IELTS General Task 1 Sample Questions and Essays | IELTS Podcast (2024)

Home»IELTS General Task 1 » IELTS General Writing Task 1: Letter samples, phrases and tips.

Thegeneral writing task 1 exam evaluates the test taker’s writing skills in responding to a complaint, requesting information or explaining a certain situation in a letter.

You should spend no more than 20 minutes on this section and you should write at least 150 words. IELTS Task 1 forms 33% of your total writing mark.


IELTS training writing task 1

IELTS general writing task 1 sample letters to make a complaint

General writing task 1 sample letters to make an application

IELTS general writing task 1 sample letters to invite

Sample letters to advise

IELTS sample letters to apologise

Sample letters to make a request

General task 1 informal letter samples

Task 1 sample letter to inform

Latest 2018- March 2020 general task 1 questions

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IELTS Letter Writing General Task 1 – training and overview

Letter writing in English consists of standard phrases and structures, most of which are outlined below in this tutorial.

Also, you can use the question as a ready-made plan to follow for your writing, you can write a few sentences for each bullet point in the question, and you have a well-structured answer covering the task response requirement.

Below we have a large list of questions, IELTS letter samples and phrases to help you with your online IELTS preparation. For more help with IELTS writing, take a look at our range ofwriting tasks.

IELTS Writing General Task 1: Sample letters to make a complaint

  1. Example Letter: A formal complaint
    You have eaten at a restaurant and it was such a terrible experience that you have decided to inform the manager by letter of what happened and that you want your money back. Things to include:
    – Facts. You need to be concise but explain what happened.
    – Polite. No one responds to insults.
    – Outline what you wish from this. What do you want to happen?
    – Firmness. You want to be taken seriously.
  2. Example Letter: Your next-door neighbour owns a small dog that barks throughout the day and the night. Write a letter to your neighbour requesting that something be done about the dog. Include in your letter:
    – Your reason for writing
    – What you would like to happen
    – A nice, respectful style
  3. Example Letter: You ordered an item from an online store and it has arrived damaged.
    Write a letter to the retailer to complain. In the letter:
    – Explain why you are unhappy
    – Request a refund
    – Make arrangements to return the damaged item
  4. Example Letter: Your internet connection has been slow and intermittent.
    Write a letter to your internet service provider to complain. In the letter:
    – Describe the problem and why you are unhappy
    – Arrange for an engineer to visit your home
    – Request a reduction in your bill
  5. A reporter complained about a new TV program that you like. Write a letter to the newspaper editor.– Describe your point of view.
    – Say what you like about the show and why.
    – Ask the newspaper to take some action.

Useful general Task 1 Phrases to make a complaint

I am not happy aboutI want you to know that
I am writing to express my dissatisfaction withI am writing to express my annoyance with
I am very much unhappy withI must complain about
I feel something should be done aboutI am writing to you to complain

IELTS Letter samples for Task 1: to make an application

  1. IELTS writing sample: A job application Cover letter
    You are applying for a job. As well as attaching a CV, you need to write a cover letter explaining your reasons for choosing this particular job at this particular company, and why you would be a good hire. Things to include are:
    – Possible qualifications or reasons for you to be hired
    – Your energy and enthusiasm for the job
    – Your past experience in a similar position.
  2. IELTS writing sample: The school library is seeking applicants for a job over summer break. Write a letter to the library’s manager, in your letter include:
    – A brief introduction of yourself
    – Your experience and relevant skills
    – Why you want the job
  3. You would like to join the local orchestra
    Write a letter of application to the orchestra. In the letter:
    – Introduce yourself and your instrument of choice
    – Explain how your credentials make you a good candidate
    – Express your enthusiasm for music
  4. IELTS writing sample: Your children go to a local school that requires volunteers to accompany school science trips.
    Write a letter to the school to apply to be a volunteer. In the letter:
    – Introduce yourself and give details of your children who attend the school
    – Explain why you are interested in the position
    – Talk about any relevant experience that you have with children

IELTS Task 1 formal vocabulary to make an application

I am writing in relation to the advertised position of…Please find my CV attached…
If you have any further questions please do not hesitate to contact me…I am available between the hours of 2pm and 4pm Monday – Thursday.
I am writing to apply for the position of…My responsibilities included….
My most recent job was…I believe I have all the relevant experience required…

IELTS General Letter Writing Samples: How to write an invitation

General writing task 1 sample: Your friends recently moved to a new city. You will also be moving to the same city. Write a letter to your friends and include:
– Ask where to find a place to live
– Tell them what type of place you’re looking for
– Share some fun things you would like to do when you get there

IELTS general writing task 1 sample: You will be graduating from university and would like to invite your family to the ceremony.
Write a letter of invitation to your parents. In the letter:
– Explain that you have completed your studies
– Give details of the event, including time, date and dress code
– Let them know how many tickets they have and who they are for

IELTS general writing task 1 sample: You have won a holiday to Hawaii with one extra ticket.
Write a letter to someone to invite them along with you. In the letter:
– Explain what has happened and that you would like them to come
– Give details of when the trip will take place
– Inform the person of the things they will need for the trip

IELTS Writing Task 1 Vocabulary to invite or reply to an invite

I am writing you in response to your invitationWith the reference of your proposal
Please do let me know if you can make itThank you for your kind invite however, unfortunately
I am writing to reply to your kind invitation regarding theDo let me know if you can make it
It would be delightful to have you herePlease RSVP as soon as possible

IELTS General Letter Writing Samples: Answers to advise

  1. Writing task 1 sampleletter: Write a letter to your favourite restaurant. Include the following:
    · Your reason for writing
    · What you like about the restaurant
    · Suggestions for improvement
  2. Writing task 1 sample letter: Write a letter to the newspaper editor about an experience you had at a restaurant. The experience can be good or bad. Describe your experience in detail and state whether or not you recommend others to visit the restaurant.
  3. Writing task 1 sample letter: A friend is considering buying a house nearby, but you have decided to leave the area due to a rise in crime.
    Write a letter to your friend advising them not to move into the neighbourhood. In your letter:
    – Recommend that your friend not go ahead with the purchase
    – Give the reasons behind your decision to leave
    – Suggest possible alternative areas that you know

IELTS Writing Task 1 Vocabulary to advise

I am happy to advise you thatI strongly advise you to/not to
It would/might be a good idea toThe best thing for you to do is
I honestly believe it would be better toPlease do consider my advice because
In my honest opinion, I wouldI would strongly suggest you consider

IELTS sample letters / answers to apologise

  1. Writing task 1 sampleletter to apologise: IELTS sample: A formal apology and explanation
    You have received a letter from your university of Albion demanding a reason for your absence
    from an exam. You were ill that day but failed to submit the evidence. Write a letter to the
    Examinations Committee explaining your situation. You should include:
    – Apologies for the situation
    – Identification for yourself (Name, student number, case number)
    – An explanation of what had happened and any possible evidence you may have
    – Possible resolutions to consider.
  2. Writing task 1 sample Letter to apologise: You agreed to take a particular job over the summer, but due to unforeseen circ*mstances, you can no longer take the position. Write a letter including:
    – Explaining your situation
    – An apology
    – Express that you would be interested in the position next summer
  3. Writing task 1 sampleletter to apologise: You recently applied for two separate jobs. Both have chosen to hire you, but you must write a letter to one of them explaining why you are unable to take the position. Include in your letter:
    – An apology
    – An explanation of your situation
  4. Writing task 1 sampleletter to apologise: You have not seen a close friend for a very long time. You also still have a few of your friend’s belongings that were left at your house the last time she visited. In your letter include:
    – Why you are writing
    – What you’ve been doing since you last spoke together
    – Apologize for still having the items and ask how you can return them

General letter writing task 1 GT vocabulary to apologise

I regret to inform youI am writing to apologise
It is with my deepest regret thatI would like to apologise
I sincerely apologise forI do apologise for any inconvenience caused
I hope that this does not cause you any problemsI would strongly suggest you consider

Writing task 1 sample letters: answers to make a request

  1. IELTS writing task 1 sample: A new neighbour has moved in next door and has taken your main rubbish bin.
    Write a letter to your new neighbour requesting that they return the item. In the letter:
    – Explain that new bins must be sourced from the local council
    – Request that the person returns your bin immediately
    – Inform the person of what further actions you will take should they not return your bin
  2. IELTS writing task 1 sample: You would like to work in a different city to be closer to your family.
    Write a letter to your employer to request a transfer to another office. In the letter:
    – Explain why you would like to move
    – Request that your employer place you in a specific city
    – Request that it be completed by a certain date
  3. IELTS writing task 1 sample:: You live near a record shop that sells music, movies, and books.
    Write a letter to the shop asking if they have a few different items =you are looking for.
    – Ask what the prices are and if they can be orders
    – Ask when they would arrive and if you can have them held in advance.
  4. IELTS writing task 1 sample: You recently used a taxi and left some important documents there. Write a letter to the taxi manager and say:
    – Describe what you left and where it happened.
    – Why are these papers important?
    – What would you like the manager to do about it?

IELTS General Writing Task 1 Vocabulary to make a request

Could you please / possiblyPlease would you consider
Would it be possible toWould you be kind enough to
Is there any way you could … ?I would strongly suggest you consider
(informal) Can you ..?(informal) Will you ..?

General task 1 informal letter samples and answers

  1. IELTS informal letter sample : Your sibling has sent you a letter asking for an update on your life.
    Write a letter to your sibling. In your letter:
    – Describe what you did for your last birthday
    – Ask for photos of your sibling’s last holiday
    – Talk about something you are looking forward to
  2. IELTS informal letter sample: Your best friend is moving back to your city after being overseas for five years.
    Write a letter to convince your friend to move in with you. In the letter:
    – Explain how much you have missed your friend
    – Describe how you feel about your friend’s return
    – Give reasons that you and your friend should share a home
  3. IELTS informal letter sample: Write a letter to a pen pal. This can be your first letter or a letter you’re writing after knowing your pen pal for a long time. Include details you would normally include when writing to a pen pal in this situation.

IELTS General Writing Task 1 Vocabulary for informal letters

Hello / Hi name / Hi thereI was wondering if you could help me.
I’m sorry to tell you thatI should let you know that
I hope you’re wellIt’s been ages since I’ve heard from you
Lots of loveThanks very much

General Writing Task 1 sample answer to inform

A letter to inform is used whenever the sender (you) would like to inform the receiver of some information. The information you wish to convey could be related to just about anything. Below is a list of topics or concepts your letter may cover:

  • Inform about a death/ engagement/ wedding/ special life event
  • Inform about an acceptance or rejection of application
  • Inform about the receipt of a document or package
  • Inform about a current event

The purpose of an “inform” letter is to make sure that whatever important news the receiver has to get is clear and articulate. You want to ensure that your letter has a structure. This would include your introduction, your body and ultimately your conclusion.

The introduction- here you want to set up the conversation of the letter. This can include a greeting, an enquiry about how the receiver is doing and then depending on how well you know the receiver a brief introduction of who you are.

Example: Letter to inform about an upcoming wedding

Sample introduction:

Hi Emily,

This is Jill, we met at the art exhibition last year. I hope this email finds you well.

The body – Once the introduction is complete you need to write the reason for your “inform letter”.

Sample Body:

Jack and I engaged! I would love it so very much if you could make it to our wedding. You played ahuge role in us getting together and it only makes sense that you are part of the big day.

The conclusion – this section is where you close your letter. You can make any final requests or list any final requirements

Sample conclusion:

By the way, I lost all my contacts as my phone was stolen. This is my new number 123456789. I look forward to hearing back from you.


Your friend, Jill

VIDEO: IELTS Band 9 Sample General Task 1 and Vocabulary

More IELTS Writing Task 1 Tutorials

For more help with your IELTS preparation, take a look at our tutorials:

  • How to Plan and Write IELTS Task 1 Informal Letters In 20 Minutes
  • IELTS Sample Letters – Band 9
  • IELTS task 2
  • Task 1 GT
  • IELTS academic task 1
  • IELTS general task 1 recent questions
  • IELTS sample general task 1 letter
  • Take a look a the most recent IELTS general task 1 questions
  • All you need to know about the IELTS writing exam

Another component for your IELTS writing success is lexical resource, here is an in-depth tutorialto help you boost your essays.

To contact Ben and the team you can send an email after signing up.

Take a look at our free IELTS sample task 1 GT letters ebook(PDF)

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How can I practice IELTS letter writing?

First, look at examples. Then make a list of different types of letters (informal and formal) with appropriate vocabulary for each one. Try to memorize fixed expressions such as, I would really appreciate your help with this.

Is there letter writing in IELTS academic?

No, letter writing (often an email) is only in the IELTS General exam so no need to practice that if you are doing IELTS Academic. In IELTS General, it takes the place of the diagram, map or process in task 1.

What is a formal letter in IELTS?

This is a letter in which you might make a complaint or write an application (for a job or college place). You could also be giving advice, making a request or apologizing for something.

How can I get an 8 in IELTS writing general?

You’ll need to make sure your letter and essay answers are formal, fully address the task and contain hardly any grammar or word choice errors. There’s more information about getting band 8 here.

How do you write a general writing Task 1?

Make sure you practice different letter types – informal and formal and be clear about the purpose of your letter (an apology, responding to an invitation, asking for information). Use the correct phrases and set your letter out following a model.

How do I get my IELTS writing checked online?

If you are serious about improving,IELTS writing essay correctioncan give you feedback on your essays in 24h, getting your work corrected will help you identify errors (grammatical range and accuracy) and improve much faster. Raza jumped from 6.5 to 7.5 using this exact course

How long will this online course take?

If you have your IELTS test coming up soon, you can get complete everything, including the 9 essay corrections (both Task 1 & Task 2) included, within 10 days. However, we advise most students to allow a month so that they can properly review their IELTS essay corrections so as to get the most from them.

What is the success rate of the IELTS online course?

We have helped lots of students from around the world achieve their desired IELTS scores. Read our success stories here.

Your IELTS success story starts with the right tools, online converter helps to convert documents into various form. Try now!

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IELTS General Task 1 Sample Questions and Essays | IELTS Podcast (2024)
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Name: Kareem Mueller DO

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Introduction: My name is Kareem Mueller DO, I am a vivacious, super, thoughtful, excited, handsome, beautiful, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.