Symbicort | Healthify (2024)

If you are using Symbicort for asthma, it can be used as a preventer and/or a reliever.
A reliever treats the immediatesymptoms of asthma such as tightened airways. It starts to work in a few minutes.
Note, the high dose 400/12mcg strength Symbicort cannot be used as a reliever.
A preventer helps to reduce the risk of asthma attacks, by making the airways less sensitive to triggers and reducing inflammation and swelling in your airways.
Read more about medicines used to manage asthma.

Mild asthma

If you have mild asthma, you can simply use one puff ofSymbicort Turbuhaleras a reliever when needed for shortness of breath, without needing to use it regularly. This is called AIR therapy (anti-inflammatory reliever therapy).

Moderate to severe asthma

If you have moderate to severe asthma, you can use your Symbicort Turbuhaler as both a preventer and also as a reliever. This is calledSMART (which stands for single maintenance and reliever therapy). This means that you canuseyour Symbicort Turbuhaler regularly each day for symptom prevention, and also when needed for symptom relief.

Preventer:Use Symbicort every day, once or twice daily.
Reliever:One inhalation when needed for shortness of breath. You can repeat as required, up to a maximum of 12 inhalations in one day. If you do need to take more and more doses each day, see your doctor to assess your therapy. Read more about the SMART action plan(external link).

Symbicort | Healthify (2024)
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Name: Dr. Pierre Goyette

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Introduction: My name is Dr. Pierre Goyette, I am a enchanting, powerful, jolly, rich, graceful, colorful, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.