Vampire Facial® vs. Vampire Facelift® What is the difference? How do they work? (2024)

Benefits include:

  • Improve skin tone and texture
  • Stimulate new tissue growth in the face
  • Create youthful volume in the cheeks and combat volume loss
  • Smooth fine lines and wrinkles
  • Improve sun damage
  • Reduce crepey or sagging skin
  • Improve dark circles under the eyes

Vampire Facial vs. Vampire Facelift

We get this question all the time so I wanted to take the time to address the similarities and differences of these two commonly performed procedures.

First, let’s discuss how they are similar: Both procedures use your growth factors to improve the cosmetic appearance of your face. Each person has dozens of different growth factors that are found within their platelets. We can draw your blood and process it so that we have an increased concentration of your platelets (platelet rich plasma) without the other cells which don’t help us. We then trick your platelets to think there has been an injury to your body so that they will release these growth factors. After this is where the Vampire Facial and Facelift differ.

Dr. Gentry creates platelet rich plasma by drawing a small amount of a patient’s blood, and then spinning it in a centrifuge to separate platelets from the other components. This concentrated plasma can then be used in avariety of treatments to encourage healing and stimulate cell growth.

Your blood consists mainly of liquid plasma, with smaller amounts of solid components like red cells, white cells and platelets. (Platelets help to clot blood, and also contain important healing proteins.)

  • The Vampire Facial includes a process called microneedling which creates thousands of tiny channels in your skin to allow your growth factors to reach a deeper layer of your skin where cell growth occurs. This procedure is used to create a smoother texture of the skin, reduce pore size, and reduce any scarring that is present but does not affect volume of the face. Although your blood is drawn, there are no injections with the Vampire Facial.

NOTE: This treatment is ideal for overall skin rejuvenation, including improvement to scarring, fine lines and brown spots. This option is more superficial than the facelift.

  • The Vampire Facelift combines your own growth factors with commonly used hyaluronic acid (HA) dermal fillers such as Juvederm products. First the fillers are injected into your face to provide a scaffolding for the growth factors and improve volume. Then your growth factors are injected at the sites of the filler to help enhance the volume and tone of your face. Additional syringes of filler can be purchased depending on your personal goals.

NOTE: This treatment is ideal for patients hoping to improve volume loss and add youthful height and curves to their cheeks. The filler adds lift and volume, and the platelet rich plasma helps build collagen scaffolding over time to support new volume.

We encourage you to schedule a complimentary consultation so that Dr. Gentry may evaluate your skin and recommend the ideal treatment option.

If you are anything like me, you want to know what to expect. “No surprises!” Well, we are happy to walk you through each process step by step.

Vampire Facial Treatment Process

  1. You complete an initial consultation so that Dr. Gentry can discuss your goals and determine the best treatment options, and what to expect from the PRP facial.
  2. A small amount of blood is drawn from your vein.
  3. That blood is placed in a centrifuge, where it spins so that the platelets are separated from the red blood cells.
  4. The face is topically numbed with an anesthetic cream to help you feel comfortable during application.
  5. Using a microneedling pen, Dr. Gentry creates tiny channels in the skin and activating collagen production.
  6. PRP is applied across the face so that it may enter those channels and be needled back into the skin.
  7. You will experience some redness for 2-3 days following and should be sure to wear sunblock and protect the skin as it heals.
  8. You will begin seeing improvements shortly after the procedure, with the full results taking hold within several months and lasting up to 1-2 years.
  9. Other non-invasive treatments like cosmetic injections help increase the length and intensity of results, with additional PRP facials also intensifying improvements. Talk to Dr. Gentry about the treatment regimen that might be best for you.

Expected Treatment Time within our spa: 90 Minutes

Vampire Facelift Treatment Process

Some treatment steps are similar to the Vampire Facial, but the incorporation of dermal fillers branches the procedure off in a different direction.

  1. After completing your consultation and drawing blood, Dr. Gentry injects dermal fillers to create the desired facial shape.
  2. Then Dr. Gentry injects the prepared platelet rich plasma into specific areas of the face to active stem cells present in the skin. These multipotent stem cells then trigger new tissue growth in the treatment area. This leads to an ongoing boost in volume and skin rejuvenation.
  3. Procedure results continue to take hold for 2-3 months following, and last for 1-2 years depending on your skin, your lifestyle and other anti-aging treatments you may incorporate.

Expected Treatment Time within our spa: 120 Minutes

Common PRP Questions

As promised, we want to answer your PRP questions as well. If we missed a question that you have, please feel free to email us or comment below.

Q. What are platelets?

Platelets are tiny cells in your blood, which are responsible for stopping bleeding by forming blood clots. They help heal blood vessels when damage occurs.

Q. How are platelets harvested for PRP treatments?

Your PRP is derived from your own blood, during your appointment. A small amount of blood is drawn and then spun in a centrifuge. During this process, the platelet rich plasma separates from the red blood cells. This PRP is then applied to your face or other treatment areas to rejuvenate the skin.

Q. What are the benefits of PRP treatments?

There are a variety of benefits exclusive to platelet rich plasma, as it is a unique cosmetic treatment.

  • There is an extremely low risk of side effects, as the PRP is derived from your own blood and is not a foreign entity. The most common effects patients experience are redness and mild swelling for only 12-24 hours after treatment.
  • Treatment is versatile and can stimulate cell growth and rejuvenation in areas across the body.
  • The treatment process is quick and comfortable, with the treatment area being numbed before PRP is injected.
  • PRP triggers the body’s own healing mechanisms, leading to natural-looking results.
  • PRP facials improve a wide variety of cosmetic concerns with just one treatment option.
Q. What conditions can be treated with PRP therapy?

Platelet rich plasma can be used in different ways to achieve your unique cosmetic or therapeutic goals. Dr. Gentry is an expert provider and will discuss your projected outcome prior to beginning treatment.

Some of the most popular treatment goals for PRP therapy include:

  • Improving fine lines and wrinkles
  • Subtly tightening the skin
  • Combating volume loss with increased collagen and elastin production
  • Smoothing crow’s feet
  • Improving dark circles under the eyes, as well as puffiness
  • Treating rosacea
  • Minimizing acne scarring
  • General rejuvenation for more youthful skin
Q. Is PRP therapy painful?

No, treatment is not typically painful. The treatment area is numbed topically before any injections are performed. Most patients experience little to no discomfort during the procedure. You may experience some tenderness after treatment but this will quickly fade.

Q. How long before I see PRP results?

The time until you see your full results will vary from patient to patient, depending on age, skin type, diet and more. Noticeable initial results may take anywhere from 2-12 weeks to appear. Dr. Gentry may recommend several treatment sessions at predetermined intervals to achieve your desired results. Touch-up treatments may also be beneficial.

Q. How long will results last?

Length of results depends on the area treated and on many other factors. Dr. Gentry will discuss specific expectations with you prior to treatment. On average, PRP facial results last up to 18-24 months.

Q. Which PRP treatment is best for my concerns?

Schedule a consultation with Dr. Gentry to learn more about his specific recommendations for your needs. He will be able to answer your questions in detail; examine your skin and help you discover your ideal treatment option.

Q. What is the Vampire Facial and HIV situation I keep hearing about?

Recently, there has been some publicity regarding patients who may have contracted HIV while undergoing treatment at a clinic in New Mexico. We would like to stress that there is no risk of HIV when performing the Vampire Facial correctly. We are the only clinic in all of Fayetteville who is properly trained and authorized to perform the Vampire Facial. You can see a list of approved providers by area at Luly Ruiz, the person operating the VIP Spa in New Mexico was shut down by the New Mexico Department of Health for unsafe practices regarding needles and blood as well as not being properly licensed to operate a medical spa. In addition, she was never trained in the proper procedure for the Vampire Facial. If the practice is properly trained to perform the Vampire Facial and listed on the provider website and is properly licensed to practice medicine in your state, then there is really no risk of transmitting a disease such as HIV, hepatitis B or C.

Vampire Facial® vs. Vampire Facelift® What is the difference? How do they work? (2024)


How does a vampire facelift work? ›

A small amount of blood is taken from your arm, which is the equivalent of about two teaspoons. The blood is then centrifuged to separate the rich plasma from the red and white blood cells. The platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is used to generate new collagen production by spreading it over your face before the treatment.

What is the difference between PRP facial and vampire facial? ›

Instead of application through injections, as in the vampire facelift, we utilize Micro Needling to “stamp” the skin, creating tiny channels along the surface. The PRP is then applied topically to the skin and, through the channels, penetrates deeply into the dermis and epidermis layers of the skin.

How long does it take for a vampire facial to work? ›

Here is your expected timeline for Vampire Facelift results: Almost immediately: The combination of hyaluronic acid fillers and PRP begins to work right away. Most people see a noticeable difference in the tone and texture of their skin. One week: After the first week, the filler settles in and begins to take effect.

How long does it take to see results from vampire facelift? ›

You can see the results of a vampire facial within a few weeks, but the results are more noticeable after 6 months and can last up to 18 months.

What is the difference between a vampire facial and a vampire facelift? ›

The primary differences are that the Vampire Facelift focuses on the use of PRP along with hyaluronic acid fillers to address the more noticeable signs of aging. In contrast, the Vampire Facial is focused on the use of microneedling along with PRP to improve the skin's overall appearance and health.

How often should you get a vampire facelift? ›

Knowing this, most patients receive a Vampire Facial every few weeks for their initial treatments. Maintenance sessions can be scheduled 2 – 4 times per year. In between, you can still get other procedures to make your results even more dramatic.

How long does a vampire facelift last? ›

How Long Will Your Results Last? The effects of your vampire facelift will last for 6-12 months, depending on your age, lifestyle, and the number of fillers used during your treatment. Preventative treatments last longer, so it's never too early to take great care of your skin.

Is the vampire facelift worth it? ›

A vampire facial can be useful for those who have scars, wrinkles or sun damage. By reintroducing PRP back into the skin, cell turnover is encouraged, which leads to an increase of collagen and elastin production. Your skin will look smoother, tighter and fuller.

What's better than a vampire facial? ›

Dermarolling, on the other hand, is a treatment much milder than a vampire facial that can be accomplished at home (sans blood) with a needle-covered roller.

How many treatments do you need for vampire facial? ›

This type of facial is an innovative way to rejuvenate your skin using your own PRP, the plasma in your own blood. Like micro-needling, this type of facial is going to give you the best results when done between 3 to 6 times.

Does vampire facial help under eye wrinkles? ›

PRP facials would be great for the fine lines, crepey skin and wrinkles around your eyes. Your provider can even inject a little on the sides of your eyes to enhance PRP's effects even more. I recommend at least 3 treatments, spaced 1 month apart then 1 treatment quarterly for optimal results.

Does vampire facial help under eyes? ›

Did you know that Platelet-Rich Plasma or PRP under eyes is one of the best treatments around to restore volume loss in this area? Plus, PRP injection under eyes can easily be included with your Vampire Facial treatment. So get set to put your eyes back in the spotlight again with PRP Under Eye Treatment.

How long do you peel after vampire facial? ›

Usually for skin turnover it can take up to 2 weeks. However it does not mean that the whole skin takes that length of time to turnover. Usually we see that our patients can take 5-7 days for skin flaking and peeling. Using emollients and creams help.

What is the most natural looking facelift? ›

The SMAS facelift is targeted towards the correction of the internal structure of the facial skin, thus yielding more natural-looking results as compared to the conventional facelift. The results last longer (as long as ten years or more) than those of the traditional facelift.

What will I look like after a vampire facial? ›

Following the treatment, your skin will tighten and any fine lines or wrinkles will diminish after 1 to 2 weeks. In addition, any acne, scarring, or other skin concerns will be significantly reduced. The benefits last for around three months, as your natural collagen replenishes and produces visible radiant skin.

What do you do after vampire facelift? ›

Use a clean pillow case for 3 nights following your procedure • Clean all your makeup brushes, glasses, or anything that will touch your face • Eat fresh pineapple to optimize healing. Avoid strenuous exercise or sweating for 24 hours due to open pores. Avoid sun exposure for 3 days and if possible 10 days.

What is better microneedling or vampire facial? ›

The short answer to this question is that the Vampire Facial takes the power of Skin Microneedling is about tricking the body into returning to those youthful levels of production without causing any actual injury. to the next level. Skin Microneedling stimulates collagen production and facial rejuvenation.

What are side effects of vampire facelift? ›

The most common side effects include itchy feeling after treatment, swelling, bruising, burning or discoloration. The most problematic side effect is the psychological one. A lot of patients have trouble with the fact that their blood gets injected into their skin. Hence some patients pass out during the treatment.

Does vampire facial include the neck? ›

A vampire facial uses your own blood as the promoter for your healing and restoration. During your vampire facial, your face and neck will be numbed with a topical lidocaine so blood can be drawn from those areas (don't worry, the procedure only requires 30mL of blood — equivalent to just two tablespoons).

Which facelift last the longest? ›

Full Facelift

Larger, behind-the-ears incisions allow for optimal removal of excess skin and fat for more dramatic results. A full facelift provides the longest lasting results, pausing the clock on aging for 20 years or more.

Does vampire facial make you look younger? ›

If you want a younger-looking face but are not ready for extensive facelift surgery, a Vampire Facelift® may be the perfect solution. This treatment is designed to clear away signs of aging and improve skin texture while making you look dramatically younger.

How much does vampire face Lift Cost? ›

A vampire facelift procedure can cost anywhere from $1,000 to $2,500. The actual cost of a Vampire Facelift is dependent upon location, board certified facial plastic surgeon, and length and involvement of the cosmetic procedure.

Is vampire facelift painful? ›

It really hurt, especially around my lips and eyes. The plasma, warm and sticky, is mostly absorbed during the minutes after the needling, and though Karcher said I could rinse it off, for good measure I left it on all day.

How long wear head garment after facelift? ›

Most patients wear their compression garments for about two weeks after their facelift, neck lift, or neck liposuction procedures.

What is the most popular facelift? ›

#1 Facelift/ Rhytidectomy

This particular facial surgery involves a surgeon carefully making an incision around the front of a patient's ear and behind their hairline to remove any excess skin to tighten and smooth the patient's face.

How many times vampire facial? ›

Most patients receive a Vampire Facial every few weeks during their first therapy sessions. Maintenance sessions are done two to four times each year. You may still get other treatments between maintenance sessions to make your results even better.

What is the best facial to reduce wrinkles? ›

Facials: Currently, two of the best facials for anti-aging are platelet rich plasma (PRP) therapy and microneedling. In a microneedling facial, tiny needles penetrate the skin to boost collagen production. The process can be paired with PRP therapy using your own blood — hence its nickname, the “vampire facial.”

Which facial is best for removing wrinkles? ›

The best facials for wrinkles are light therapy, chemical peels, micro-needling, exfoliation, hydration, micro-current facial, hydra facial and derma-planing facial.

What is the most effective treatment for facial wrinkles? ›

The most popular facial aesthetic treatments are a combination of dermal fillers and Botox or Dysport injections. Implementing both of these beneficial treatments will give you your best anti-aging treatments. Many people use Botox and Dysport to reduce forehead and smile lines.

Can I wear makeup after vampire facial? ›

In most cases, patients will need to avoid wearing makeup and other cosmetics for at least 2 – 3 days. Applying makeup too soon can clog pores, prevent the PRP serum from working efficiently, and compromise your overall results.

What should you not do before a vampire facial? ›

Prior to getting your vampire facial treatment, you should avoid blood thinners for at least a few days leading up to your appointment. Over the counter medications like Ibuprofen, aspirin, and Advil should be avoided. This will ensure that the blood used in your facial yields the best results.

Does skin peel after vampire facial? ›

Surprisingly, some clients may notice light shedding or peeling in the days following their treatment. That's just a sign of exfoliation, and it's actually a good sign.

What is the best procedure to make your face look younger? ›

Botox. This is probably the best-known non-surgical procedure to make a face look younger. Botox involves several injections that lower the muscle tension that leads to wrinkles on the face, including around the mouth, nose, in the corner of the eyes.

Is 65 too old for a facelift? ›

American Academy of Dermatology Association: "Cosmetic Procedures: Are They Safe for People 65 and Older?" ‌American Society of Plastic Surgeons: "Study Reports Cosmetic Procedures as Safe for Elderly as Young."

What facial procedure makes you look younger? ›

There are a number of cosmetic procedures that will make you look youthful. Some of them are skin needling, dermal filler, skin boosters, anti-wrinkle injectables, laser facial rejuvenation, led light treatment, double chin reduction injection, and a facelift.

How long does vampire face lift last? ›

How Long Will Your Results Last? The effects of your vampire facelift will last for 6-12 months, depending on your age, lifestyle, and the number of fillers used during your treatment. Preventative treatments last longer, so it's never too early to take great care of your skin.

Do you see results after one vampire facial? ›

Some people see results after just one Vampire Facial, but Ageless Aesthetics may suggest follow-up appointments to achieve the best outcomes. You can expect reduced wrinkles and a more even skin tone as the platelet-rich plasma and new collagen production affects the treatment area.

What does your face look like after a vampire facial? ›

Your skin becomes tighter and firmer, and with new skin cells, you'll begin to look younger than ever. Lines and wrinkles are filled in and gradually fade, color is improved, and your tone and texture are smoothed for a touchably soft complexion.

How long will my face be red after vampire facial? ›

The redness disappears on the day after treatment, but some patients will experience slight swelling and rough texture of the skin. By day 3, the swelling usually passes, but the rough texture may remain for up to a week. The downtime required after this treatment is minimal, if any.

Which type of facelift is best? ›

The deep plane facelift is generally considered the most comprehensive and long lasting type of facelift. This facelift involves the layer of muscles under your facial skin. These muscles are responsible for much of the drooping or sagging you may experience in your face as you age.

How many vampire facial treatments are needed? ›

This type of facial is an innovative way to rejuvenate your skin using your own PRP, the plasma in your own blood. Like micro-needling, this type of facial is going to give you the best results when done between 3 to 6 times.

Which is better microneedling or vampire facial? ›

The short answer to this question is that the Vampire Facial takes the power of Skin Microneedling is about tricking the body into returning to those youthful levels of production without causing any actual injury. to the next level. Skin Microneedling stimulates collagen production and facial rejuvenation.

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Name: Rob Wisoky

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Introduction: My name is Rob Wisoky, I am a smiling, helpful, encouraging, zealous, energetic, faithful, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.