Implementing and Tracking Portent Use (2024)

November 6th, 2022,17:59#11

I wrote an extension for this feature for my group.

* Displays portent rolls and usage indicators on the "Actions" tab of any character having the Portent or Greater Portent feature.
* Automatically rolls and saves the Portent dice for those characters on a long rest (and resets usage indicators)
* Drag any Portent die from the Actions tab onto a target to apply the "PORTENT: xx" effect, where xx is the die roll
* Target's next d20 roll (initiative, save, skill check, ability check, or attack roll) will be replaced by portent die roll and effect expired.
* Provides check box next to each roll so player can keep track of which rolls he's used (does not automatically do this when roll is dropped onto target)
* Handles both Portent and Greater Portent

Rules Notes:
1) As I understand RAW, Portent only substitutes the die roll. So, any modifiers still get applied to it.
2) As I understand RAW, only ONE die roll is substituted. If the target has advantage or disadvantage - the first roll will be replaced with the Portent roll. This may or may not be to your maximum benefit. The wording of Portent isn't totally clear. It could easily be made to replace both, if you want to convince me that that's closer to RAW.

Anyway, I just finished writing it as a Saturday morning project yesterday. My group only plays once a week, so it'll be a few month before I'm comfortable putting it on Forge. But if you want a copy e-mailed to you to help me test it out, please feel free to respond.

November 7th, 2022,19:13#12

If you would like something that is on the forge right now "Requested Rolls" can you get the ability to edit the roll values before the resolution process (where it tells you success or failure). It doesn't have the ability to automatically track your portent values, but it would work for now.

November 7th, 2022,20:10#13

I already do use (and love) requested rolls, but my players don't like when it interrupts the rolling workflow too much. I guess I could have used the "Staged Rolls" feature to only stage rolls for targets having the "Portent" effect applied, similar to what we do for Bardic Inspiration. That'd have probably been enough if I'd thought of it. But I've already got the Portent-specific mod working now and it does everything more cleanly for us (keeps track for rolls and usage) and doesn't interrupt die roll workflow.
Implementing and Tracking Portent Use (2024)


How many times can you use Portent? ›

It's also worth remembering that your Diviner only has a few portents (3 at most) and can only use each once.

How does Portent work? ›

Portent is a Divination School Wizard feature that offers you glimpses into the future. You gain two random Portent Dice that you can use as a Reaction to substitute into Attack Rolls and Saving Throws rolled in range.

What are the rules for Portent in D&D? ›

Portent is the level 2 ability for the divination school of wizards. At the end of each long rest roll 2 d20s and record them. Before the end of your next long rest you may replace any attack roll, saving throw, or ability check from any creature you can see with one of your rolls.

Can you use Portent after a roll? ›

Not really. It's supposed to occur before a roll, but it's fiddly and annoying to prevent another player from rolling so you can declare a 20 portent roll, or to tell a DM that attack they're using is now a nat 1.

How many times can you use Portent 5e? ›

You can only portent a die roll *before* the roll, when the result is not yet known. Once it has been portented, the die is effectively rolled and the result is known, so you can no longer apply another portent to it. The first portent counts, and that's that.

Does Portent override legendary resistance? ›

No. Legendary Resistance means they automatically succeed the saving throw, there is no dice involved. So there's nothing that can be changed with Portent.

How do you use Portent 5e? ›

The wizard has to use their Portent before the dice are rolled the way it's written. That means it can't be used the way the Lucky feat is used where you get to see the result of the die roll first, you have to use Portent instead of rolling the dice. It also overrides disadvantage.

Do modifiers apply to Portent? ›

Including modifiers. You can hover your mouse over her roll to see the actual die rolls. The portent die of 11 is the actual d20. Then you need to add in modifiers on top of that 11.

Do you add ability modifier to Portent? ›

Portent makes you replace only the d20 roll, not the final outcome. The description of ability checks in the rules says (PHB, p. 174): To make an ability check, roll a d20 and add the relevant ability modifier.

What is rule 0 of DND? ›

Known as 'Rule 0', the principle has existed throughout all of D&D's history, with varying wordings in official publication. In short, it states that the DM is the final arbiter of the rules; the world belongs to them and their players, and the rules of the world are created by them.

What is the 60 second rule in D&D? ›

A practice I find makes combat feel fast and intense, the 60 second rule makes it so players (not including the dm) only have 60 seconds to decide and act during their turn. In addition, other players are not allowed to interject. The DM tells a player when their time starts.

What is the golden rule of D&D? ›

The golden rule of D&D is that the word of the DM is the final say on any matter when it comes to rules.

Does Portent replace modifiers? ›

Rules Notes: 1) As I understand RAW, Portent only substitutes the die roll. So, any modifiers still get applied to it.

Does Silvery Barbs work on Portent? ›

Player uses portent a saving throw to pass. Enemy has silvery barbs, can they use it on that same roll to force the player to reroll? My understanding is yes, since you're still making a roll, just using a pre-emptively rolled result.

Can you use Lucky on Portent 5e? ›

Originally Answered: Can a character use a luck point to affect a roll that was replaced by a portent in D&D 5E? Yes. Portent has to be used before a die is rolled, not after.

Can you use Indomitable multiple times? ›

You can use this feature twice between long rests starting at 13th level and three times between long rests starting at 17th level.

Do portents of restoration stack? ›

Restoration portents do not stack nor do they consume adrenaline when used. Only one portent may be used at a time, although there is no limit to how many portents could be carried in inventory.

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