What Is a Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) Facial? (2024)

As we age, we notice many changes in our bodies. Many obvious changes take place in our skin. Do you have wrinkles and facial lines that you want to get rid of without surgery? Well, the vampire facial or plasma-rich protein (PRP) facial may be your answer. It triggers collagen production and, via micro-needling, it improves skin tone and texture.

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) facials became popular with plastic surgery because of their role in wound healing. PRP has a high concentration of platelets. which allows for the formation and release of growth factors and active proteins that promote healing. It is widely used in facial skin rejuvenation.

What is the PRP Procedure for the Face?

PRP facials are not cosmetic procedures, but rather medical procedures. The person doing the procedure takes a sample of your blood and isolates the protein-rich plasma and platelets to create the PRP.

A centrifuge is spun around to extract protein-rich plasma. The platelets are also removed. The sample is then concentrated and called platelet-rich plasma (PRP). The high levels of growth factors in the PRP helpthe body to heal. Dermatologists began using PRP to promote the growth of collagen. Orthopedics inject PRP to heal joints of the knees, ankles, and elbows.

The full effect of PRP facial treatments appears in a few weeks to months. PRP is given to enhance someone's appearance, so the cost is not covered by medical insurance. In the U.S., it is estimated that the treatment sessions can cost from $250 to $1500 apiece.

How Does the PRP Facial Work?

There are different ways to get the PRP facial. In the first option, the plasma is spread on your face, after which micro-needling across the forehead and cheeks helps the face absorb proteins. Microneedling is a procedure that makes a series of superficial, tiny holes using sterile needles. Both the micro-needling and the PRP stimulate collagen growth.

The second option is called the vampire facial. This includes having the plasma injected into the skin like a filler. The original skin problem is attacked twofold – beneath the skin and on top of it. There is not a lot of research concerning the effectiveness of vampire facials. One study did reveal that participants who received PRP injections in one cheek and saline in the other saw improvements in the PRP-injected cheeks.

PRP Benefits for Face

The PRP facial can be beneficial to people who have wrinkles, sun damage, or scars. By placing PRP back into the skin, cell proliferation is encouraged. This leads to an increase in elastin and collagen production. As a result, the skin will look tighter, fuller, and smoother.

In the areas with deeper wrinkles and lines, the doctor may also choose to use hyaluronic acid fillers or neuromodulators. These are Botox®-like wrinkle relaxing injections. Fillers restore the volume to the face that is naturally lost with aging. Facial muscles are kept from contracting by the neuromodulators. The neuromodulators help to reduce lines that occur from muscle overuse. This is inclusive of crow's feet surrounding the eyes. These products can be used together to treat the whole face.

Is PRP safe?

The PRP procedure appears to be safe, but dermatologists are still researching. There may be some pain, swelling, or bruising after the procedure that goes away in a few days. The problems can come from how blood products are handled. They must be kept sterile to prevent infection. The facility of choice should use the same process as transfusion centers to make sure the PRP made from your own blood is used. .If you receive the wrong blood, you could become ill.

Who can have PRP rejuvenation?

PRP is deemed safe for most people, but it is not recommended for people with these medical conditions:

  • HIV or AIDS
  • Any type of blood cancer
  • Skin cancer in the area to be treated
  • Hepatitis C
  • Cardiovascular diseases that require blood thinners

The above conditions impact your platelets, so they cannot produce the expected results of PRP treatment.

PRP Risks

If you choose to have a PRP facial, you will have to get your blood taken. You will also have some pain and bruising post-operatively from the micro-needling. The procedure is safe for most people, excluding those with clotting conditions that need blood thinners or other blood-related health issues. When your skin is very loose or has a lot of sun damage, simple treatments may not give you the improvement in appearance expected. Surgery will yield better results.

For those who get the vampire facial, the best results occur after a series of treatments given 4 to 6 weeks apart. Maintenance procedures may be needed in the future. It is important that realistic expectations are set for non-invasive procedures like PRP facials. It is not the same as a facelift, so the result will not be the same. A doctor's referral can help you to decide which procedures are best for you.

Besides the temporary redness, inflammation, and bruising, side effects of the facial are limited to human error via the medical professional. The facial involves drawing blood and pricking the skin, so serious complications like infection, scarring, and bleeding can occur. The real threat from PCP facials occurs when the person doing the procedure does not handle the equipment properly, properly store needles, or dispose of products correctly. The PRP facial equipment needs to be sterile to reduce the risk of contracting blood-borne illnesses.

Who Is the Best Choice for the Procedure?

If you choose to have a platelet-rich plasma facial, precautions can be taken to protect yourself by going to a licensed medical provider or plastic surgeon. Properly trained medical professionals are the only ones that qualify to legally and safely perform the procedure.

Immediately after the facial, most people will feel well enough to drive home. Resuming normal activities can begin the next day. The skin should be protected by sunscreen and reduced exposure to sunlight during recovery.

What Is a Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) Facial? (2024)


What Is a Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) Facial? ›

PRP is a component of blood that contains growth factors and other proteins that promote healing on a cellular level. When injected into the skin, PRP can help improve texture and tone, reduce wrinkles, and encourage new collagen growth.

Is one session of PRP enough for the face? ›

Recommended Number of PRP Sessions

On average, most individuals benefit from a series of 3 to 4 PRP sessions, spaced approximately 4 to 6 weeks apart.

How many PRP treatments are needed for the face? ›

It is recommended to have 2-3 treatments spaced at 6- 8 week intervals. The results of PRP rejuvenation are long term with most patients receiving touch up treatments at one year to further stimulate collagen production and continued facial rejuvenation.

What does your face look like after PRP? ›

When you get a PRP facial, you can expect natural-looking but vibrant results. The procedure uses platelets from your own blood to tighten dull, lax skin and brighten and improve skin tone. You are effectively jump-starting your body's own rejuvenation systems, including collagen growth and hydration.

Who is a good candidate for PRP facial? ›

You're a good candidate for the PRP Facial if you suffer from any of the following symptoms:
  • Uneven skin tone.
  • Hyperpigmentation.
  • Acne scars.
  • Fine lines and wrinkles.
  • And more!

Is a PRP facial worth it? ›

The PRP facial can be beneficial to people who have wrinkles, sun damage, or scars. By placing PRP back into the skin, cell proliferation is encouraged. This leads to an increase in elastin and collagen production. As a result, the skin will look tighter, fuller, and smoother.

How many PRP sessions are needed for face for wrinkles? ›

How many PRP injections do you need? Researchers have found that most patients who get results have 3 or more treatments. That means, you'd have to go to your dermatologist's office 3 or more times to have blood drawn, treated, and injected back into you.

How long do PRP facial results last? ›

The effects of this therapy typically last around 18 months, although some patients enjoy their results for a full two years. Each body metabolizes the treatment a little differently, so the effects you see will be unique to you.

Does PRP add volume to cheeks? ›

Following your PRP injections, your body will produce new cells and collagen, which will continue to develop in the months following treatment. These new cells will add volume to your cheeks and hands, plumping your skin and erasing wrinkles and folds.

Is one vampire facial enough? ›

If you opt for a vampire facial, you will need a series of treatments 4 to 6 weeks apart to achieve the best results. You might also need additional maintenance procedures as time passes. Dr. Khetarpal stresses the importance of setting realistic expectations for the results of nonsurgical treatments like PRP.

Does PRP make you look younger? ›

PRP treatment is considered a safe and non-invasive method of achieving smoother and younger-looking skin. It is regarded by healthcare and cosmetic professionals as a great way to address many of the issues associated with visibly aging skin.

What is the downside of PRP? ›

PRP Therapy Risks and Side Effects

After the procedure, you may experience some soreness and bruising at the injection site. Because PRP injections are made up of your own cells and plasma, the risk of an allergic reaction is much lower than with other injectable medications like corticosteroids.

Does PRP help sagging skin? ›

Replacing Damaged Cells

Other treatments mask the problem, but PRP addresses it at its roots. When skin cells are damaged, they lose their rigidity and firmness. This is what causes sagging and lines to form across your face.

What is better than PRP facial? ›

PRF will address all the same issues as PRP, but it's a better option if you have deeper wrinkles, hollows, or more advanced signs of aging. PRF is often called a natural filler because it's highly effective at building volume.

Which age is best for PRP? ›

While there is no “maximum” age to be a candidate for PRP hair restoration, most patients are in their 30s. However, many successful clinical trials have been tested with patients ranging from 18 to 72 years of age.

Does PRP work after one session? ›

By doing so, stem cells and PRP can provide more effective regeneration and help the body heal. These treatments can offer relief from pain and get a person back to a healthy and active lifestyle. Many patients begin to feel relief after just one treatment, which may even be a permanent result.

Can you see results after one PRP session? ›

The natural growth phase of your hair takes 3 to 6 months meaning it will be a while before you see any signs of truly dense hair growth from the treatment. It's also important to note that you should only expect to see visible results after your last session of PRP therapy.

Will one PRP treatment work? ›

PRP, as performed in my office, is usually successful after one procedure and is repeated every 9-15 months.

Can you see results after one PRP? ›

The results of PRP treatment are most noticeable after several weeks for joint injections and six months for scalp injections, and are not permanent; patients may require additional injections at the direction of their doctor.

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