100 Examples: How To Politely Decline a Request - Status.net (2024)

Sometimes, you just have to say no, and that’s perfectly okay. I know it can be tough to find the right words, but I’ve found that being honest and respectful can go a long way in these situations. In this article, we’ll go over examples of how to politely decline various requests.

General Tips for Politely Declining Requests

Keeping Communication Clear and Direct

  1. Be honest but kind: “I can’t take on any more tasks right now.”
  2. Avoid vague language: “It’s not possible for me to do that at this time.”
  3. Stay on topic: “I need to focus on my current projects.”
  4. Provide a brief explanation: “Due to my schedule, I can’t help.”
  5. Be firm yet polite: “I appreciate the offer, but I must decline.”

Expressing Empathy in Your Response

Showing empathy helps the requester feel understood and respected:

  1. Acknowledge the requester’s feelings: “I understand why this is important to you.”
  2. Show appreciation: “Thank you for thinking of me for this task.”
  3. Offer alternative solutions: “I can’t help, but maybe someone else can.”
  4. Recognize the importance of the request: “I see how this could be beneficial.”
  5. Genuine compassion: “I’m sorry I can’t assist, but I wish you the best with this.”

Providing a Sincere Apology When Necessary

Apologizing sincerely can smooth over any hard feelings:

  1. Direct and heartfelt apology: “I’m sorry, I can’t commit to this.”
  2. Acknowledge the inconvenience: “I apologize for any trouble this may cause.”
  3. Be honest about your reasons: “Sorry, I have prior commitments.”
  4. Express regret: “I regret that I can’t help at this time.”
  5. Maintain politeness: “I apologize, but I can’t assist you with this task.”

Professional Settings: Declining Work-Related Requests

Handling Coworkers’ Requests

  1. “I’m sorry, but I’m swamped with a project right now.”
  2. “I’d love to help, but I have deadlines to meet today.”
  3. “I can’t help at the moment, but maybe I can assist you later.”
  4. “I wish I could, but I’m tied up with another task.”
  5. “My schedule is packed today, can it wait until tomorrow?”
  6. “I’m currently unavailable, can I suggest someone else?”
  7. “I don’t have the bandwidth for this right now. Sorry!”
  8. “I need to focus on my own tasks, unfortunately.”
  9. “I’m busy with my work, but let’s find a time later.”
  10. “I’m at capacity now, perhaps next week?”

Responding to Customer Service Inquiries

  1. “Unfortunately, we can’t process this request at the moment.”
  2. “I’m sorry, but we don’t offer that service.”
  3. “We appreciate your inquiry, but it’s not possible.”
  4. “This exceeds what we can handle right now, apologies.”
  5. “We’re unable to fulfill your request at this time.”
  6. “Our policy doesn’t allow that service.”
  7. “We can’t do that specifically, but here’s an alternative.”
  8. “This is not something we offer, sorry for any inconvenience.”
  9. “We aren’t able to provide that service.”
  10. “Thank you, but we can’t assist with that.”

Rejecting Proposals or Offers from Vendors

  1. “Thanks, but we aren’t interested in this offer.”
  2. “We’re not looking for these services right now.”
  3. “I appreciate the proposal, but we’ll have to decline.”
  4. “This doesn’t fit our current needs, thank you.”
  5. “We’re not in need of these services, apologies.”
  6. “Your offer is valuable, but not useful to us now.”
  7. “We’re concentrating on different priorities.”
  8. “Our focus is elsewhere at the moment.”
  9. “Thank you, but we have other plans.”
  10. “Our strategy doesn’t include this at present.”

Dealing with Requests on Short Notice or Out of Scope

  1. “I can’t handle this on such short notice, sorry!”
  2. “This isn’t within my responsibilities.”
  3. “I need more time to address this properly.”
  4. “I’m unable to take this on right now.”
  5. “This is beyond my current duties.”
  6. “I wish I could help, but this isn’t my area.”
  7. “Please give me more notice for such requests.”
  8. “I’m afraid that’s not part of my role.”
  9. “I don’t have the time to manage this now.”
  10. “I recommend discussing this with someone else.”

Specific Scenarios and How to Navigate Them

Rejecting a Customer Request for a Discount

  1. “Thank you for reaching out, but we cannot offer discounts at this time.”
  2. “I appreciate your interest, yet our prices are firm.”
  3. “We’re unable to provide a discount, but can I assist with anything else?”
  4. “Our services come with fixed pricing to maintain quality.”
  5. “Thanks for asking, though we can’t reduce our price.”
  6. “Our current pricing is non-negotiable.”
  7. “I understand your request, but discounts aren’t available.”
  8. “Our prices reflect the value we deliver.”
  9. “We adhere to a no-discount policy.”
  10. “Thank you for understanding our pricing policy.”

Refusing a Customer Feature Request

Sometimes, customers might request features that aren’t feasible or align with your product vision. Handle these situations with care.

  1. “Thanks for the suggestion, but it’s not something we can add right now.”
  2. “We appreciate your feedback, but we’re focusing on other features.”
  3. “That’s a great idea, but we don’t have plans to implement it.”
  4. “Your request has been noted, but it isn’t feasible at this time.”
  5. “We aim to improve, but this feature isn’t on our roadmap.”
  6. “Thank you for the idea, it’s not something we can do now.”
  7. “We understand your need, but they’re outside our current plans.”
  8. “We’re focused on different updates at the moment.”
  9. “That feature isn’t compatible with our system.”
  10. “We’ll keep it in mind, yet it’s not possible now.”

Declining an Invitation or Personal Request

Balancing personal and professional invites with your schedule can be tricky. Here are ways to decline without offending:

  1. “Thank you for the invite, but I have other commitments.”
  2. “I appreciate the offer, though I need to pass this time.”
  3. “That sounds fun, yet I can’t make it.”
  4. “Sorry, I have prior engagements on that day.”
  5. “Thanks, but I’m afraid I’ll have to decline.”
  6. “I’d love to, but it conflicts with my schedule.”
  7. “Unfortunately, I won’t be able to join.”
  8. “That’s kind, but I’m not available.”
  9. “I’m grateful for the invite, yet I need to skip.”
  10. “Thanks, but I can’t make it work right now.”

Saying No to a Promotion or Additional Responsibilities

When offered a promotion or more responsibilities, it’s important to be honest about your availability and capacity:

  1. “I’m honored, but I’m not in a position to take this on.”
  2. “Thank you, yet I’m currently focusing on my existing duties.”
  3. “I appreciate the offer, but I can’t accept more responsibilities now.”
  4. “That’s a great opportunity, though I must decline for now.”
  5. “I’m flattered, though I’ll have to pass this time.”
  6. “This offer is appreciated, yet I must focus on my current role.”
  7. “Thanks, but I’m not ready to take on more duties.”
  8. “I need to decline, as I have enough on my plate.”
  9. “Your offer means a lot, but I must refuse.”
  10. “I appreciate being considered, yet I can’t commit to this role.”

Providing Alternatives and Solutions

Sometimes, you can offer alternative solutions or get back to the questioner with better options:

  1. Instead of “I can’t meet on Monday,” try “I can meet on Tuesday or Wednesday instead.”
  2. If you can’t support a project, say “Maybe we can focus on smaller tasks first.”
  3. If a request for money isn’t possible, suggest “How about I help you find resources or a job?”
  4. If you can’t attend an event, offer “I can join you for a quick call to discuss later.”
  5. For unavailable products, say “We have a similar item that might work for you.”
Interdepartmental Communication: Best Strategies and a Case Study

Q & A

What are some ways to gently say no to a favor that’s been asked of me?

You can say, “I wish I could help, but I have other commitments right now.” Another option is, “I’m flattered, but I’m not able to assist this time.”

Could you provide examples of polite email responses for rejecting a job offer?

“Thank you for offering me the position. After careful consideration, I have decided to pursue another opportunity.” You can also write, “I appreciate the offer, but I must decline as I have accepted another role.”

How can I courteously turn down a customer’s request via email?

“Thank you for reaching out. Unfortunately, we cannot meet your request at this time. We appreciate your patience and understanding.” Another example is, “We regret to inform you that we cannot accommodate your request. Please let us know if there’s anything else we can assist with.”

What’s the proper etiquette for declining a business proposal without offending the other party?

“Thank you for your proposal. Unfortunately, we’re unable to proceed at this time. We value your interest and hope to collaborate in the future.” Another phrase is, “We appreciate your detailed proposal, but we are not in a position to accept it currently.”

Are there any polite phrases to use when rejecting a client’s project proposal?

“Thank you for your submission. We have decided to go in a different direction at this time.” Another approach is, “We appreciate your proposal, but we’ve chosen an alternate solution for our needs.”

How can I tactfully handle declining a service or request in a personal context?

“I’m sorry, but I can’t commit to this right now. I hope you understand.” Another option is, “I wish I could help, but my schedule is quite full at the moment. Thank you for thinking of me.”

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Posted in: Communication

100 Examples: How To Politely Decline a Request - Status.net (2024)


100 Examples: How To Politely Decline a Request - Status.net? ›

Give a reason for declining the request

Briefly explain why you have to decline the request. For this step, only provide what information is necessary. For example, "I cannot attend the meeting because I have another appointment scheduled at that time" is sufficient.

What is the best response for denying a request? ›

Give a reason for declining the request

Briefly explain why you have to decline the request. For this step, only provide what information is necessary. For example, "I cannot attend the meeting because I have another appointment scheduled at that time" is sufficient.

How do I politely say no to a request sample? ›

50 ways to nicely say "no"
  1. "Unfortunately, I have too much to do today. ...
  2. "I'm flattered by your offer, but no thank you."
  3. "That sounds fun, but I have a lot going on at home."
  4. "I'm not comfortable doing that task. ...
  5. "Now isn't a good time for me. ...
  6. " Sorry, I have already committed to something else.
Jul 31, 2023

How to refuse something in a nice way? ›

Say No and Apologize
  1. Sorry, but I'm swamped (busy) right now!
  2. Sorry, but it just won't work for me.
  3. Sorry, but I have something else.
  4. Sorry, but I can't make it.
  5. My apologies, but I can't right now.
  6. My apologies, but it's not possible.
  7. I don't think it will work. I'm sorry.
  8. I can't. My apologies.

How do you politely decline a follow request? ›

State your reason and then stop talking. Say: “I appreciate your request but I have other priorities and can't take on the extra work.”

What is the best rejection response? ›

Thank the employer for letting you know their decision and for their time and consideration. Demonstrate your genuine interest in the position. Express your disappointment, but keep it brief and maintain a positive tone. Lastly, ask for feedback.

How to say "no" gracefully? ›

10 different ways to say no
  1. Sadly, I have something else going on.
  2. I have another commitment.
  3. I wish I were able to.
  4. I'm afraid I can't.
  5. I don't have the bandwidth for that right now.
  6. I'm honored you asked me, but I simply can't.
  7. Thanks for thinking of me. ...
  8. I'm sorry, I'm not able to fit this in.
Jan 7, 2022

How to decline respectfully? ›

Here are a few variations to practice:
  1. Thanks for thinking of me. I can't right now/I can't make it/I can't attend.
  2. I'm at capacity right now, so I will decline. Thanks for understanding.
  3. No, not at this time.
Dec 16, 2023

How to say no in a smart way? ›

Example phrases to help you say no
  1. “May I take a day to get back to you?” ...
  2. “I can do it for you this time, but I can't do it for you every time. ...
  3. “It does not [or will not] work for me to ... ” ...
  4. “I can't, but here's another option for you.” ...
  5. “It's not good for me now, but let's look ahead in our calendars.” ...
  6. “Sorry, no.”
Aug 4, 2021

How do you say "not interested" politely? ›

  1. "Thank you for considering me, but I must respectfully decline." ...
  2. "I appreciate your interest, but unfortunately, I'm unable to commit at this time." ...
  3. "I understand where you're coming from, but I don't think it's the right fit for me."
Apr 14, 2023

What is the most respectful way to reject someone? ›

"I just don't feel the same way." "That's just the way I feel." "I know the feeling I'm looking for, and I'm just not feeling it here." "I don't think we're a good match for each other, and while I know you might not agree, I hope you can trust that I know what's right for me."

How do you reject decently? ›

You could say “I'm not looking to date right now” or “I'm focusing on my work at the moment, and I'm not interested in pursuing a relationship,” if these things are true. If you're just not interested, you can simply say “I don't feel the connection.” Keep it simple: Remember, you don't owe them a detailed explanation.

How do you reject without being rude? ›

Stick with "I" statements. Whatever the reason for your feelings, avoid putting the blame on the other person when you tell him or her how you feel. "Don't start pointing out all the faults or issues the person has that are leading you to make your decision to reject them.

How to professionally say no to a request? ›

Thank you for approaching me on this matter. I'm glad you feel you can trust me. Unfortunately, I'm not going to be able to XYZ.” (Never give a reason why or why not.) Any “professional” would take the cue and drop it.

How do you politely decline an answer? ›

The most direct way to do this is to simply say that you will not answer the question. However, even though you are saying "no," you can still do it politely. I'm sorry, but I'd prefer not to say. I'm sorry, but I don't want to share that information.

How to reject someone nicely over text? ›

Try: "I care about you a lot, but I'm not in a good place to start a relationship with you right now." "I really like having you as a friend, but I don't feel comfortable going further than that." "I have fun with you, but I don't think dating is the right choice for me right now."

How do I reply to a denied request? ›

In addition to thanking the other person for their time and expressing gratitude for the opportunity, you should do two things: State your interest in being considered for future opportunities, and ask for feedback on how you can improve.

How to respectfully decline a request? ›

Here are a few variations to practice:
  1. Thanks for thinking of me. I can't right now/I can't make it/I can't attend.
  2. I'm at capacity right now, so I will decline. Thanks for understanding.
  3. No, not at this time.
Dec 16, 2023

What is the etiquette for responding to a declined request? ›

To respond to a rejection email, include a subject line, address the employer by name, express gratitude for the opportunity, ask one or two specific questions for feedback, enquire about future opportunities and conclude with a note of appreciation.

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Author: Msgr. Benton Quitzon

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Name: Msgr. Benton Quitzon

Birthday: 2001-08-13

Address: 96487 Kris Cliff, Teresiafurt, WI 95201

Phone: +9418513585781

Job: Senior Designer

Hobby: Calligraphy, Rowing, Vacation, Geocaching, Web surfing, Electronics, Electronics

Introduction: My name is Msgr. Benton Quitzon, I am a comfortable, charming, thankful, happy, adventurous, handsome, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.