Best DNS For Gaming Philippines (PS4/PS5/Xbox One/Xbox X) | Weak Wi-Fi Solutions (2025)

We’ve got articles on this site covering the best DNS servers for most of the major English speaking countries, but one country that often gets forgotten about is the Philippines. With a large population of 100 million+ and English very widely spoken, we want to also produce a guide specifically for gamers in the Philippines, on which DNS servers may be the best to use in your country.

The performance of DNS servers depends greatly on location, but we’ll go through all the obvious options of globally available DNS servers gamers can try, plus some more localized options, before moving onto the a clever tool that gamers can use to find their own optimum DNS servers for their exact location at that time.

Here is a summary of the best DNS servers for gamers to try in the Philippines:

  • Google DNS: Primary Secondary
  • Cloudflare: Primary Secondary
  • Quad DNS: Primary Secondary
  • Makati City124.6.188.231
  • Cabangila203.115.130.72
  • Unknown 1 –
  • Unknown 2 –
  • Unknown 3 –

The general process would be to test the speed of your current default DNS servers with your gaming console/PC, and then test these other servers one by one to see if there is any consistent (and not just one time) improvement in speed.

Again, even with these Philippines-specific servers, there won’t be a single answer that works for everyone, since the network is so complex and variable.

Some users may get a benefit by using one of these manual DNS servers; others may get the best performance from their default DNS servers assigned automatically by their ISP.

Let’s look at the issue in more detail, first going through the more obvious global DNS servers that players from around the world can try, and then moving on to the more localized ones in the Philippines.

Testing Global DNS Servers for Gaming

Let’s first cover the most global free DNS servers you can test for gaming. The best bet is Google’s DNS servers (Primary, Secondary, as they have servers all over the world, so they may also work well for some users in the Philippines as they do for other users around the world. There are also some other global DNS server options to try.

We’ll cover the steps to manually change your DNS servers for the PS4 below, but the general process is the same for all game consoles – find your Connection Settings, switch to Manual/Custom Setup, go through all the settings as they are until you get to DNS Settings, then switch to Manual, enter the DNS server pair you want, and finish the setup.

Here are the steps to do this:

  • Go to Settings….Network……Set Up Internet Connection
  • Select Wi-Fi or LAN depending on your connection. Plug into your router and use wired if the wifi doesn’t work.
  • Select Custom setup
  • Run through all the settings as they are, without changing them, until you get to DNS Settings
  • For DNS Settings, switch to Manual
  • Input these Google DNS servers: Primary: Secondary:
  • Once configured test your internet connection a few times (Settings…..Network…..Test Internet Connection) to see if it delivers better download and upload speeds than the ones you were using before. Concentrate especially on Upload speeds if you are getting this problem when using SharePlay.
  • The general process is exactly the same for other games consoles – configure your Internet Connection manually, select Automatic for other settings, switch to manual for DNS Settings, and input the pair you want.
  • You can also use other free DNS servers; here are two common pairs:
      • Cloudflare DNS – Primary Secondary
      • Open DNS – Primary Secondary
      • Advanced option – use the DNS Benchmark Tool Best DNS For Gaming Philippines (PS4/PS5/Xbox One/Xbox X) | Weak Wi-Fi Solutions (1)to find your own optimum pair of DNS servers for your location. Needs to be downloaded and run and a PC. See section below for more.
  • See just below for a video demo of how to do this.

PS5 Video:

Xbox One/X video

Using these well known public DNS servers may or may not deliver better speeds for gamers. For users wanting more choice, then see also these lesser known but still public and free DNS server pairs you can use:

  • Quad 9 DNS – Primary Secondary
  • DNS.Watch – Primary Secondary
  • Free DNS – Primary Secondary
  • Comodo Secure DNS – Primary Secondary
  • Norton DNS – Primary Secondary

Testing Philippines Based DNS Servers For Gaming

Let’s now move on to more localized options of DNS servers actually based in the Philippines that gamers can also try, if they are close to this location.

Unfortunately, the source we normally use for public DNS servers is not that great for the Philippines compared to other countries. There are a few servers with high reliability, but many only have 50% reliability, meaning they aren’t always guaranteed to work.

Therefore, you are probably better off sticking to the more globally recognized DNS servers above, or skipping to the DNS Benchmark section below. However, here are a few local DNS servers if you want to try them:

Servers with 99-100% recorded reliability at the time of writing:

  • Makati City124.6.188.231 (100%)
  • Cabangila203.115.130.72 (99%)

More Philippines DNS servers with 95-98% reliability; exact location unknown:


And then some more servers by location, but reliability is not as high, ranging from 50-90%:

City of Muntinglupa:

  • (84% reliable)
  • (50% reliable)
  • (50% reliable)
  • (50% reliable)
  • (50% reliable)

Quezon City:

  • (60% reliable)

San Carlos:

  • reliable)


  • (72% reliability)


  • (85% reliability)
  • (85% reliability)
  • (76% reliability)
  • (60% reliability)

Cebu City:

  • (72% reliability)

(Sources here and here)

The idea would be to mix and match any of these servers and check results on a speed test. In reality, they are less likely to give you better performance than one of the more globally recognized brands, and especially so given that reliability is rarely 100% with these Philippines based servers. But some gamers might get surprise results if they live near these locations and try them out.

Manually Find Your Own Optimal DNS servers with “DNS Benchmark”

With the reliability of publicly listed DNS servers in the Philippines being so patchy, you are probably best using the DNS Benchmark Tool to find local servers that might work best for you.

This is special software designed to test hundreds of different DNS servers to find the best servers for you in your current location.

Here are the steps to run this test:

  • Download the DNS Benchmark tool, linked above, to a PC/laptop. It’s free.
  • Do NOT run the quick test, as it is biased towards users in the USA. Philippines based users should run the full test, which takes about 30 minutes, but will find more suitable servers.
  • Make sure your network is relatively un-congested and not under heavy use when you run the test.
  • The program will test loads of different servers, finally picking an optimum pair for you for your location.
  • Test these on your games console to see if there is any improvement in speeds.

This is the more customized way to find DNS servers, since the DNS Benchmark Tool will find a totally unique pair of servers for you in your current location, rather than a preset, defined pair like with the above suggestions.

For instance, this test may turn up Google’s Primary DNS as your first, and a completely unknown server as your Secondary, or a mixture of any of the above servers based on your location. Or it may even turn up the default servers assigned by your ISP as the best ones, in which case they’re doing a good job for you.

Does Changing DNS Servers Make a Difference to Online Gaming?

Let’s move on to the often debated question of whether changing DNS servers even makes a difference to games.

This question is not well understood, as people who discuss it often confuse the issues of speed/bandwidth and latency/ping, which are two completely different things that need to be properly distinguished so that DNS settings can be viewed in the proper context.

In simple terms, speed/bandwidth refers to the download/upload speeds you can get from your game console, which has important implications for downloading files and streaming.

To a small extent it can affect gaming, but only to a certain acceptable minimum – you can usually play online quite comfortably even with a download speed of a few Mbps on your Internet service.

Upload speeds are also important if you host a lot of online sessions, upload content to YouTube or other streaming platforms, or use SharePlay or other sharing services heavily.

A good minimum acceptable upload speed for online games is something like 300Kb/sec, which most connections currently have. Session hosts, streamers, and uploaders benefit from more.

Latency/ping, however, is actually the most important metric for gamers, and determines not the amount of data sent, but the speed of sending between devices. This determines whether or not you lag with online gaming – a high ping value in terms of milliseconds means that data is taking a long time to be sent to and from your device, which is when you have ping, with players jumping across the screen.

This is the metric that players need to pay attention to when making settings changes to try to optimize their online experience. Players can have very “fast” internet in terms of their potential package speed, but they can still struggle to properly play online if their ping is high.

So when making changes to DNS settings, it is really the ping that players should pay attention to more than speeds. Does changing DNS settings really influence ping?

We’ve covered this elsewhere in our detailed post on the topic – the short answer is that it doesn’t actually seem to affect ping/lag when rigorously and repeatedly tested.

Here is the quick summary on what DNS settings can and cannot do for gamers:

  • Changing DNS servers can sometimes improve download/upload speeds. Useful for downloaders and streamers, and also if your current tested speeds are way below what your internet package is capable of.
  • There is no evidence that DNS settings changes actually improve latency/ping when properly tested.
  • See our article which covers the topic in detail, plus videos of this actually being tested.
  • See our article for ways that you can improve lag for gaming.
  • When you make any settings changes for gaming, it is important to repeatedly test the changes to make sure they produce a permanent and not a one off improvement in speeds.

Therefore, gamers who are wanting to test different DNS servers should be realistic about what they can get out of these changes. Faster speeds are entirely possible if this is what you need, but latency or ping needs to be addressed separately for online gaming.

Best DNS For Gaming Philippines (PS4/PS5/Xbox One/Xbox X) | Weak Wi-Fi Solutions (2025)


What DNS to use Philippines? ›

Some of the most trustworthy, high-performance DNS public resolvers and their IPv4 DNS addresses include:
  • Cisco OpenDNS: 208.67. 222.222 and 208.67. 220.220;
  • Cloudflare 1.1. 1.1: 1.1. 1.1 and 1.0. 0.1;
  • Google Public DNS: 8.8. 8.8 and 8.8. 4.4; and.
  • Quad9: 9.9. 9.9 and 149.112. 112.112.
23 Sept 2019

What is the fastest DNS server in Philippines 2022? ›

Quick Guide: Best Free and Public DNS Servers in 2022
  1. Google Public DNS.
  2. Cloudflare.
  3. OpenDNS.
  4. CyberGhost.
  5. Quad9.
  6. OpenNIC DNS.
  7. DNS.Watch. ...
  8. Yandex DNS.

What DNS should I use for Xbox One X? ›

While many online guides just recommend a small number of so-called 'Public DNS' servers like Google (8.8. 8.8 or 8.8. 4.4) or Cloudflare (1.1.

Which DNS server is best for PS5? ›

The following are the best DNS servers for PS4 and PS5 in 2022.
  • Google
  • Cloudflare DNS
  • SafeDNS
  • DNS Advantage
  • OpenDNS Home
  • Dyn

Is still the fastest DNS? ›

The independent DNS monitor DNSPerf ranks the fastest DNS service in the world. Since nearly everything you do on the Internet starts with a DNS request, choosing the fastest DNS directory across all your devices will accelerate almost everything you do online.

What is the fastest DNS for gaming? ›

The following are the best and fastest DNS servers for gaming in 2022.
  • Google Public DNS and Secondary DNS
  • Cloudflare
  • OpenDNS
  • Clean browsing
  • Verisign

What is the fastest DNS 2022? ›

19 Best Free & Public DNS Servers List in 2022 [TESTED]
  • Comparison Table of Top Fastest DNS Servers.
  • #1) Google Public DNS.
  • #2) Quad9.
  • #3) OpenDNS Home.
  • #4) Cloudflare DNS.
  • #5) Comodo Secure DNS.
  • #6) CleanBrowsing.
  • #7) Alternate DNS.
7 Aug 2022

Is DNS good for gaming? ›

DNS improves the gaming experience for users via its speed and high-security nature. It improves latency and reduces ping, allowing gamers to enjoy their activities and minimize lag issues. DNS also reduces packet loss, enables wider customizability with websites, and eliminates jitter.

Does changing DNS affect Ping? ›

As such, DNS does not have any influence over the actual connection speed. I think your speedtest results are within a margin of error of each other, the higher ping on the Google DNS test is probably caused by the fact that you ran the test to another server than your other two tests.

What is the fastest DNS server? ›


Cloudflare has focused much more on the fundamentals. These start with performance, and independent testing from sites like DNSPerf shows Cloudflare is the fastest public DNS service around.

How can I boost my Xbox one wifi signal? ›

How to Boost XBOX ONE Internet speed - YouTube

Is Cloudflare DNS good for gaming? ›

Cloudflare is active in 250 cities, which means that wherever you are, you will have a Cloudflare DNS server closeby. Cloudflare DNS's reliability and security make it one of the best DNS servers for gaming. Cloudflare offers high internet speed and uptime.

What is the fastest DNS for PS4? ›

The Best DNS Servers for PS4 and PS5
#DNS ServerPrimary DNS
2Cloudflare DNS1.1.1.1
3DNS Advantage156.154.70.1
4OpenDNS Home208.67.220.220
20 more rows
20 Sept 2022

How can I boost my Wi-Fi signal to my PS5? ›

How to Fix It When Your PS5 Wi-Fi Is Slow
  1. Reboot the console. ...
  2. Restart your modem and router. ...
  3. Move the PS5 and the router closer together. ...
  4. Use Sony's Fix and Connect tool. ...
  5. Change the PS5 DNS settings. ...
  6. Optimize your Wi-Fi setup. ...
  7. Upgrade your internet plan. ...
  8. Use your PS5 when other people aren't using the internet.
18 Feb 2022

Can DNS increase Internet speed? ›

Although DNS is not directly related to your Internet speed, it can influence how fast an individual webpage appears on your computer. Once a connection has been established though, it should not affect download speeds. If you want to amend your router's DNS servers however, this can help improve your overall speed.

Why is 8.8 8.8 a popular DNS server? ›

8.8 is the primary DNS server for Google DNS. Google DNS is a public DNS service that is provided by Google with the aim to make the Internet and the DNS system faster, safer, secure, and more reliable for all Internet users. Google's service, like many of the other global DNS servers is available for anyone to use.

What is the 8.8 4.4 DNS server? ›

8.8. 4.4 is the secondary DNS server for Google Public DNS. Google Public DNS is a global DNS service that is run by Google for the purpose of making the Internet and the DNS system faster, safer, secure, and more reliable for everyone online.

What is the best DNS for no lag? ›

The lower the time, the better – and faster – it is for the user.
  1. Google Public DNS. Google's own DNS product is also free. ...
  2. OpenDNS. Owned by Cisco, OpenDNS has two free options: Family Shield and Home. ...
  3. Quad9. ...
  4. Cloudflare. ...
  5. NextDNS. ...
  6. Comodo Secure DNS. ...
  7. OpenNIC. ...
  8. CleanBrowsing.
7 Jul 2022

Does hide your IP? ›

1.1. 1.1 with Warp is best regarded as a local security tool that could potentially provide a connection speed boost. It's free and unlimited, but it won't conceal your IP address from the sites you connect to. Read our guide to the best VPN services to see how 1.1.

Is Cloudflare DNS the fastest? ›

In terms of speed, Google Public DNS outperforms Cloudflare. This is because of several things, including global coverage, more servers, and a shared cache. Most of the time, DNS lookups create a bottleneck, slowing down your browsing.

What are Xbox DNS settings? ›

Xbox One:
  • From the Xbox One home screen, go to Settings > Network > Advanced settings > DNS settings > Manual. (If Settings doesn't appear on the home screen, select My Games & Apps, then Settings.)
  • From there, enter the Primary DNS as "208.67. 222.222" and the Secondary DNS as "208.67. 220.220"
26 May 2022

What are Google DNS servers? ›

Domain Name Systems (DNS) are like the internet's phone book. They maintain a directory of domain names (like "") and translate them to IP addresses. Google Nest Wifi and Google Wifi both operate as a DNS proxy.

How do I choose a DNS server? ›

  1. Go to the Control Panel.
  2. Click Network and Internet > Network and Sharing Center > Change adapter settings.
  3. Select the connection for which you want to configure Google Public DNS. ...
  4. Select the Networking tab. ...
  5. Click Advanced and select the DNS tab. ...
  6. Click OK.
  7. Select Use the following DNS server addresses.
9 Aug 2022

Does 1.1 1.1 make games faster? ›

Yes CloudFlare with its 1.1. 1.1 is a very good and flexible DNS provider and also optimized for gaming. BTW also CloudFlare is worlds fastest DNS Provider, even if it comes to RAW performance!

Is Cloudflare faster than Google DNS? ›

Google Cloud DNS shares the end-user's data with its partnered advertisers like AdWards and Double Click. Cloudflare is the fastest DNS provider. Google Cloud DNS is slower when compared against the speed of the Cloudflare DNS. Cloudflare is the most popular DNS provider in the world.

How can I improve my gaming latency? ›

Use a wired connection like an Ethernet cable.

A direct connection from your router to your gaming device could provide a more reliable signal for gaming. If multiple people in your home are using the WiFi, you could be experiencing a spotty connection. A wired connection may help increase speed and decrease lag.

What is a good latency for gaming? ›

In gaming, any amounts below a ping of 20 ms are considered exceptional and “low ping,” amounts between 50 ms and 100 ms range from very good to average, while a ping of 150 ms or more is less desirable and deemed “high ping.”

Should I use a custom DNS? ›

Even before you think of changing your ISP (which can be expensive), you should first make use of a custom DNS solution. Changing your DNS server can lead to fast load times. Furthermore, separate DNS servers are likely to have more sites cached than your local ISP which makes for fast web browsing.

What is the fastest DNS in 2022? ›

19 Best Free & Public DNS Servers List in 2022 [TESTED]
  • Comparison Table of Top Fastest DNS Servers.
  • #1) Google Public DNS.
  • #2) Quad9.
  • #3) OpenDNS Home.
  • #4) Cloudflare DNS.
  • #5) Comodo Secure DNS.
  • #6) CleanBrowsing.
  • #7) Alternate DNS.
7 Aug 2022

What is fastest DNS server? ›

Cloudflare built to be the "internet's fastest DNS directory," and will never log your IP address, never sell your data, and never use your data to target ads.

Which is the fastest DNS server 2021? ›

Independent testing shows that 1.1. 1.1 is the fastest public DNS server available at the moment. Along with speed, they promise privacy. According to Cloudflare, it will never write querying IP addresses to disk, and any logs that do get created will be deleted within 24 hours.

What is the best DNS for converge? ›

Additionally, Converge can see every site you visit when you use their DNS servers!
What DNS settings should you use?
  • i. Cloudflare DNS : 1.1. 1.1 , 1.0. 0.1.
  • ii. OpenDNS : 208.67. 222.222 , 208.67. 220.220.
  • iii. Google DNS : 8.8. 8.8 , 8.8. 4.4.
7 Feb 2022

Does changing DNS help gaming? ›

However, DNS may slightly impact the two important factors in gaming: latency and bandwidth. By changing your DNS server to a good one, the benefit is faster internet access — this can slightly affect your gaming experience but is not significant while playing the game.

Why is 8.8 8.8 a popular DNS server? ›

8.8 is the primary DNS server for Google DNS. Google DNS is a public DNS service that is provided by Google with the aim to make the Internet and the DNS system faster, safer, secure, and more reliable for all Internet users. Google's service, like many of the other global DNS servers is available for anyone to use.

Does changing DNS affect Ping? ›

As such, DNS does not have any influence over the actual connection speed. I think your speedtest results are within a margin of error of each other, the higher ping on the Google DNS test is probably caused by the fact that you ran the test to another server than your other two tests.

Is Cloudflare DNS good for gaming? ›

Cloudflare is active in 250 cities, which means that wherever you are, you will have a Cloudflare DNS server closeby. Cloudflare DNS's reliability and security make it one of the best DNS servers for gaming. Cloudflare offers high internet speed and uptime.

Is static IP better for gaming? ›

A static IP is good for gaming because it lets you easily host your own server. However, it doesn't offer better performance than dynamic IPs unless a dynamic IP is shared with other users and it's being heavily used. Static IPs carry more security risks than dynamic IPs.

Is Cloudflare or Google DNS faster? ›

In terms of speed, Google Public DNS outperforms Cloudflare. This is because of several things, including global coverage, more servers, and a shared cache. Most of the time, DNS lookups create a bottleneck, slowing down your browsing.

What is the fastest DNS for PS4? ›

The Best DNS Servers for PS4 and PS5
#DNS ServerPrimary DNS
2Cloudflare DNS1.1.1.1
3DNS Advantage156.154.70.1
4OpenDNS Home208.67.220.220
20 more rows
20 Sept 2022

Does changing DNS server increase speed? ›

Changing DNS servers can speed up the amount of time it takes to resolve a domain name, but it won't speed up your overall internet connection. For example, you won't see an improvement in average download speeds for streaming content or downloading large files.

How do I find the best DNS server? ›

Better still, most DNS speed test tools are completely free and easy to use.
  1. NameBench. NameBench is an open-source portable application (no installation, you can run it from a USB flash drive) that works on Windows, macOS, and Linux distributions. ...
  2. GRC Domain Name Speed Benchmark. ...
  3. DNS Jumper.

Does DNS affect Internet speed? ›

Although DNS is not directly related to your Internet speed, it can influence how fast an individual webpage appears on your computer. Once a connection has been established though, it should not affect download speeds. If you want to amend your router's DNS servers however, this can help improve your overall speed.

What are Google DNS servers? ›

Domain Name Systems (DNS) are like the internet's phone book. They maintain a directory of domain names (like "") and translate them to IP addresses. Google Nest Wifi and Google Wifi both operate as a DNS proxy.

Can I use 8.8 8.8 DNS? ›

8.8. 8.8 is the primary DNS, 8.8. 4.4 is the secondary one. Google DNS service is free to use and can be used by anyone who has access to the Internet.

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