France (2024)

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    Reference year 2023

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    Version 2023 - Drafted by Romain Pigaeud,Expert in Law and Training policies at Center-Inffo - Member of Cedefop Community of apprenticeship experts for France

    Q1. Is there a stable legal basis for apprenticeships in your country?



    In development

    The French apprenticeships system that has been in place for several decades has been the object of debates at policy level and key stakeholder level over the recent years. Seen as a potential means to help addressing youth unemployment, several measures have been put in place to boost participation in apprenticeships.

    The main laws regarding apprenticeship are in the sixth part of the French Labour Code (;jsessionid=184DEBE9… ).
    Two apprenticeship schemes are regulated, based on two corresponding types of contracts:
    • The scheme based on the apprenticeship contract (‘contrat d’apprentissage’1), which is a specific type of employment contract that has been available in France since 1919. It was modified and redefined in 2018.
    • The scheme based on the professionalisation contract (‘contrat de professionnalisation’2), which exists since 2004. Prior to that, there was a rather similar scheme called the ‘contrat de qualification’. The following circular (DGEFP n° 2012-15 of 19 July 20123) and decree (n° 2016-95 of 1 February 20164) set a comprehensive regulation for this contract.

    In 2018, a law was promulgated5 with the aim of reforming the initial vocational training system, including apprenticeships: legal rules were simplified, financials incentives for companies were unified, the creation of apprenticeship training providers (centres de formation d’apprentis, CFAs) was liberalized, apprenticeship was opened up to people up to the age of 30, the financing of training was transformed, the termination of the contract was simplified, a new national quality system was set up.

    1. Article L6211-1 code du travail….
    2. Article L6325-1 du code du travail
    5. LOI n° 2018-771 du 5 septembre 2018 pour la liberté de choisir son avenir professionnel

    Q2. Is there an official definition of ‘apprenticeship’ or ‘apprentice’ in your country?



    In France, an apprentice is defined as a young professional who follows training that draws on an alternation of work-based (in-company) training and school-based training.

    The concept of apprenticeship is defined by law in the remit of the apprenticeship contract (‘contrat d’apprentissage’) and the professionalisation contract (‘contrat de professionalisation’), which are the two main apprenticeship schemes in France.

    In both cases, apprenticeships are the object of individual employment contracts of special type signed between an apprentice (or his/her legal representative if the apprentice is minor) and an employer.
    Through this contract, employers commit themselves to remunerate the apprentices and deliver effective training and tutoring to them during the duration of the contract. Employers undertake the responsibility to ensure that the apprentice follows the training provided by the training centres for apprentices (centres de formation d’apprentis, CFAs). Employers also assume the responsibility to take part in activities designed to coordinate training between the company and the training center.
    Through the contract, apprentices commit themselves to effectively work and attend in-company training at the signatory employer within the full duration of the contract.

    Source: Article L6221-1 of the french labor code //

    Q3. At which level do apprenticeship schemes exist in your country?

    At upper secondary level

    At post-secondary (not tertiary)

    At tertiary level

    At sectoral level

    In France, both apprenticeship schemes lead to qualifications at all educational levels, from secondary to higher education, by means of successive contracts or switching from school-based higher education to apprenticeships.

    Besides formal education and VET qualifications, the scheme based on professionalisation contracts may be organised to achieve labour market qualifications at sectoral levels. These are qualifications recognised by the social partners. The social partners can adapt the contract de professionnalisation to a particular target group via a sectoral agreement. As examples, some sectors and their structures may be mentioned for their actions to promote apprenticeships, among others: le reseau éducagri, les maisons familiales et rurales (MFR), Comité de concertation et de coordination de l'apprentissage du bâtiment et des travaux publics (CCCA-BTP), L'Union des industries et métiers de la métallurgie (UIMM), les Compagnons du Devoir etc.

    Q4. How well-established are apprenticeship schemes in your country?

    A long history (before 2000)

    A recent history (in 2000s)

    Pilot scheme

    The scheme based on the 'contrat d’apprentissage' has a long history as it has been available in France since 1919.
    The scheme based on the 'contrat de professionnalisation' is more recent (dating back to 2004) but this was preceded by a rather similar scheme, the 'contrat de qualification'.

    Q5. Relevant information that is essential to understanding the specificity of apprenticeships in the country.

    International mobility of apprentices is a priority in France. The French Chambers of Commerce and Industry (CCI) act as contact point for trans-national apprenticeship projects, such as the Erasmus+ funded Movil’App projects that supports the mobility of apprentices:…;
    An association that aims to spread the experimentation for the long term mobility of apprentices is
    The national Erasmus+ agency has set up a programme specifically for apprentices:…

    On this page:

    • Q1 Is there a stable legal basis for apprenticeships in your country?
    • Q2 Is there an official definition of ‘apprenticeship’ or ‘apprentice’ in your country?
    • Q3 At which level do apprenticeship schemes exist in your country?
    • Q4 How well-established are apprenticeship schemes in your country?
    • Q5 Relevant information that is essential to understanding the specificity of apprenticeships in the country
    France (2024)
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