optional) second box enter your API Key and press OK. Excel will connect to the API and open up the Power Query window.

Does CoinMarketCap allow web scraping? ›

Coinmarketcap is a popular website that provides information about cryptocurrencies, including their prices, market capitalization, and trading volumes. Web scraping allows us to automate the process of extracting data from websites, saving us time and effort.

What is the free API limit for CoinMarketCap? ›

The CoinMarketCap API, for example, offers a free plan with 11 market data endpoints and up to 10,000 call credits per month, whereas premium plans have access to historical data, increased call credits, more endpoints, and more.

Can we download data from CoinMarketCap? ›

Choose your source: Select CoinMarketCap from the dropdown list of your configured sources. Select your destination: Choose CSV File Destination from the dropdown list of your configured destinations. Configure your sync: Define the frequency of your data syncs based on your business needs.

How to extract data from CoinMarketCap? ›

Use the UrlFetchApp method to make HTTP requests to the API. Include your CoinMarketCap API key in the request header for authentication. Write a script to fetch the latest price of a specific cryptocurrency or other data as needed. Use the =getCryptoData() formula in a cell in your Google Sheets to display the data.

Is CoinGecko API free? ›

Is CoinGecko API free? CoinGecko API offers both free and paid plans.

Can you get sued for web scraping? ›

In the United States, for instance, web scraping can be considered legal as long as it does not infringe upon the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act (CFAA), the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA), or violate any terms of service agreements.

Is using an API considered web scraping? ›

Is Using an API Considered Web Scraping? No, using an API isn't typically considered web scraping. While both can help you retrieve data from a site, scraping is about parsing HTML content to extract data from web pages, while APIs return data directly in a semi-structured format.

What is the legality of web scraping? ›

United States: There are no federal laws against web scraping in the United States as long as the scraped data is publicly available and the scraping activity does not harm the website being scraped.

What can you do with CoinMarketCap API? ›

The CoinMarketCap API is a method to retrieve cryptocurrency data such as price, volume, market cap, and exchange data from CoinMarketCap using code.

Is CoinCap API free? ›

A free API for real-time pricing and market activity for over 1,000 cryptocurrencies worldwide. CoinCap is a free and simple API for real-time pricing and market activity for over 1,000 cryptocurrencies.

What is the CoinMarketCap API? ›

The CoinMarketCap provides a range of data solutions through its API (Application Programming Interface) services for developers to access real-time cryptocurrency market data. Developers can get variety of data from its API, such as, Price and Market Data, Historical Crypto Data, Exchange data, Global Metrics and more.

How to pull crypto prices into Google Sheets? ›

Import live Bitcoin prices into Google Sheets using the GOOGLEFINANCE function or API connectors like CoinGecko through add-ons. The simplest method involves typing '=GOOGLEFINANCE("BTC-USD")' in a cell. For more detailed data, install an API Connector add-on and configure requests for live cryptocurrency prices.

How do I download CoinTracker CSV? ›

How to Download Your Transaction History from CoinTracker
  1. Navigate to the Transactions page.
  2. Set the filters for the transactions you wish to download. ...
  3. Select the CSV download button.
Apr 8, 2024

How to pull live crypto prices into Excel? ›

How to Import Live Crypto Prices into Excel Spreadsheets. The easiest way to import live crypto prices is by using Excel's "Data from Web" feature, and connecting it with CoinGecko's crypto API endpoint /coins/markets. Head over to our comprehensive API documentation to retrieve this endpoint's Request URL.

How do I get crypto live data in Excel? ›

In Excel, use the "DATA" tab and select 'From Web' to import data from the API. Follow the prompts to connect to the API and retrieve live price data for your chosen cryptocurrencies.

How do I import data from Exchange to Excel? ›

We begin by starting a blank workbook in Excel and creating a connection to our Outlook Inbox using Power Query. Select Data (tab) -> Get Data -> From Other Sources -> From Microsoft Exchange. Enter your email address in the Mailbox Address field.

How do I import currency data into Excel? ›

Use the Currencies data type to calculate exchange rates

Select the cells and then select Insert > Table. Although creating a table isn't required, it'll make inserting data from the data type much easier later. With the cells still selected, go to the Data tab and select the Currencies data type. in the cell.

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Name: Edmund Hettinger DC

Birthday: 1994-08-17

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Introduction: My name is Edmund Hettinger DC, I am a adventurous, colorful, gifted, determined, precious, open, colorful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.