What Can I Put On My Dog For Dry Skin? 6 Powerful Hydrating Solutions – HolistaPet (2024)

Dry skin is an annoyance for anybody, and it can also affect our pets. If your pooch suffers from flakes or itchiness, their skin is probably dry. You may be wondering, “what can I put on my dog for dry skin?” Fortunately, there are plenty of products and treatment options you can try before the problem becomes severe.

Many of the things that cause dry skin in humans also affect dogs. There are also some causes that are unique to our furry friends. In this guide, we’ll go over the typical culprits of dryness and some useful home remedies so your dog can regain its healthy skin!

Why Do Dogs Get Dry Skin?

The two most common reasons for dry skin in dogs are allergies and parasites. When it comes to parched skin, make sure you keep an eye on every aspect of your pet’s lifestyle. While a dog’s dry skin could merely be the result of one too many baths, it could also signify a much larger issue.

A dog’s skin may become dry if it is exposed to an allergen. Canines get allergies just like people do, and a reaction to food, the environment, or seasonal allergens can result in dry, itchy, or flaky skin.

Some typical allergens include pollen, dust, feathers, grass, animal dander, and grain. One of the first lines of defense when sheltering your pet from dry skin is to limit or avoid these irritants. If you know your dog reacts poorly to a large amount of pollen, try reducing their exposure when Spring comes around.

Another common allergen is flea saliva, which causes a reaction known as flea allergy dermatitis. The most common skin disorder in American dogs, flea allergy dermatitis often occurs in the summer. The disorder can be treated with insecticides or possibly home remedies, though you should first consult with a vet for an accurate diagnosis.

Other causes of dry skin are different parasites, infections, excessive bathing, poor diet, and systemic disorders.

Read More : Probiotics For Dogs

What Can I Put On My Dog For Dry Skin? 6 Powerful Hydrating Solutions – HolistaPet (1)

Symptoms of Dry Dog Skin

The symptoms of dry skin can look fairly commonplace, like licking, scratching, dandruff, or hair loss. While some of these behaviors and symptoms are natural for a healthy dog, too much could mean they need some extra attention or a trip to the veterinarian.

At the end of the day, you know your dog better than anyone! When your dog’s grooming or shedding reaches an unusual high, you’ll be the first to notice. Symptoms of dry skin include:

  • Flaking/Dandruff
  • Scaling
  • Shedding
  • Pimples
  • Red skin
  • Itching/Scabs
  • Odor


Flakes or dandruff are dead skin cells (usually on the stomach or underarms) that fall off of the dog. To spot this symptom, wait for the animal to lie down. After they stand, check the area for flakes of skin. If there are more than just a few specks of dead skin, you may need to take the animal to the vet.


Large pieces of skin fall off of the dog’s dry body. This symptom is similar to flaking and dandruff, except the pieces of skin are much larger. While a little bit of dandruff is natural in all dog breeds, scaling is more uncommon. Since scaling can indicate seborrhea, a form of dermatitis, you should take your pet to a vet to diagnose the issue.


Hair loss could simply be the result of shedding season, but it is also a sign of skin problems. Patchy areas of exposed skin is a sure sign that something in your pet’s skin or coat is abnormal.

Take note of your dog’s normal shedding patterns when the season comes around so that you know when it becomes excessive. For most dogs, shedding occurs in Spring and Fall, though some canines (like the Golden Retriever) can lose hair year-round.


Pimples can result from skin problems for your pooch, though they aren’t necessarily linked to dry skin. These small, red bumps can be a sign of canine acne. Angry, red bumps along the body could also signify inflammation or skin that has been rubbed raw.

Red Skin

Red skin is another indicator of inflammation. Redness usually means the area is irritated and not receiving enough oil or moisture. Dry skin is more likely to become inflamed than a hydrated coat.


A dog’s response to many skin issues is to lick, chew, or scratch the affected area. These behaviors can damage the dog’s coat and skin if performed excessively and lead to scabs. The dog could also break open any pimples they have, exposing an already sensitive area to infection.


A bacterial or yeast infection can cause a foul smell to come from your dog’s dry skin. Moderate levels of dandruff and flaking can still be present in a healthy dog, but a bad odor from dry, itchy skin usually means something is wrong with the pet’s health.

What Can I Put on My Dog for Dry Skin?

Luckily, there are several ways to treat your dog’s dry skin. From exciting new products like CBD dog shampoo to age-old home treatments like oatmeal baths, there’s an option for every pooch. You can even combine these tips to not only treat skin problems but prevent them as well!

CBD Dog Shampoo

The best options for dry skin should replenish your pet’s natural oils. A great method can help your dog stop itching while simultaneously cleaning the skin, preventing future infection. One product can do all of this while also boosting your pet’s overall wellbeing, and that’s why we recommend CBD dog shampoo.

CBD (short for cannabidiol) dog shampoo is an excellent, non-toxic way for pet owners to give their furry friend multiple benefits with a single product. The shampoo moisturizes your dog’s skin, soothing irritation like pimples, scabs, or rawness.

CBD shampoo cleans your dog, reducing the chance of flea infestation and allergies. It’s also a good way to add some cannabidiol (CBD) to your canine’s system. CBD actually interacts with cannabinoid receptors on your dog’s skin to unleash its benefits!

Cannabinoid receptors are parts of the endocannabinoid system (ECS), which can be found in nearly all mammals. The ECS is crucial for our dog’s health (and ours too!). It regulates vital functions like digestion, mood, skin durability, and more. When you give your dog CBD, externally or internally, it promotes their ECS.

If you want extra cannabidiol benefits, you can also give your pup some CBD for dogs by mixing it into its food to make sure your best friend feels as content as possible. HolistaPet CBD oil contains nutritious hemp seed oil, which boasts all the omega fatty acids (and the optimal ratio of them!). The ultra-nourishing, natural extract can boost your pet’s coat with an array of beneficial fats and protein.

Oatmeal Bath

An oatmeal bath is a classic, natural treatment that can soothe dry skin for both people and dogs. It’s been used for centuries to treat irritated skin, but what makes it so effective? Oatmeal contains avenanthramides, which apparently have compounds with antioxidant and anti-irritating properties.

To give your dog an oatmeal bath, fill a tub or a large bucket with warm water. Put a cup of whole oat oatmeal in the blender, grind it up, and add the powder to the water. Let your dog soak in the mixture for about 10 minutes before rinsing them off and toweling them dry!

Vitamin E

Many owners find that vitamin E can help their dog’s dry skin. However, each breed requires a different amount of vitamin E. You’ll need to either discuss this treatment option with a veterinarian or get some pet-friendly vitamin E that can be applied topically (rubbed into the skin).

You can rub topical oils onto the affected area at home. Products like rejuvenating lotions can contain vitamin E and other natural ingredients to restore skin health. However, before you add too much lotion to your pet’s coat, consult with a vet.

Olive Oil

We use olive oil in all types of recipes for ourselves, so why not share some with our furry friends? Treat your dog to some extra-virgin olive oil by mixing it in with their food. The ideal portion is one teaspoon per 20 pounds of body weight.

The same olive oil you buy at the store is safe for dogs. Though, since it is high in fat and calories, your pooch should only get some 2-3 times a week. Olive oil is full of antioxidants, omega-6, and omega-3 fatty acids, all of which are great for a dog’s dry skin. Plus, it can combat certain parasites!

Coconut Oil

You can use coconut oil to help your dog in a variety of ways. Add some to your pet’s food, rub it on its coat, or combine coconut oil with other beneficial products. It’s also a fantastic carrier oil for essential oils, another good option for moisturizing dry skin.

Carrier oils increase a product’s bioavailability, which refers to the amount of the substance that reaches the animal’s bloodstream. Coconut oil can also act as a carrier for CBD. Use coconut oil with CBD, essential oils, or on its own to give your pooch the relief it needs.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar can help your dog’s dry skin. Many owners have found that apple cider vinegar is an effective humectant, a substance that preserves moisture. You can apply apple vinegar to your dog topically or orally.

Rubbing this vinegar on your dog’s coat replaces old and potentially infectious bacteria and reduces the skin’s yeast population. You can also use apple vinegar to clean your pet’s feet and ear canals. Orally, apple vinegar acts as a natural acidifier and may increase blood flow to the skin.

If more severe symptoms such as scabs, wounds, or a rash are present in your dog, see a veterinarian before using apple vinegar.

What is the Best Option for Dogs With Dry Skin?

The best overall option for your dog’s coat and skin may be a mixture of these remedies, although we highly recommend CBD dog shampoo. While other remedies can target some of your furry friend’s symptoms, CBD shampoo also provides relief to the entire body. You can clean your dog’s skin on the outside, nourish it, and provide a soothing sensation with CBD suds.

Fortunately, you don’t just have to try a single treatment method. Combine different techniques, use essential oils or CBD with coconut oil, and let us know your most effective methods. With cleansing properties, moisturizing effects, and the benefits of CBD oil, you’ll quickly see why this is product is one of the best for dry skin!

What Can I Put On My Dog For Dry Skin? 6 Powerful Hydrating Solutions – HolistaPet (3)

Prevention Tips for Dogs With Dry Skin

You can take care of your dog’s skin before they develop symptoms by providing basic care every day. This includes a proper diet, plenty of water, and exercise that is suitable for the breed. There are even more things we can due to ensure our pet’s skin stays healthy, including:

  • Eating a diet full of omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids (mixing salmon or hemp seed oil into dog food is a good way to get these essential nutrients)
  • Avoiding parasites and infection by staying up to date on your dog’s preventatives. These include vaccinations as well as flea, worm, and tick treatments
  • Grooming regularly, also remember to check their skin often for anything problematic
  • Attending routine checkups at the vet
  • Providing Dog supplements when recommended by a veterinarian

Some dog breeds— such as Labrador Retrievers and American Bulldogs— are more prone to dry skin and may need specific help. For example, some dogs have facial folds that you must pay particular attention to while grooming to avoid bacterial infection.

If you’re not sure whether your dog is susceptible to dry, flaky skin, ask your veterinarian. They can help you find the right products and treatments for your pooch. You may want to ask about CBD since it’s a relatively new option.

What Can Happen If You Don’t Treat Your Dog’s Dry Skin?

Owners that don’t look after their dog’s skin put their pet at risk of developing discomfort, pain, and serious illnesses. Dandruff could turn into raw skin, minor pimples could burst and become infected, or a fungal infection might spread across multiple pets. These are some common skin diseases in dogs:

  • Yeast infection: a fungal infection that usually affects the eyes or ears
  • Folliculitis: a bacterial infection that causes sores, bumps, and scabs on the skin
  • Impetigo: another bacterial infection that usually affects puppies and can cause blisters
  • Seborrhea: a genetic disease that results in greasy skin prone to scaling
  • Ringworm: a condition caused by a fungus, not a worm, which can cause circular lesions

This doesn’t mean a dog should be bathed five times a day either, as excessive grooming removes the natural oils meant to protect the skin. A healthy balance is the best thing for your pet’s overall well-being. Avoid allergens, keep your furry friend clean and flea-free, and feed it a proper diet to minimize the risk of infection.

When do you know it’s time to see a veterinarian? Bleeding, bumps, growths, rashes, foul odors, and redness are all signs that you should consult an animal expert. Above all, your dog’s body language is the best indicator when it’s time for a trip to the vet!

Final Thoughts – What Can I Put on My Dog for Dry Skin?

Dry skin may be an issue for some dogs, but that doesn’t mean it can’t be managed. With preventative care and nourishing home remedies like CBD dog shampoo, every pooch can feel like a million bucks.

Before making any major changes to your pet’s diet, schedule an appointment with your veterinarian. They can determine whether your dog has any underlying conditions, breed quirks, or other complications.

Add coconut oil to your dog’s food, make some oatmeal à la pooch, or try a little bit of each remedy until your furry friend’s dry skin is a thing of the past! Or if you’re curious about more home remedies for dogs look here.

What Can I Put On My Dog For Dry Skin? 6 Powerful Hydrating Solutions – HolistaPet (2024)


What can I put on my dogs dry skin? ›

How To Help Dogs with Dry Skin
  1. A Well-Balanced Diet. Optimal skin and coat health are achieved from the outside in. ...
  2. Coconut Oil. Even when fed a healthy diet, some dogs will still experience dry skin. ...
  3. Vitamin E Oil. ...
  4. Chamomile or Green Tea Bath. ...
  5. Apple Cider Vinegar. ...
  6. DIY Oatmeal Shampoo. ...
  7. Olive Oil. ...
  8. Plain, Unsweetened Yogurt.

How do you make homemade dog skin moisturizer? ›

Mix ½ cup of olive oil with ½ teaspoon of lavender essential oil. Dip a cotton ball in the oil mixture and rub on the itchy areas. You can also add a little bit of olive oil to your dog's food. One tablespoon of olive oil a few times a week should help your dog's skin and coat.

What is the best moisturizer for dogs dry skin? ›

14 Best Solutions to Put on Your Dog for Dry Skin
  • Natural Dog Company Complete Itch Kit for Dogs.
  • Vet's Best Moisture Mist Dog Dry Skin Conditioner.
  • Burt's Bees for Dogs Natural Itch Soothing Spray with Honeysuckle.
  • Raw Paws Organic Coconut Oil for Dogs & Cats.
  • DOGSWELL Remedy + Recovery 0.5% Hydrocortisone Lotion for Dogs.
May 13, 2023

What human lotion can I use on my dog? ›

Unfortunately, you can't just use your own human lotion on the dog, because our moisturizers may contain harmful chemicals and ingredients. Dogs are likely to lick topical treatments off their noses and paws, so any skin-soothing product you use on your dog has to be 100% dog-safe.

Does apple cider vinegar help dogs dry skin? ›

Dogs with itchy skin, dandruff, and even fleas may also benefit from apple cider vinegar. One of the best ways to help is to use an apple cider vinegar bath for dogs. The acidity in the vinegar helps balance the pH of the skin, while its antiseptic and antibacterial properties help resolve skin infections naturally.

What oils are good for dogs skin? ›

List of essential oils safe for your dog's coat
  • Chamomile oil. Chamomile oil has been linked to supporting skin health.
  • Coconut Oil. Just like with humans, coconut oil for dogs is helpful in maintaining healthy and hydrated skin as well as helping with odor control.
  • Jojoba. ...
  • Lavender. ...
  • Fish oil. ...
  • Avocado. ...
  • Aloe Vera.
Dec 19, 2020

What ingredient is best for dogs skin? ›

Omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids are at the top of the list for your dog's skin and coat health, just as they're important supplements for human skin and hair. Usually associated with fish oil, your dog can get necessary omegas from flaxseed, canola, and menhaden oils to help keep their skin supple and their coat shiny.

What cream can I put on my dog's irritated skin? ›

Hydrocortisone cream for dogs is often used to treat the following problems: Calm irritations such as rashes and bug bites. Skin allergies.

How do you treat crusty scabs on dogs? ›

Rinse with warm water: Moisten the scab with a warm, damp cloth to soften crusty scabs and wash away irritants. Apply medication: If your vet prescribed treatment to apply to scabs, do so once you've properly cleaned the area. Keep it moist: If the scab is small, cover it with a gauze to stop it from drying out.

Can I rub olive oil on my dog? ›

If you've been trying to find a way to give your dog a softer coat of fur, olive oil is definitely something that should be considered. Using olive oil is also can also be effective as a moisturizer, by applying it directly to your pet's skin.

Can you use Vaseline lotion on dogs? ›

While Vaseline is technically non-toxic for dogs, it does not mean it is 100% safe. If over-ingested (and they will lick) it can cause an upset stomach, which can lead to vomiting or diarrhoea. Vaseline forms a barrier over your dog's skin trapping in toxins, dirt and bacteria.

Can I moisturize my dog with Vaseline? ›

It's probably best not to put Vaseline or any other petroleum-based product on your dog. When your dog is itchy, flaky, red, or bumpy, it's always best to consult with your veterinarian first. There could be a more serious underlying issue happening, such as food allergies or a parasite infection.

Can I rub coconut oil on my dog? ›

Coconut oil can add moisture to your dog's skin and prevent flaking. It also helps freshen up a dog's coat if used with a light touch. To use it topically, simply rub a very small amount onto your hands and then gently pat the coat, run your fingers through the fur, and massage a little down onto the skin.

Can I put apple cider vinegar directly on my dog? ›

According to Courtney Jackson, DVM, a veterinarian and owner of the Pets Digest blog, apple cider vinegar is safe for dogs to use on their skin and take internally if given in moderation and at recommended doses.

Do I have to rinse apple cider vinegar off my dog? ›

Give your dog a quick second rinsing with clear warm water to get any vinegar scent out of your dog's fur. Use this rinse to get off any residue from the vinegar and shampoo. Once your dog is washed and double rinsed with water and apple cider vinegar and then water again, towel dry him.

Can I spray apple cider vinegar on my dog? ›

Dilute cider vinegar 50-50 with water and apply with a sprayer or sponge immediately after bathing to remove leftover soap residue, alleviate dandruff and itchy skin, condition hair, and repel fleas. To help prevent dander, rub diluted cider vinegar into the dog's skin just before bathing and wash it off.

What is the best oil for dogs itchy skin? ›

When dogs develop allergies, it generally causes itchy and inflamed skin, respiratory disorders, and chronic skin and ear infections. Essential oils such as lavender, chamomile, and peppermint may be used to ease some of these symptoms. Other essential oils, like tea tree oil, can be quite toxic to your dog.

What can I use instead of coconut oil for my dog's skin? ›

If your dog has a bad reaction to coconut oil or you'd rather not take the risk, salmon oil is a great alternative. It provides many of the same benefits as coconut oil and is an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids. Other healthy alternatives include hemp oil, flaxseed oil, and olive oil.

What natural skin care remedies can I give my dog? ›

Chamomile, calendula, and green tea have properties that soothe and cool irritated skin and reduce inflammation, making them great additions in a dog bath for itchy skin. These soaks are best for dogs who have hot, itchy patches of skin that are at risk of getting rubbed raw.

What meat is best for dog skin? ›

There are several types of novel proteins that can minimize your dog's sensitive skin issues. These not-so-common novel proteins include rabbit, herring, venison, bison, duck, salmon, kangaroo, and crocodile meat.

What foods help dogs with itchy skin? ›

Trying a novel protein such as fish, pork, lamb, venison, duck or rabbit may do the trick. Dry kibbles designed to relieve skin problems typically have a single meat source, and either a single grain source or a starchy vegetable substitute such as potatoes, sweet potatoes, or legumes.

Can I give my dog Benadryl for itchy skin? ›

Benadryl is commonly used to treat itchiness in dogs caused by skin allergies, and it also reduces many of the other symptoms of allergies, including: AKC is a participant in affiliate advertising programs designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to akc.org.

How do I get my dog to stop itching and crying? ›

Common solutions to itchy skin include:
  1. anti-itch or antihistamine creams.
  2. medication.
  3. a cone or jacket to guard the affected area.
  4. hypoallergenic dog food.
  5. specialized shampoo and cleansing products.
  6. flea, worm and tick prevention.
Jan 25, 2021

What home remedy can I use to stop itching? ›

To help soothe itchy skin, dermatologists recommend the following tips:
  • Apply a cold, wet cloth or ice pack to the skin that itches. ...
  • Take an oatmeal bath. ...
  • Moisturize your skin. ...
  • Apply topical anesthetics that contain pramoxine.
  • Apply cooling agents, such as menthol or calamine.

Can I use Neosporin on my dog? ›

If your pooch got into a scrape, chances are good that you can use a small amount of Neosporin to help prevent infection in the wound. Superficial injuries, such as scrapes, abrasions, and small cuts, may benefit from this trifecta of a topical antibiotic. However, be cautious of usage on the nose.

Can I put Neosporin on my dog's irritated skin? ›

Neosporin is generally safe to use on dogs, but it can make them sick if they ingest too much. You can also try wound care ointments and medicated wipes meant for pets to help prevent infection. If your dog's wound keeps bleeding and is deep enough to need a bandage, it's best to call a vet.

What home remedy can I use for dog scabs? ›

Soften them with water or coconut oil and allow them to flake off on their own time. Give your dog a teaspoon of coconut oil mixed with his food each day to help maintain softer skin from the inside. Watch for swelling around the scabs. If the scabbed areas appear swollen or red, apply a cold compress.

Why does my dog have crusty scabs all over his body? ›

Widespread scabs are often caused by underlying allergies or a dog skin infection. Allergies to fleas, food proteins or environmental allergens (such as pollen) can lead to widespread skin inflammation. When the skin becomes inflamed and damaged, scabs often develop.

What do mites look like on a dog? ›

What do mites look like on a dog's skin? Mites look like small spider-like creatures, with are estimated to only be 1/4 to 1/3 millimeters long. To the naked eye, they may look like tiny black dots on the skin, so you can only really see them under a microscope.

Why is my dog's skin so dry and flaky? ›

There are a number of illnesses that can cause flaky skin in dogs. Hormone problems such as hypothyroidism or Cushing's disease often affect the skin. Auto-immune system diseases such as pemphigus can cause scaly skin, and cancer is also a possible cause.

Can I leave olive oil on my dogs skin? ›

The resounding answer is YES, olive oil offers many benefits for dogs. Similar to us, dogs also suffer from dry, flaky skin. Olive oil contains phytonutrients, vitamin E, and omega-3 fatty acids that help keep your dog's skin moisturized and well-nourished.

What oil can you not use around dogs? ›

Many essential oils, such as eucalyptus oil, tea tree oil, cinnamon, citrus, peppermint, pine, wintergreen, and ylang ylang are straight up toxic to pets. These are toxic whether they are applied to the skin, used in diffusers or licked up in the case of a spill.

Can I put CeraVe healing ointment on my dog? ›

Can Dogs Use CeraVe? While CeraVe products are designed for human use, some pet owners have started using them on their dogs with great success. In fact, some veterinarians recommend using CeraVe products as part of a dog's skincare regimen, particularly for dogs with dry, itchy, or sensitive skin.

Is Vaseline OK to put on a dog's dry nose? ›

You should not use Vaseline on your dog's dry nose because it can be toxic. Although sometimes recommended by veterinarians, petroleum jelly will not heal your dog's poor nose, either.

Can I put aquaphor on my dog? ›

Aquaphor and Vaseline are safe for pets. Aquaphor is a petroleum jelly-like product with extra oomph for superficial stuff like crusty noses, peeling paw pads, and scaly elbows.

Can you use KY jelly on dogs? ›

Things You Will Need to Treat Your Dog's Wounds at Home:

Water-based lubricant, such as KY jelly (not Vaseline)

Can you put moisturizing lotion on a dog? ›

No, you shouldn't slather Fluffy with your favorite moisturizer. Pets tend to lick off whatever is applied to their coat and some human skin lotions contain chemicals that shouldn't be swallowed. Ingestion of moisturizers may cause drooling, vomiting, and diarrhea in pets.

Can you use witch hazel on dog? ›

While witch hazel is safe to use topically on dogs and is not known to interact with other medications, there are some risks pet parents should be aware of, vets advise. Tilford advises against applying witch hazel for dry skin conditions. “It tends to tighten and dehydrate, thus exacerbating such conditions.”

Do I have to rinse coconut oil off my dog? ›

To use coconut oil topically, apply it to the skin about once a week, and let it be absorbed for a few minutes. After five minutes or so, rinse your dog off. If he still feels excessively greasy or oily, you can follow up with a light shampoo and rinse.

Should I put coconut oil on my dog wet or dry? ›

The Spot Treatment Method. Give your dog a quick bath using a soap-free product. This will get the skin and fur clean and wet before applying the coconut oil.

Are eggs good for dogs? ›

Are Eggs Good for Dogs? Eggs are perfectly safe for dogs, Eggs are a great source of nutrition for your canine companion. They are high in protein, fatty acids, vitamins, and fatty acids that help support your dog inside and out.

What soothes dogs itchy skin? ›

Chamomile, calendula, and green tea have properties that soothe and cool irritated skin and reduce inflammation, making them great additions in a dog bath for itchy skin. These soaks are best for dogs who have hot, itchy patches of skin that are at risk of getting rubbed raw.

Is it safe for dogs to use Vaseline? ›

While Vaseline is technically non-toxic for dogs, it does not mean it is 100% safe. If over-ingested (and they will lick) it can cause an upset stomach, which can lead to vomiting or diarrhoea. Vaseline forms a barrier over your dog's skin trapping in toxins, dirt and bacteria.

Can I put olive oil on my dog? ›

The resounding answer is YES, olive oil offers many benefits for dogs. Similar to us, dogs also suffer from dry, flaky skin. Olive oil contains phytonutrients, vitamin E, and omega-3 fatty acids that help keep your dog's skin moisturized and well-nourished.

Can I put petroleum jelly on my dog's skin? ›

Vaseline can be used topically on dogs' noses and paws — But it isn't always the best option. If your dog ingests Vaseline in large quantities, they might develop an upset stomach or have diarrhea — If your dog has ingested a jar of Vaseline, call your vet ASAP.

Can I put CeraVe on my dog? ›

Can Dogs Use CeraVe? While CeraVe products are designed for human use, some pet owners have started using them on their dogs with great success. In fact, some veterinarians recommend using CeraVe products as part of a dog's skincare regimen, particularly for dogs with dry, itchy, or sensitive skin.

Can you use Neosporin on dogs paws? ›

Neosporin is fine to use on your dog for very minor cuts and scrapes — it can help prevent bacterial infections and can keep your dog from scratching, licking, or biting at the wound site while it heals. Make sure he or she doesn't lick off the ointment after you've applied it, and your pup should be fine.

What is the disadvantage of coconut oil for dogs? ›

Coconut oil may cause high cholesterol, hardening of the arteries, and weight gain in some dogs. If your dog is prone to any of these conditions, talk with a veterinarian before use.

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Name: Reed Wilderman

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Introduction: My name is Reed Wilderman, I am a faithful, bright, lucky, adventurous, lively, rich, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.